. */ namespace DB\Jig; //! Jig-managed session handler class Session extends Mapper { protected //! Session ID $sid, //! Anti-CSRF token $_csrf, //! User agent $_agent, //! IP, $_ip, //! Suspect callback $onsuspect; /** * Open session * @return TRUE * @param $path string * @param $name string **/ function open($path,$name) { return TRUE; } /** * Close session * @return TRUE **/ function close() { $this->reset(); $this->sid=NULL; return TRUE; } /** * Return session data in serialized format * @return string * @param $id string **/ function read($id) { $this->load(['@session_id=?',$this->sid=$id]); if ($this->dry()) return ''; if ($this->get('ip')!=$this->_ip || $this->get('agent')!=$this->_agent) { $fw=\Base::instance(); if (!isset($this->onsuspect) || $fw->call($this->onsuspect,[$this,$id])===FALSE) { // NB: `session_destroy` can't be called at that stage; // `session_start` not completed $this->destroy($id); $this->close(); unset($fw->{'COOKIE.'.session_name()}); $fw->error(403); } } return $this->get('data'); } /** * Write session data * @return TRUE * @param $id string * @param $data string **/ function write($id,$data) { $this->set('session_id',$id); $this->set('data',$data); $this->set('ip',$this->_ip); $this->set('agent',$this->_agent); $this->set('stamp',time()); $this->save(); return TRUE; } /** * Destroy session * @return TRUE * @param $id string **/ function destroy($id) { $this->erase(['@session_id=?',$id]); return TRUE; } /** * Garbage collector * @return TRUE * @param $max int **/ function cleanup($max) { $this->erase(['@stamp+?sid; } /** * Return anti-CSRF token * @return string **/ function csrf() { return $this->_csrf; } /** * Return IP address * @return string **/ function ip() { return $this->_ip; } /** * Return Unix timestamp * @return string|FALSE **/ function stamp() { if (!$this->sid) session_start(); return $this->dry()?FALSE:$this->get('stamp'); } /** * Return HTTP user agent * @return string|FALSE **/ function agent() { return $this->_agent; } /** * Instantiate class * @param $db \DB\Jig * @param $file string * @param $onsuspect callback * @param $key string **/ function __construct(\DB\Jig $db,$file='sessions',$onsuspect=NULL,$key=NULL) { parent::__construct($db,$file); $this->onsuspect=$onsuspect; session_set_save_handler( [$this,'open'], [$this,'close'], [$this,'read'], [$this,'write'], [$this,'destroy'], [$this,'cleanup'] ); register_shutdown_function('session_commit'); $fw=\Base::instance(); $headers=$fw->HEADERS; $this->_csrf=$fw->hash($fw->SEED. extension_loaded('openssl')? implode(unpack('L',openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(4))): mt_rand() ); if ($key) $fw->$key=$this->_csrf; $this->_agent=isset($headers['User-Agent'])?$headers['User-Agent']:''; $this->_ip=$fw->IP; } }