#include "psx.h" void init(DISPENV disp[2], DRAWENV draw[2], short db, MATRIX * cmat, CVECTOR * BGc, VECTOR * BKc) { ResetCallback(); // Init pad //~ PadInit(0); //~ InitPAD(controllers[0].pad, 34, controllers[1].pad, 34); //~ StartPAD(); // Reset the GPU ResetGraph( 0 ); // Initialize and setup the GTE InitGeom(); SetGeomOffset( CENTERX, CENTERY ); // x, y offset SetGeomScreen( FOV ); // Distance between eye and screen - Camera FOV // Set the display and draw environments SetDefDispEnv(&disp[0], 0, 0 , SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); SetDefDispEnv(&disp[1], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[0], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[1], 0, 0, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // If PAL , add 8 pix vertical offset ((256 - 240) /2) if ( VMODE ) { SetVideoMode(MODE_PAL); disp[0].screen.y += 8; disp[1].screen.y += 8; } // Set Draw area color setRGB0(&draw[0], BGc->r, BGc->g, BGc->b); setRGB0(&draw[1], BGc->r, BGc->g, BGc->b); // Set Draw area clear flag draw[0].isbg = 1; draw[1].isbg = 1; // Set the disp and draw env PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); PutDrawEnv(&draw[db]); // Init font system FntLoad(FNT_VRAM_X, FNT_VRAM_Y); FntOpen( FNT_SCR_X, FNT_SCR_Y, FNT_SCR_W, FNT_SCR_H, FNT_SCR_BG, FNT_SCR_MAX_CHAR ); // Lighting setup SetColorMatrix( cmat ); SetBackColor( BKc->vx, BKc->vy, BKc->vz ); SetFarColor( BGc->r, BGc->g, BGc->b ); SetFogNearFar( FOG_NEAR, FOG_FAR, SCREENXRES ); }; void ScrRst(void){ RECT scr; VSync( 0 ); // Wait for current drawing to finish SetDispMask( 0 ); // Set mask to not displayed ResetGraph( 1 ); // Cancel current drawing setRECT(&scr, 0, 0, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); ClearImage(&scr, CLEAR_COLOR_R, CLEAR_COLOR_G, CLEAR_COLOR_B ); DrawSync( 0 ); }; void display(DISPENV * disp, DRAWENV * draw, u_long * otdisc, char * primbuff, char ** nextprim, char * db){ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3526503/how-to-set-pointer-reference-through-a-function DrawSync(0); VSync(VSYNC); // Using VSync 2 insures constant framerate. 0 makes the fr polycount dependant. ResetGraph(1); PutDispEnv(disp); PutDrawEnv(draw); SetDispMask(1); // Main OT DrawOTag(otdisc + OT2LEN - 1); *db = !*db; *nextprim = primbuff; }; void LvlPtrSet(LEVEL * curLevel, LEVEL * level){ curLevel->cmat = level->cmat; curLevel->lgtmat = level->lgtmat; curLevel->meshes = level->meshes; curLevel->meshes_length = level->meshes_length; curLevel->actorPtr = level->actorPtr; curLevel->levelPtr = level->levelPtr; curLevel->propPtr = level->propPtr; curLevel->camPtr = level->camPtr; curLevel->camPath = level->camPath; curLevel->camAngles = level->camAngles; curLevel->curNode = level->curNode; // Blank // Move these to drawPoly() curLevel->meshPlan = level->meshPlan; //~ FntPrint("%x %x", curLevel->meshes, level->meshes); }; int LoadLevelCD(const char*const LevelName, u_long * LoadAddress){ int cdread = 0, cdsync = 1; cdread = CdReadFile( (char *)(LevelName), LoadAddress, 0); cdsync = CdReadSync(0, 0); // return loaded size return cdread; }; void SwitchLevel( LEVEL * curLevel, LEVEL * loadLevel ){ //~ ScrRst(); LvlPtrSet( curLevel, loadLevel); // Reload textures for (int k = 0; k < *curLevel->meshes_length ; k++){ LoadTexture(curLevel->meshes[k]->tim_data, curLevel->meshes[k]->tim); } // BG texture if (curLevel->camPtr->tim_data){ LoadTexture(curLevel->camPtr->tim_data, curLevel->camPtr->BGtim); } }; void LoadTexture(u_long * tim, TIM_IMAGE * tparam){ // This part is from Lameguy64's tutorial series : lameguy64.net/svn/pstutorials/chapter1/3-textures.html login/pw: annoyingmous OpenTIM(tim); // Open the tim binary data, feed it the address of the data in memory ReadTIM(tparam); // This read the header of the TIM data and sets the corresponding members of the TIM_IMAGE structure LoadImage(tparam->prect, tparam->paddr); // Transfer the data from memory to VRAM at position prect.x, prect.y DrawSync(0); // Wait for the drawing to end if (tparam->mode & 0x8){ // check 4th bit // If 4th bit == 1, TIM has a CLUT LoadImage(tparam->crect, tparam->caddr); // Load it to VRAM at position crect.x, crect.y DrawSync(0); // Wait for drawing to end } };