2021-11-14 18:27:50 +01:00

112 lines
5.3 KiB

#include "../common.h"
#define DBG_FNTX 36
#define DBG_FNTY 168
// Embedded TIMs
extern unsigned long _binary_TIM_TIM16_tim_start[];
extern unsigned long _binary_TIM_TIM8_tim_start[];
extern unsigned long _binary_TIM_TIM4_tim_start[];
extern unsigned long _binary_OVL_hello_sprt_TIM_TIM16_tim_start[];
extern unsigned long _binary_OVL_hello_sprt_TIM_TIM8_tim_start[];
extern unsigned long _binary_OVL_hello_sprt_TIM_TIM4_tim_start[];
int ovl_main_sprt(void)
useOT = 1;
uint16_t i = 0;
SPRT * sprt_16b; // Define 3 pointers to SPRT struct
SPRT * sprt_8b;
SPRT * sprt_4b;
DR_TPAGE * tpage_16b; // Define 3 pointers to DR_TPAGE struct. We need three because our images are on three
DR_TPAGE * tpage_8b; // different texture pages.
DR_TPAGE * tpage_4b;
LoadTexture(_binary_TIM_TIM16_tim_start, &TIM_16); // Load everything to vram
LoadTexture(_binary_TIM_TIM8_tim_start, &TIM_8);
LoadTexture(_binary_TIM_TIM4_tim_start, &TIM_4);
LoadTexture(_binary_OVL_hello_sprt_TIM_TIM16_tim_start, &TIM_16); // Load everything to vram
LoadTexture(_binary_OVL_hello_sprt_TIM_TIM8_tim_start, &TIM_8);
LoadTexture(_binary_OVL_hello_sprt_TIM_TIM4_tim_start, &TIM_4);
while (1)
ClearOTagR(ot[db], OTLEN);
// Loading a 16 bit TIM
sprt_16b = (SPRT *)nextpri; // Cast whats at nexpri as a SPRT named sprt_16b
setSprt(sprt_16b); // Initialize the SPRT struct
setRGB0(sprt_16b, 128, 128, 128); // Set RGB color. 128,128,128 is neutral. You can color the image by adjusting these values
setXY0(sprt_16b, 28, MARGINY); // Set sprite position
setWH(sprt_16b, 64, 128 ); // Set sprite width and height
addPrim(ot[db][OTLEN-2], sprt_16b); // add the sprite primitive to the ordering table
nextpri += sizeof(SPRT); // increment nextpri so that it points just after sprt_16b in the primitive buffer
// Set Texture page for the 16bit tim : 768, 0 - No CLUT
// Note : You need to use setDrawTPage each time you want to use a texture that's on a different texture page
tpage_16b = (DR_TPAGE*)nextpri;
setDrawTPage(tpage_16b, 0, 1, // Set the Texture Page the texture we want resides on.
getTPage(TIM_16.mode&0x3, 0, // Here we are using bitmasking to deduce the picture mode : &0x3
TIM_16.prect->x, TIM_16.prect->y)); // In binary, 3 is 11, so we only keep the first two bits
// Values can be 00 (0), 01 (1), 10(2), respectively, 4bpp, 8bpp, 15bpp, 24bpp. See Fileformat47.pdf, p.180
// Similarly, we could use bitmasking to deduce if there is a CLUT by bitmasking the 4th bit : if(TIM_IMAGE.mode & 0x8) LoadImage... :
addPrim(ot[db][OTLEN-2], tpage_16b); // add the sprite primitive to the ordering table
nextpri += sizeof(DR_TPAGE); // Advance next primitive address
// Loading a 8 bit TIM
sprt_8b = (SPRT *)nextpri;
setRGB0(sprt_8b, 128, 128, 128);
setXY0(sprt_8b, sprt_16b->x0 + sprt_16b->w + 32, MARGINY);
setWH(sprt_8b, 64, 128 );
setClut(sprt_8b, TIM_8.crect->x, TIM_8.crect->y); // Only difference here is we set the CLUT to the position of the VRAM we loaded the palette earlier (see LoadTexture())
addPrim(ot[db][OTLEN-2], sprt_8b);
nextpri += sizeof(SPRT);
// Set Texture page for the 8bit tim : 512, 256 - CLUT is at 0, 480
tpage_8b = (DR_TPAGE*)nextpri;
setDrawTPage(tpage_8b, 0, 1,
getTPage(TIM_8.mode&0x3, 0,
TIM_8.prect->x, TIM_8.prect->y));
addPrim(ot[db][OTLEN-2], tpage_8b);
nextpri += sizeof(DR_TPAGE);
// Loading a 4 bit TIM
sprt_4b = (SPRT *)nextpri;
setRGB0(sprt_4b, 128, 128, 128);
setXY0(sprt_4b, sprt_8b->x0 + sprt_8b->w + 32, MARGINY);
setWH(sprt_4b, 64, 128 );
setClut(sprt_4b, TIM_4.crect->x, TIM_4.crect->y);
addPrim(ot[db][OTLEN-2], sprt_4b);
nextpri += sizeof(SPRT);
// Set Texture page for the 4bit tim : 512, 256 - CLUT is at 0, 480
tpage_4b = (DR_TPAGE*)nextpri;
setDrawTPage(tpage_4b, 0, 1,
getTPage(TIM_4.mode&0x3, 0,
TIM_4.prect->x, TIM_4.prect->y));
addPrim(ot[db][OTLEN-2], tpage_4b);
nextpri += sizeof(DR_TPAGE);
FntPrint(0, "16 Bit! ");
FntPrint(0, "8 Bit! ");
FntPrint(0, "4 Bit!\n\n");
FntPrint(0, "Check VRAM in emu to see the dif");
if (i == timeout){
useOT = 0;
next_overlay = MOTHERSHIP;
return next_overlay;