. */ //! Session-based pseudo-mapper class Basket extends Magic { //@{ Error messages const E_Field='Undefined field %s'; //@} protected //! Session key $key, //! Current item identifier $id, //! Current item contents $item=[]; /** * Return TRUE if field is defined * @return bool * @param $key string **/ function exists($key) { return array_key_exists($key,$this->item); } /** * Assign value to field * @return scalar|FALSE * @param $key string * @param $val scalar **/ function set($key,$val) { return ($key=='_id')?FALSE:($this->item[$key]=$val); } /** * Retrieve value of field * @return scalar|FALSE * @param $key string **/ function &get($key) { if ($key=='_id') return $this->id; if (array_key_exists($key,$this->item)) return $this->item[$key]; user_error(sprintf(self::E_Field,$key),E_USER_ERROR); return FALSE; } /** * Delete field * @return NULL * @param $key string **/ function clear($key) { unset($this->item[$key]); } /** * Return items that match key/value pair; * If no key/value pair specified, return all items * @return array * @param $key string * @param $val mixed **/ function find($key=NULL,$val=NULL) { $out=[]; if (isset($_SESSION[$this->key])) { foreach ($_SESSION[$this->key] as $id=>$item) if (!isset($key) || array_key_exists($key,$item) && $item[$key]==$val || $key=='_id' && $id==$val) { $obj=clone($this); $obj->id=$id; $obj->item=$item; $out[]=$obj; } } return $out; } /** * Return first item that matches key/value pair * @return object|FALSE * @param $key string * @param $val mixed **/ function findone($key,$val) { return ($data=$this->find($key,$val))?$data[0]:FALSE; } /** * Map current item to matching key/value pair * @return array * @param $key string * @param $val mixed **/ function load($key,$val) { if ($found=$this->find($key,$val)) { $this->id=$found[0]->id; return $this->item=$found[0]->item; } $this->reset(); return []; } /** * Return TRUE if current item is empty/undefined * @return bool **/ function dry() { return !$this->item; } /** * Return number of items in basket * @return int **/ function count() { return isset($_SESSION[$this->key])?count($_SESSION[$this->key]):0; } /** * Save current item * @return array **/ function save() { if (!$this->id) $this->id=uniqid(NULL,TRUE); $_SESSION[$this->key][$this->id]=$this->item; return $this->item; } /** * Erase item matching key/value pair * @return bool * @param $key string * @param $val mixed **/ function erase($key,$val) { $found=$this->find($key,$val); if ($found && $id=$found[0]->id) { unset($_SESSION[$this->key][$id]); if ($id==$this->id) $this->reset(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Reset cursor * @return NULL **/ function reset() { $this->id=NULL; $this->item=[]; } /** * Empty basket * @return NULL **/ function drop() { unset($_SESSION[$this->key]); } /** * Hydrate item using hive array variable * @return NULL * @param $var array|string **/ function copyfrom($var) { if (is_string($var)) $var=\Base::instance()->$var; foreach ($var as $key=>$val) $this->set($key,$val); } /** * Populate hive array variable with item contents * @return NULL * @param $key string **/ function copyto($key) { $var=&\Base::instance()->ref($key); foreach ($this->item as $key=>$field) $var[$key]=$field; } /** * Check out basket contents * @return array **/ function checkout() { if (isset($_SESSION[$this->key])) { $out=$_SESSION[$this->key]; unset($_SESSION[$this->key]); return $out; } return []; } /** * Instantiate class * @return void * @param $key string **/ function __construct($key='basket') { $this->key=$key; if (session_status()!=PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) session_start(); Base::instance()->sync('SESSION'); $this->reset(); } }