#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This working version corrected with the help of sickle : # https://discord.com/channels/642647820683444236/663664210525290507/836029253593858060 # Corrected script by Sickle : http://psx.arthus.net/code/rawdog.py # Sickle - 26/04/2021 : # " Ooh, you were like frustratingly close dude! Few tiny issues: # - first of your 3 rolling buffers was bugged (other 2 were spot on) # - waiting too long between commands at points, unirom timed out # - var i was missing the i += chunkSize so we were stuck in a loop there (e.g. tried to send a second chonk) # - exit was gummed up with the main logic being in a while True: " # As suggested: # - Removed while True: loop # - moved rolling buffer loops to WaitForResponse() # - reduced sleeps # - inc var i with chunkSize #TODO # - reduce/remove sleeps # - keep listening! import sys import os import serial import time import calendar import math import signal DEBUG = 1 # Working directory cwd = os.getcwd() levelsFolder = cwd + os.sep + os.sep # Receive commands from PSX # ~ Run = True Listen = 1 uniDebugMode = 0 Command = "" memAddr = "" flagAddr = "" loadFile = "" levelId = "" # One byte uno = int(1).to_bytes(1, byteorder='little', signed=False) data = 0 # ~ dataSize = 0 # Serial connection setup ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0') # Unirom can do 115200 and 510000 ( https://github.com/JonathanDotCel/NOTPSXSerial/blob/bce29e87cb858769fe60eb34d8eb123f9f36c8db/NOTPSXSERIAL.CS#L842 ) ser.baudrate = '115200' # checkSum is the checkSum for the full data checkSum = 0 # If set, it means the data transfer has been initiated Transfer = 0 # Delay between write operations. These seem to be needed for the connection not to hang. sleepTime = 0.08 # Seems like safe minimum def sig_interrupt_handler(signal, frame): global Run Run = False def setDEBG(): global sleepTime, ser, uniDebugMode if DEBUG: print("Sending DEBG command...") ser.write( bytes( 'DEBG' , 'ascii' ) ) time.sleep(sleepTime) # Empty in waiting buffer ser.reset_input_buffer() time.sleep(sleepTime) uniDebugMode = 1 def WaitForResponse( expectedAnswer ): # Get incoming data from the serial port in a rolling buffer # when the content of the buffer corresponds to 'expectedAnswer', returns True global DEBUG responseBuffer = "" success = False while True: if DEBUG > 1: print("Waiting for data in serial input buffer.") # If data in serial's incoming buffer if ser.in_waiting: if DEBUG > 1: print("Brace yourself, data is coming...") # Read 1 byte byteValue = ser.read(1) # Make sure byte value is < 128 so that it can be decoded to ascii if byteValue[0] < 128: responseBuffer += byteValue.decode('ascii') else: responseBuffer += '.' # Always keep response buffer 4 chars long if len( responseBuffer ) > 4: # Remove first char in buffer responseBuffer = responseBuffer[1:] # If response is ERR!, checksum check does not check, so check it again if responseBuffer == "ERR!": if DEBUG > 1: print("Checksum error !") success = False break # When expected response shows up, break from the while loop if responseBuffer == expectedAnswer: success = True break if DEBUG > 1: print( "Got : " + responseBuffer ) responseBuffer = "" return success def CalculateChecksum( inBytes, skipFirstSector = False): returnVal = 0; i = 0 if skipFirstSector: i = 2048 while i < len( inBytes ): returnVal += inBytes[i]; i += 1 return returnVal; def WriteBytes( inData ): if DEBUG: print("Preparing to write bytes...") # The data needs to be split in 2K chunks chunkSize = 2048 # BEGIN WHILE DATA i = 0 while i < len( inData ): # BEGIN WHILE TRUE while True: # BEGIN TRY/EXCEPT try: # Calculate number of 2K chunks we're about to send numChunk = math.ceil( len( inData ) / chunkSize ) # Calculate current chunk currentChunk = math.ceil( (i + 1) / chunkSize) if DEBUG: print( str ( numChunk + 1 - currentChunk ) + " chunks of " + str ( chunkSize) + " bytes to send " ) # Avoid going out of range if ( i + chunkSize ) > len( inData ): chunkSize = len( inData ) - i print("Writing chunk " + str( currentChunk ) + " of " + str( numChunk ) ) # ~ ser.write(inData) chunkChecksum = 0 # Send inData in 2048B chunks for byte in range( chunkSize ): # Send byte if DEBUG > 1: print("Writing " + str( inData[ i + byte ].to_bytes(1, byteorder='little', signed=False) ) + " to serial..." ) ser.write( inData[ i + byte ].to_bytes(1, byteorder='little', signed=False) ) # Calculate chunk checksum chunkChecksum += inData[ i + byte ] time.sleep(sleepTime) if DEBUG: print( "Chunk cheksum : " + str( chunkChecksum ) ) # Wait for output buffer to be empty # REMOVE ? Is this needed ? while ser.out_waiting: print("*") wait += 1 time.sleep(sleepTime) # Wait for unirom to request the checksum if DEBUG > 1: print( "Chunk " + str( currentChunk ) + " waiting for unirom to request checksum (CHEK)..." ) WaitForResponse( "CHEK" ) # Send checksum if DEBUG: print( "Sending checksum to unirom..." ); # ~ chunkChecksum = 170 bytesChunkChecksum = chunkChecksum.to_bytes( 4, byteorder='little', signed = False ) ser.write( bytesChunkChecksum ) # ~ time.sleep( sleepTime ) if DEBUG > 1: print( "Waiting for unirom to request more data (MORE)..." ) # Wait for unirom to request MORE inData ( next chunk ) if not WaitForResponse("MORE"): if DEBUG: print("ERROR ! Retrying...") raise Exception() if DEBUG: print( str( currentChunk ) + " chunk sent with correct checksum.") # Increment i from chunkSize i += chunkSize except Exception: continue # END TRY/EXCEPT break # END WHILE TRUE numChunk = 0 # END WHILE DATA def SendBin( inData, memAddr ): global sleepTime dataSize = len( inData ) if DEBUG: print("Data size : " + str( dataSize ) ) # Prepare unirom for data reception - sent "SBIN" - received : "OKV2" if DEBUG > 1: print("Sending SBIN command...") ser.write( bytes( 'SBIN' , 'ascii' ) ) time.sleep(sleepTime) # We're using unirom in debug mode, which means protocol version 2 is available # Upgrade protocol - sent "UPV2" - received : "OKAY" ser.write( bytes( 'UPV2' , 'ascii' ) ) time.sleep(sleepTime) # Initialisation done, set flag # ~ Init = 1 # From now on, we're using the rolling buffer if DEBUG > 1: print("Waiting for OKAY...") WaitForResponse("OKAY") # Calculate data checkSum checkSum = CalculateChecksum( inData ) if DEBUG : print("Data checkSum : " + str(checkSum) ) # Send memory address to load data to, size of data and checkSum # Unirom expects unsigned longs ( 32bits ), byte endianness little # Convert address from string to integer, then to ulong 32b bytesAddr = int( memAddr, 16 ).to_bytes( 4, byteorder='little', signed=False ) # Write address to serial ser.write( bytesAddr ) time.sleep(sleepTime) # Convert and write int size to serial bytesSize = dataSize.to_bytes( 4, byteorder='little', signed = False ) ser.write( bytesSize ) time.sleep(sleepTime) # Convert and write int chekSum to serial bytesChk = checkSum.to_bytes( 4, byteorder='little', signed = False ) ser.write( bytesChk ) time.sleep(sleepTime) # Send dat data WriteBytes( inData ) def resetListener(): global checkSum, data, Listen, Transfer, dataSize, memAddr, loadFile, flagAddr, levelId memAddr = "" flagAddr = "" loadFile = "" checkSum = 0 data = 0 dataSize = 0 Transfer = 0 levelId = 0 Listen = 1 ser.reset_input_buffer() ser.reset_output_buffer() def main(args): while True: global checkSum, data, Listen, Transfer, dataSize, memAddr, loadFile, flagAddr, levelId # Flush serial buffers to avoid residual data ser.reset_input_buffer() ser.reset_output_buffer() inputBuffer = "" # Listen to incomming connections on serial if Listen: print("Listening for incoming data...") if DEBUG > 1: print("memAddr : " + str(memAddr) + " - loadFile" + loadFile ) while True: # If data on serial, fill buffer while ser.in_waiting: inputBuffer += ser.read().decode('ascii') if inputBuffer: if DEBUG: print( "Incoming data : " + inputBuffer ) # parse command CMD:ARG1:ARG2(:ARGn) argList = [] argList = inputBuffer.split(':') # Send command if argList[0] == "load" and len(argList) == 4: if len(argList[1]) < 8 or len(argList[2]) < 8: if DEBUG: print("Wrong data format, aborting...") break memAddr = argList[1] flagAddr = argList[2] loadFile = argList[3] ser.reset_input_buffer() inputBuffer = "" if DEBUG > 1: print( memAddr + " - " + flagAddr + " - " + loadFile ) Listen = 0 break else: ser.reset_input_buffer() inputBuffer = "" break if memAddr and loadFile: # Remove separator and ';1' at end of the string fileClean = loadFile.split(';')[0][1:] print("Received addresses and filename : " + memAddr + " - " + flagAddr + " - " + fileClean) # TODO : replace with a proper level naming scheme # right now, we're receiving currently loaded file # so we have to switch manually here. binFileName = "" if fileClean == "level0.bin": binFileName = "Overlay.lvl1" levelId = 1 if fileClean == "level1.bin": binFileName = "Overlay.lvl0" levelId = 0 if DEBUG: print( "Load Data to : " + memAddr + "\n" + "Reset flag at: " + flagAddr + "\n" + "File : " + loadFile + "\n" + "Bin : " + binFileName + " - ID : " + str(levelId) ) # Open file as binary if bin filename is defined if binFileName: binFile = open( levelsFolder + binFileName, 'rb' ) data = binFile.read() Transfer = 1 else: print(" No filename provided, doing nothing ") resetListener() # If Init was set, initialize transfer and send data if Transfer: print("Initializing data transfer...") if not uniDebugMode: # Set unirom to debugmode - sent : "DEBG" - received : "DEBGOKAY" setDEBG() # Send level data SendBin( data, memAddr ) # Set level changed flag if DEBUG: print("Sending value " + str( levelId.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little', signed=False) ) + " to " + flagAddr ) time.sleep( sleepTime ) SendBin( levelId.to_bytes(1, byteorder='little', signed=False) , flagAddr) # Reset everything resetListener() print("DONE!") return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.exit(main(sys.argv))