#!/bin/env python # This is adapted from mpdlisten.c : https://gist.github.com/sahib/6718139 # 2024 abelliqueux # # MPD client import musicpd from math import floor from os import environ import signal import sys from time import sleep # Relay import RPi.GPIO as GPIO # OLED SSD1306 from luma.core.interface.serial import i2c from luma.core.render import canvas from luma.oled.device import ssd1306 from PIL import Image, ImageDraw # MPD config off_delay = 3 mpd_host=None mpd_port=None mpd_passwd = None mpd_states = ['play', 'pause', 'stop', 'unknown'] # Relay GPIO setup GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) RELAIS_1_GPIO = 17 GPIO.setup(RELAIS_1_GPIO, GPIO.OUT) # GPIO Assign mode # Buttons GPIO BTNS = { 'BTN_1' : dict(GPIO=7, state=1), 'BTN_2' : dict(GPIO=8, state=1), 'BTN_3' : dict(GPIO=11, state=1), 'BTN_4' : dict(GPIO=25, state=1), 'BTN_5' : dict(GPIO=9, state=1), } for BTN in BTNS: GPIO.setup(BTNS[BTN]['GPIO'], GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # SSD1306 setup - bouding box is (0, 0, 127, 63), 128x64 serial = i2c(port=1, address=0x3C) device = ssd1306(serial) # GUI config - top left is 0,0, bottom right is 127,63 number_of_btns = 5 btn_width = floor((device.width-4) / number_of_btns ) btn_height = 10 menu_line_width = 1 menu_bar_y = device.height - btn_height - menu_line_width - 1 ui_text_x = 4 ui_vol_width = 6 ui_vol_y = 4 ui_vol_x = device.width - ui_vol_width - 8 ui_vol_icon_coords = (ui_vol_x - 10, 4) ui_vol_icon_polygon = [0,3,3,3,8,0,8,8,3,5,0,5] play_icon = [0,0,8,4,0,8] pause_icon = [0,0,3,0,3,8,5,8,5,0,8,0,8,8,0,8] stop_icon = [0,0,8,0,8,8,0,8] next_icon = [0,0,3,3,3,0,8,4,3,8,3,5,0,8] prev_icon = [0,4,3,0,3,3,8,0,8,8,3,5,3,8] menu_icon = [0,0, 5,0, 4,1, 8,4, 6,6, 2,4, 0,6] MODES_ORDER = ['playback', 'browse'] MODES = { 'playback' : dict(BTN_1=dict(FUNCTION='prev', ICON=prev_icon, XY=(((btn_width+1)*0.5), (menu_bar_y + 2)) ), BTN_2=dict(FUNCTION='stop', ICON=[0,0,8,0,8,8,0,8], XY=(((btn_width+1)*1.5), (menu_bar_y + 2))), BTN_3=dict(FUNCTION='toggle', ICON=[0,0,8,4,0,8], XY=(((btn_width+1)*2.5), (menu_bar_y + 2))), BTN_4=dict(FUNCTION='next', ICON=[0,0,3,3,3,0,8,4,3,8,3,5,0,8], XY=(((btn_width+1)*3.5), (menu_bar_y + 2))), BTN_5=dict(FUNCTION='menu', ICON=[0,0, 5,0, 4,2, 8,5, 10,10, 7,7, 2,4, 0,6], XY=(((btn_width+1)*4.5), (menu_bar_y + 2))), ), 'browse' : dict(BTN_1=dict(FUNCTION='none', ICON=[0,0,8,0,8,8,0,8], XY=(((btn_width+1)*0.5), (menu_bar_y + 2)) ), BTN_2=dict(FUNCTION='none', ICON=[0,0,8,0,8,8,0,8], XY=(((btn_width+1)*1.5), (menu_bar_y + 2))), BTN_3=dict(FUNCTION='none', ICON=[0,0,8,0,8,8,0,8], XY=(((btn_width+1)*2.5), (menu_bar_y + 2))), BTN_4=dict(FUNCTION='none', ICON=[0,0,8,0,8,8,0,8], XY=(((btn_width+1)*3.5), (menu_bar_y + 2))), BTN_5=dict(FUNCTION='menu', ICON=[0,0, 5,0, 4,2, 8,5, 10,10, 7,7, 2,4, 0,6], XY=(((btn_width+1)*4.5), (menu_bar_y + 2))), ), } # Becomes true when receiving SIGINT ctrlc_pressed = False mpd_client_status = {'volume': 'N/A', 'repeat': 'N/A', 'random': 'N/A', 'single': 'N/A', 'consume': 'N/A', 'partition': 'N/A', 'playlist': 'N/A', 'playlistlength': 'N/A', 'mixrampdb': 'N/A', 'state': 'N/A', 'song': 'N/A', 'songid': 'N/A', 'time': '0', 'elapsed': '0', 'bitrate': 'N/A', 'duration': '0', 'audio': 'N/A', 'nextsong': 'N/A', 'nextsongid': 'N/A' } mpd_client_currentsong = {'file': 'N/A', 'last-modified': 'N/A', 'format': 'N/A', 'artist': 'N/A', 'albumartist': 'N/A', 'title': 'N/A', 'album': 'N/A', 'track': 'N/A', 'date': 'N/A', 'genre': 'N/A', 'time': 'N/A', 'duration': 'N/A', 'pos': 'N/A', 'id': 'N/A'} # Source host, port from env variables if 'MPD_HOST' in environ: mpd_host = environ['MPD_HOST'] # Extract password if provided if len(mpd_host.split('@')) > 1: mpd_passwd = mpd_host.split('@')[0] mpd_host = mpd_host.split('@')[1] if 'MPD_PORT' in environ: mpd_port = environ['MPD_PORT'] static_ui = None current_mode = "playback" def sectomin(sec:str): minute = 0 minute = floor(float(sec)/60) second = round(float(sec)-minute*60) # Format time as 00:00 return "{:02d}:{:02d}".format(minute, second) def apply_xy_offset(polygon:list, offset:tuple): i=0 while i < len(polygon): polygon[i] += offset[0] polygon[i+1] += offset[1] i+=2 return polygon def offset_polygons(modes:dict): for mode in modes: for btn in modes[mode]: modes[mode][btn]['ICON'] = apply_xy_offset(modes[mode][btn]['ICON'], modes[mode][btn]['XY']) def generate_static_ui(mode:str): # ~ if mode == "playback": im = Image.new(mode='1', size=(device.width, device.height)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) # ~ draw.rectangle(device.bounding_box, outline="white", fill="black") draw.line([(0, menu_bar_y - 2),(device.width, menu_bar_y - 2)], width=menu_line_width, fill="white") i = 1 while i < number_of_btns: draw.line([((btn_width+1)*i, menu_bar_y),((btn_width+1)*i, device.height)], width=menu_line_width, fill="white") i+=1 # Draw icons according to current mode # ~ for mode in MODES: for btn in MODES[current_mode]: draw.polygon(MODES[mode][btn]['ICON'], fill="white") draw.polygon(ui_vol_icon_polygon, fill="white") return im def update_display(device, currentsong, status): # We want to display 4 buttons at the bottom of the screen btn_width = floor((device.width-3) / 4) btn_height = 8 menu_line_width = 1 menu_bar_y = device.height - btn_height - menu_line_width # Draw dynamic UI ui = static_ui.copy() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(ui) draw.text((ui_vol_x, ui_vol_y), status['volume'], fill="white") if current_mode == 'playback': draw.text((ui_text_x, 2), currentsong['artist'], fill="white") draw.text((ui_text_x, 14), currentsong['title'], fill="white") draw.text((ui_text_x, 26), currentsong['album'], fill="white") if 'elapsed' in status: draw.text((ui_text_x, 38), "{}/{}".format(sectomin(status['elapsed']), sectomin(status['duration'])), fill="white") device.contrast(0) device.display(ui) def send_mpd_cmd(client, cmd:str): idle_states = ['stop', 'pause'] if cmd == 'menu': global current_mode current_mode_index = MODES_ORDER.index(current_mode) # Avoid out of range if current_mode_index >= len(MODES_ORDER)-1: current_mode_index = 0 else: current_mode_index += 1 current_mode = MODES_ORDER[current_mode_index] global static_ui static_ui = generate_static_ui(current_mode) if cmd == 'prev': if client.status()['state'] != 'stop': client.previous() elif cmd == 'next': if client.status()['state'] != 'stop': client.next() elif cmd == 'toggle': if client.status()['state'] in idle_states: client.play() else: client.pause() elif cmd == 'stop': client.stop() else: return 0 return 1 def main(args): previous_sond_id = None previous_state = None paused_since_seconds = 0 # MPDclient setup client = musicpd.MPDClient() if mpd_passwd is not None: client.pwd = mpd_passwd if mpd_host is not None: client.host = mpd_host if mpd_port is not None: client.port = mpd_port client.mpd_timeout = 5 try: client.connect() except musicpd.ConnectionError as errorMessage: print(repr(errorMessage)) print("Check host and port are correct.") # ~ print(client.status()) # duration, elapsed, volume, repeat, random, single # ~ print(client.currentsong()) # artist, title, album offset_polygons(MODES) global ui_vol_icon_polygon ui_vol_icon_polygon = apply_xy_offset(ui_vol_icon_polygon, ui_vol_icon_coords) global static_ui static_ui = generate_static_ui(current_mode) while ctrlc_pressed is False: # MPD mpd_status = client.status() if len(mpd_status): mpd_client_status = mpd_status mpd_client_currentsong = client.currentsong() play_state = mpd_client_status['state'] current_song_id = mpd_client_status['songid'] if play_state in mpd_states: if play_state == 'play': paused_since_seconds = 0 if (current_song_id != previous_sond_id) and (previous_state != play_state): print("Play") # Relay on GPIO.output(RELAIS_1_GPIO, GPIO.HIGH) if play_state == 'pause': if paused_since_seconds < off_delay: paused_since_seconds += 0.2 print("Paused for {:.1f}".format(paused_since_seconds)) if (paused_since_seconds >= off_delay) and GPIO.input(RELAIS_1_GPIO): print("Off") # Relay off GPIO.output(RELAIS_1_GPIO, GPIO.LOW) if play_state == 'stop' or play_state == 'unknown': previous_sond_id = None paused_since_seconds = 0 if previous_state != play_state: print("Stopped") # Relay off GPIO.output(RELAIS_1_GPIO, GPIO.LOW) previous_state = play_state sleep(.2) update_display(device, mpd_client_currentsong, mpd_client_status) # Handle buttons for BTN in BTNS: # Avoid double trigger by saving the previous state of the button and commpare it to current state if (GPIO.input(BTNS[BTN]['GPIO']) == 0) and (GPIO.input(BTNS[BTN]['GPIO']) != BTNS[BTN]['state']): send_mpd_cmd(client, MODES[current_mode][BTN]['FUNCTION']) print("{} pressed".format(MODES[current_mode][BTN]['FUNCTION'])) # Save previous state BTNS[BTN]['state'] = GPIO.input(BTNS[BTN]['GPIO']) if (GPIO.input(BTNS[BTN]['GPIO']) == 1) and (GPIO.input(BTNS[BTN]['GPIO']) != BTNS[BTN]['state']): # Save previous state BTNS[BTN]['state'] = GPIO.input(BTNS[BTN]['GPIO']) device.cleanup() client.disconnect() return 0 def signal_handler(sig, frame): global ctrlc_pressed print('You pressed Ctrl+C!') ctrlc_pressed = True # ~ sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))