#pragma once #include #include #include struct BODY; struct VANIM; struct PRIM; struct MESH; struct CAMPOS; struct CAMPATH; struct CAMANGLE; struct SIBLINGS; struct CHILDREN; struct NODE; struct QUAD; typedef struct BODY { VECTOR gForce; VECTOR position; SVECTOR velocity; int mass; int invMass; VECTOR min; VECTOR max; int restitution; } BODY; typedef struct VANIM { int nframes; // number of frames e.g 20 int nvert; // number of vertices e.g 21 int cursor; // anim cursor int lerpCursor; // anim cursor int dir; // playback direction (1 or -1) int interpolate; // use lerp to interpolate keyframes SVECTOR data[]; // vertex pos as SVECTORs e.g 20 * 21 SVECTORS } VANIM; typedef struct PRIM { VECTOR order; int code; // Same as POL3/POL4 codes : Code (F3 = 1, FT3 = 2, G3 = 3, // GT3 = 4) Code (F4 = 5, FT4 = 6, G4 = 7, GT4 = 8) } PRIM; typedef struct MESH { int totalVerts; TMESH * tmesh; PRIM * index; TIM_IMAGE * tim; unsigned long * tim_data; MATRIX mat; VECTOR pos; SVECTOR rot; short isProp; short isRigidBody; short isStaticBody; short isRound; short isPrism; short isAnim; short isActor; short isLevel; short isBG; short isSprite; long p; long OTz; BODY * body; VANIM * anim; struct NODE * node; VECTOR pos2D; } MESH; typedef struct QUAD { VECTOR v0, v1; VECTOR v2, v3; } QUAD; typedef struct CAMPOS { VECTOR pos; SVECTOR rot; } CAMPOS; // Blender cam ~= PSX cam with these settings : // NTSC - 320x240, PAL 320x256, pixel ratio 1:1, // cam focal length : perspective 90° ( 16 mm )) // With a FOV of 1/2, camera focal length is ~= 16 mm / 90° // Lower values mean wider angle typedef struct CAMANGLE { CAMPOS * campos; TIM_IMAGE * BGtim; unsigned long * tim_data; QUAD bw, fw; int index; MESH * objects[]; } CAMANGLE; typedef struct CAMPATH { short len, cursor, pos; VECTOR points[]; } CAMPATH; typedef struct SIBLINGS { int index; struct NODE * list[]; } SIBLINGS ; typedef struct CHILDREN { int index; MESH * list[]; } CHILDREN ; typedef struct NODE { MESH * plane; SIBLINGS * siblings; CHILDREN * objects; CHILDREN * rigidbodies; } NODE; typedef struct LEVEL { CVECTOR * BGc; VECTOR * BKc; MATRIX * cmat; MATRIX * lgtmat; MESH ** meshes; int * meshes_length; MESH * actorPtr; MESH * levelPtr; MESH * propPtr; CAMANGLE * camPtr; CAMPATH * camPath; CAMANGLE ** camAngles; NODE * curNode; } LEVEL;