img2tim by Lameguy64 of Meido-Tek Productions This tool converts almost any image file supported by FreeImage into a PlayStation standard TIM texture image file. Made to replace the bmp2tim tool that came with the PsyQ SDK with additional features not present in the original program. The program itself is still a work in progress but its complete enough as a usable tool. Alpha-blending options and better color-index conversion have yet to be implemented. Option Details: -b - Set semi-transparent bit on fully black pixels (ignored when -usealpha is specified). If the semi-transparent bit on fully black pixels (R0 G0 B0) is set, the pixel will be drawn opaque instead of transparent as fully black is treated by the PlayStation as the transparent color by default. -t - Set semi-transparent bit on non fully black pixels. This basically enables the output image to be drawn as semi-transparent since semi-transparency is only applied to pixels with the semi-transparency bit set. If the bit is not set, the pixel is always drawn opaque unless its a fully black pixel. -org < x y > - Specifies the VRAM offset of the image. Keep in mind that the width of the converted tim image may vary from the original image's resolution depending on its color depth. 16-bit has no difference, 8-bit is 1/2 of the original and 4-bit is about 1/4 of the original. No offset checking is done so its recommended to check the resulting tim file with timtool. -plt < x y > - Specifies the VRAM offset of the CLUT. CLUTs are usually 256x1 for 8-bit tims or 16x1 for 4-bit tims. No offset checking is done so its recommended to check the resulting tim file with timtool. -o < outFile > - Sets the name of the output file. -usealpha - Use the alpha channel (if available) as a transparency mask. Most useful when working with png image files that have an alpha channel and tools that utilize it, the alpha channel is used as a transparency mask when converting an image with an alpha channel. -alpt < value > - Specifies the threshold value when using the alpha channel as a transparency mask. If the alpha value of the pixel is less than the threshold (default: 127), the pixel will be converted as transparent (pixel color replaced to fully black) and opaque if above the threshold (pixel color intact). -tindex < col > - Specify color index to be treated as transparent. This option only applies to images that are 4-bit/8-bit palletized. Any pixel that has the same color-index specified will be made transparent. -tcol < r g b > - Specify RGB color value to be transparent. Applies to both non-color index and color index images. Any pixel with a matching color specified will be made transparent (replaced to fully black). -bpp < bpp > - Specify the color depth for the output TIM file. Currently, a simple color-search algorithm is used when converting images from non-indexed color depths (24-bit/16-bit) to 8-bit or 4-bit and will fail if more than 256 colors are found. Supported output color depths: 4, 8, 16, 24