2021-11-14 18:27:50 +01:00

146 lines
6.6 KiB

#include "../common.h"
#include "cubetex.c"
extern unsigned long _binary_TIM_cubetex_tim_start[];
extern unsigned long _binary_OVL_hello_cubetex_TIM_cubetex_tim_start[];
int ovl_main_cubetex()
useOT = 1;
uint16_t i = 0;
int PadStatus;
int TPressed=0;
int AutoRotate=1;
long t, p, OTz, Flag; // t == vertex count, p == depth cueing interpolation value, OTz == value to create Z-ordered OT, Flag == see LibOver47.pdf, p.143
POLY_GT3 *poly = {0}; // pointer to a POLY_G4
SVECTOR Rotate={ 256, 256, 0, 0 }; // Rotation coordinates
VECTOR Trans={ 0, 0, CENTERX, 0 }; // Translation coordinates
VECTOR Scale={ ONE, ONE, ONE, 0 }; // ONE == 4096
MATRIX Matrix={0}; // Matrix data for the GTE
DR_MODE * dr_mode; // Pointer to dr_mode prim
RECT tws = {0, 0, 32, 32}; // Texture window coordinates : x, y, w, h
LoadTexture(_binary_TIM_cubetex_tim_start, &tim_cube);
LoadTexture(_binary_OVL_hello_cubetex_TIM_cubetex_tim_start, &tim_cube);
int primSet = 0;
// Main loop
while (1) {
// Read pad status
PadStatus = PadRead(0);
if (AutoRotate == 0) {
if (PadStatus & PADL1) Trans.vz -= 4;
if (PadStatus & PADR1) Trans.vz += 4;
if (PadStatus & PADL2) Rotate.vz -= 8;
if (PadStatus & PADR2) Rotate.vz += 8;
if (PadStatus & PADLup) Rotate.vx -= 8;
if (PadStatus & PADLdown) Rotate.vx += 8;
if (PadStatus & PADLleft) Rotate.vy -= 8;
if (PadStatus & PADLright) Rotate.vy += 8;
if (PadStatus & PADRup) Trans.vy -= 2;
if (PadStatus & PADRdown) Trans.vy += 2;
if (PadStatus & PADRleft) Trans.vx -= 2;
if (PadStatus & PADRright) Trans.vx += 2;
if (PadStatus & PADselect) {
Rotate.vx = Rotate.vy = Rotate.vz = 0;
Scale.vx = Scale.vy = Scale.vz = ONE;
Trans.vx = Trans.vy = 0;
Trans.vz = CENTERX;
if (PadStatus & PADstart) {
if (TPressed == 0) {
AutoRotate = (AutoRotate + 1) & 1;
Rotate.vx = Rotate.vy = Rotate.vz = 0;
Scale.vx = Scale.vy = Scale.vz = ONE;
Trans.vx = Trans.vy = 0;
Trans.vz = CENTERX;
TPressed = 1;
} else {
TPressed = 0;
if (AutoRotate) {
Rotate.vy += 8; // Pan
Rotate.vx += 8; // Tilt
// Clear the current OT
ClearOTagR(ot[db], OTLEN);
// Convert and set the matrices
RotMatrix(&Rotate, &Matrix);
TransMatrix(&Matrix, &Trans);
ScaleMatrix(&Matrix, &Scale);
// Render the sample vector model
// modelCubeTex is a TMESH, len member == # vertices, but here it's # of triangle... So, for each tri * 3 vertices ...
//~ if (primSet == 0){
for (int v = 0; v < (modelCubeTex.len*3); v += 3) {
poly = (POLY_GT3 *)nextpri;
// Initialize the primitive and set its color values
((POLY_GT3 *)poly)->tpage = getTPage(tim_cube.mode&0x3, 0,
setRGB0(poly, modelCubeTex.c[v].r , modelCubeTex.c[v].g , modelCubeTex.c[v].b);
setRGB1(poly, modelCubeTex.c[v+2].r, modelCubeTex.c[v+2].g, modelCubeTex.c[v+2].b);
setRGB2(poly, modelCubeTex.c[v+1].r, modelCubeTex.c[v+1].g, modelCubeTex.c[v+1].b);
setUV3(poly, modelCubeTex.u[v].vx, modelCubeTex.u[v].vy,
modelCubeTex.u[v+2].vx, modelCubeTex.u[v+2].vy,
modelCubeTex.u[v+1].vx, modelCubeTex.u[v+1].vy);
// Rotate, translate, and project the vectors and output the results into a primitive
OTz = RotTransPers(&modelCubeTex_mesh[modelCubeTex_index[v]] , (long*)&poly->x0, &p, &Flag);
OTz += RotTransPers(&modelCubeTex_mesh[modelCubeTex_index[v+2]], (long*)&poly->x1, &p, &Flag);
OTz += RotTransPers(&modelCubeTex_mesh[modelCubeTex_index[v+1]], (long*)&poly->x2, &p, &Flag);
// Sort the primitive into the OT
OTz /= 3;
if ((OTz > 0) && (OTz < OTLEN))
AddPrim(&ot[db][OTz-2], poly);
nextpri += sizeof(POLY_GT3);
//~ dr_mode = (DR_MODE *)nextpri;
//~ setDrawMode(dr_mode,1,0, getTPage(tim_cube.mode&0x3, 0,
//~ tim_cube.prect->x,
//~ tim_cube.prect->y), &tws); //set texture window
//~ AddPrim(&ot[db], dr_mode);
//~ nextpri += sizeof(DR_MODE);
//~ primSet = 1;
//~ } else {
//~ nextpri = primbuff[db];
//~ for (int v = 0; v < (modelCubeTex.len*3); v += 3) {
//~ // Rotate, translate, and project the vectors and output the results into a primitive
//~ OTz = RotTransPers(&modelCubeTex_mesh[modelCubeTex_index[v]] , (long*) &((POLY_GT3 * ) (&(primbuff[0][ sizeof(POLY_GT3) * (v/3) ]) ) )->x0, &p, &Flag);
//~ OTz += RotTransPers(&modelCubeTex_mesh[modelCubeTex_index[v+2]], (long*) &((POLY_GT3 * ) (&(primbuff[0][ sizeof(POLY_GT3) * (v/3) ]) ) )->x1, &p, &Flag);
//~ OTz += RotTransPers(&modelCubeTex_mesh[modelCubeTex_index[v+1]], (long*) &((POLY_GT3 * ) (&(primbuff[0][ sizeof(POLY_GT3) * (v/3) ]) ) )->x2, &p, &Flag);
//~ // Sort the primitive into the OT
//~ OTz /= 3;
//~ if ((OTz > 0) && (OTz < OTLEN))
//~ AddPrim(&ot[db][OTz-2], (POLY_GT3 * ) (&(primbuff[0][ sizeof(POLY_GT3) * (v/3) ])) );
//~ }
//~ }
FntPrint(0, "Hello textured cube! %d\n", i);
if (i == timeout){
useOT = 0;
next_overlay = MOTHERSHIP;
return next_overlay;