
334 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-10-29 15:16:29 +02:00
// The nolibgs 2021 demo disc !
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
#include "OVL/common.h"
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
// str playback
#include "src/str.h"
2021-10-26 18:24:12 +02:00
#include "src/mod.h"
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
#include "third_party/nugget/common/syscalls/syscalls.h"
#define printf ramsyscall_printf
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
DISPENV disp[2]; // Double buffered DISPENV and DRAWENV
DRAWENV draw[2];
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
char primbuff[2][32768]; // double primitive buffer of length 32768 * 8 = 262.144 bits / 32,768 Kbytes
u_long ot[2][OTLEN]; // double ordering table of length 8 * 32 = 256 bits / 32 bytes
char *nextpri = primbuff[0]; // pointer to the next primitive in primbuff. Initially, points to the first bit of primbuff[0]
uint8_t db = 1; // index of which buffer is used, values 0, 1
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
// STR playback
2021-10-28 18:28:04 +02:00
STR menu[4] = {
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
{ "\\MENU.STR;1", 256, 240, 30, 0, 0 },
{ "\\MENU.STR;1", 256, 240, 30, 1, 0 },
2021-10-28 18:28:04 +02:00
{ "\\MENU1.STR;1", 256, 240, 30, 0, 0 },
{ "\\MENU1.STR;1", 256, 240, 30, 1, 0 },
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
STR * curStr;
StHEADER * sectorHeader;
uint8_t drawMenu = 0;
u_long * nextFrame = 0;
// Ring buffer frame address
u_long * frameAddr = 0;
2021-10-24 20:32:52 +02:00
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
extern u_long load_all_overlays_here;
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
2021-10-24 20:32:52 +02:00
typedef struct OVERLAY {
char filename[0x7c];
int (*main)();
char commandline[0x180];
char title[0xc];
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
int ovl_main_hello();
int ovl_main_tile();
int ovl_main_poly();
OVERLAY menu_items[] = {
{"\\HELLO.OVL;1", ovl_main_hello, "", "HELLO WORLD!"},
{"\\TILE.OVL;1", ovl_main_tile, "", "HELLO TILE!"},
{"\\POLY.OVL;1", ovl_main_poly, "", "HELLO POLY!"},
2021-10-24 20:32:52 +02:00
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
enum OverlayNumber next_overlay = MOTHERSHIP;
enum OverlayNumber prev_overlay = MOTHERSHIP;
CVECTOR BGcolor = { 24, 108, 76 };
uint8_t loadOVL = 0;
2021-10-24 20:32:52 +02:00
CVECTOR fntColor = { 115, 215, 45 };
CVECTOR fntColorBG = { 0, 0, 0 };
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
void FntColor(CVECTOR fgcol, CVECTOR bgcol );
void init(void);
void display(void);
void drawBG(void);
void checkPad(void);
int loadOverlayAndStart(OVERLAY *);
void EmptyOTag(u_long ot[2][OTLEN], char primbuff[2][32768], char * nextpri );
void (*dispp) (void);
int CDreadOK = 0;
2021-10-24 20:32:52 +02:00
void FntColor(CVECTOR fgcol, CVECTOR bgcol )
// The debug font clut is at tx, ty + 128
// tx = bg color
// tx + 1 = fg color
// We can override the color by drawing a rect at these coordinates
RECT fg = { FONTX+1, FONTY + 128, 1, 1 };
RECT bg = { FONTX, FONTY + 128, 1, 1 };
ClearImage(&fg, fgcol.r, fgcol.g, fgcol.b);
ClearImage(&bg, bgcol.r, bgcol.g, bgcol.b);
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
void init(void)
ResetGraph(0); // Initialize drawing engine with a complete reset (0)
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
SetDefDispEnv(&disp[0], 0, 0 , SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // Set display area for both &disp[0] and &disp[1]
SetDefDispEnv(&disp[1], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // &disp[0] is on top of &disp[1]
SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[0], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // Set draw for both &draw[0] and &draw[1]
SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[1], 0, 0 , SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // &draw[0] is below &draw[1]
// Set video mode
disp[0].disp.y = 8;
disp[1].disp.y = 8;
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
SetDispMask(1); // Display on screen
setRGB0(&draw[0], BGcolor.r, BGcolor.g, BGcolor.b); // set color for first draw area
setRGB0(&draw[1], BGcolor.r, BGcolor.g, BGcolor.b); // set color for second draw area
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
draw[0].isbg = 1; // set mask for draw areas. 1 means repainting the area with the RGB color each frame
draw[1].isbg = 1;
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); // set the disp and draw environnments
2021-10-24 20:32:52 +02:00
FntLoad(FONTX, FONTY); // Load font to vram at 960,0(+128)
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
//~ FntOpen(106, 166, 48, 20, 0, 12 ); // FntOpen(x, y, width, height, black_bg, max. nbr. chars
FntOpen(106, 166, 248, 120, 0, 120 ); // FntOpen(x, y, width, height, black_bg, max. nbr. chars
2021-10-24 20:32:52 +02:00
FntColor(fntColor, fntColorBG);
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
void display(void)
DrawSync(0); // Wait for all drawing to terminate
VSync(0); // Wait for the next vertical blank
PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); // set alternate disp and draw environnments
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
DrawOTag(&ot[db][OTLEN - 1]);
db = !db;
nextpri = primbuff[db]; // flip db value (0 or 1)
void drawBG(void)
POLY_FT4 *poly = {0}; // pointer to a POLY_G4
SVECTOR RotVector = {0, 0, 0}; // Initialize rotation vector {x, y, z}
VECTOR MovVector = {0, 0, CENTERX/2, 0}; // Initialize translation vector {x, y, z, pad}
SVECTOR VertPos[4] = { // Set initial vertices position relative to 0,0 - see here :
{-CENTERX/2, -CENTERY/2, 1 }, // Vert 1
{-CENTERX/2, CENTERY/2, 1 }, // Vert 2
{ CENTERX/2, -CENTERY/2, 1 }, // Vert 3
{ CENTERX/2, CENTERY/2, 1 } // Vert 4
MATRIX PolyMatrix = {0};
long polydepth;
long polyflag;
ClearOTagR(ot[db], OTLEN);
poly = (POLY_FT4 *)nextpri; // Set poly to point to the address of the next primitiv in the buffer
// Set transform matrices for this polygon
RotMatrix(&RotVector, &PolyMatrix); // Apply rotation matrix
TransMatrix(&PolyMatrix, &MovVector); // Apply translation matrix
SetRotMatrix(&PolyMatrix); // Set default rotation matrix
SetTransMatrix(&PolyMatrix); // Set default transformation matrix
setPolyFT4(poly); // Initialize poly as a POLY_F4
poly->tpage = getTPage(2,0,STR_POS_X, STR_POS_Y);
setRGB0(poly, 128, 128, 128); // Set poly color (neutra here)
&VertPos[0], &VertPos[1], &VertPos[2], &VertPos[3],
(long*)&poly->x0, (long*)&poly->x1, (long*)&poly->x2, (long*)&poly->x3,
); // Perform coordinate and perspective transformation for 4 vertices
setUV4(poly, 0, 0,
0, 240,
255, 0,
255, 240); // Set UV coordinates in order Top Left, Bottom Left, Top Right, Bottom Right
addPrim(ot[db], poly); // add poly to the Ordering table
nextpri += sizeof(POLY_FT4); // increment nextpri address with size of a POLY_F4 struct
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
void clearVRAM(void)
RECT vram = {0,0,1024,512};
int loadOverlayAndStart(OVERLAY * overlay)
int CDreadResult = 0;
int next_ovl = -1;
// Load overlay file
CDreadResult = CdReadFile(overlay->filename, &load_all_overlays_here, 0);
CdReadSync(0, 0);
printf( "CD read: %d", CDreadResult);
// If file loaded sucessfully
if (CDreadResult)
//~ StopCallback();
// Execute
next_ovl = overlay->main();
EmptyOTag(&ot[db], &primbuff[db], nextpri);
setRGB(&BGcolor, 0, 150, 255);
return next_ovl;
void EmptyOTag(u_long ot[2][OTLEN], char primbuff[2][32768], char * nextpri )
for (uint16_t p; p < OTLEN; p++)
ot[0][p] = 0;
ot[1][p] = 0;
nextpri = primbuff[!db];
2021-10-26 18:24:12 +02:00
void checkPad(void)
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
u_long pad = 0;
static u_long oldPad;
2021-10-26 18:24:12 +02:00
pad = PadRead(0);
if ( pad & PADLleft && !(oldPad & PADLleft) )
// Channel 1 is transition anim, only take input when !transition
2021-10-28 18:28:04 +02:00
if ( curStr == &menu[IDLE] )
2021-10-26 18:24:12 +02:00
2021-10-28 18:28:04 +02:00
// Switch sound
MOD_PlayNote(23, 12, 15, 63);
switchStr(&curStr, LEFT);
2021-10-26 18:24:12 +02:00
2021-10-28 18:28:04 +02:00
oldPad = pad;
2021-10-26 18:24:12 +02:00
if ( !(pad & PADLleft) && oldPad & PADLleft )
oldPad = pad;
2021-10-28 18:28:04 +02:00
// Right
if ( pad & PADLright && !(oldPad & PADLright) )
// Channel 1 is transition anim, only take input when !transition
if( curStr == &menu[IDLE] )
// Switch sound
MOD_PlayNote(23, 12, 15, 63);
switchStr(&curStr, RIGHT);
oldPad = pad;
if ( !(pad & PADLright) && oldPad & PADLright )
oldPad = pad;
// Cross button
if ( pad & PADRdown && !(oldPad & PADRdown) )
// Select sound
MOD_PlayNote(22, 7, 15, 63);
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
//~ stopSTR();
//~ stopMusic();
//~ drawMenu = 0;
//~ next_overlay = OVERLAY_HELLO;
//~ next_overlay = OVERLAY_HELLO;
//~ prev_overlay = next_overlay;
//~ next_overlay = loadOverlayAndStart(&menu_items[next_overlay]);
2021-10-28 18:28:04 +02:00
oldPad = pad;
if ( !(pad & PADRdown) && oldPad & PADRdown )
oldPad = pad;
2021-10-26 18:24:12 +02:00
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
int main() {
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
int t = 0;
// STR
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
curStr = &(menu[0]);
// Set pointers to the relevant buffer addresses
u_long * curVLCptr = &VlcBuff[0];
u_short * curIMGptr = &ImgBuff[0];
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
// OVL
prev_overlay = next_overlay;
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
// Init CDrom system
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
// Init MDEC and load STR
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
// Set Channel
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
StSetChannel( curStr->channel );
2021-10-28 18:28:04 +02:00
// Mod Playback
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
// Main loop
2021-10-26 18:24:12 +02:00
while (1)
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
//~ // Only display background STR if drawMenu is set
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
if (drawMenu)
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
//~ SetDispMask(1);
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
//~ // While end of str is not reached, play it
if (curStr->endPlayback == 1 && next_overlay == MOTHERSHIP )
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
// Replay STR
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
if ( curStr->endPlayback == 0 )
2021-10-24 19:39:44 +02:00
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
//~ if ( !curStr->channel && drawMenu )
//~ {
//~ // Display title
//~ FntPrint("%s", menu_items[0].title);
//~ // Flickering text
//~ if ( sectorHeader->frameCount > 5 )
//~ {
//~ FntFlush(-1);
//~ } else if ( (sectorHeader->frameCount % 2) && sectorHeader->frameCount < 5 )
//~ {
//~ FntFlush(-1);
//~ }
//~ }
//~ display();
if (t == 100){
drawMenu = 0;
curStr->endPlayback = 1;
next_overlay = OVERLAY_HELLO;
if (next_overlay != -1 && next_overlay != prev_overlay){
prev_overlay = next_overlay;
next_overlay = loadOverlayAndStart(&menu_items[next_overlay]);
t = 0;
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
2021-10-29 18:25:04 +02:00
FntPrint("Mothership: %d\nOvl: %d %d", t, prev_overlay, next_overlay);
2021-10-26 18:24:12 +02:00
2021-10-21 16:35:08 +02:00
return 0;
2021-10-28 18:28:04 +02:00