2021-07-06 13:17:31 +02:00
// Hello free cycles !
// Ref : /psyq/DOCS/Devrefs/Inlinref.pdf, p.18
// /psyq/psx/sample/scea/GTE
// https://psx-spx.consoledev.net/geometrytransformationenginegte/
// PSX / Z+
// screen /
//coordinate +-----X+
//system / |
// eye | Y+
// Credits, thanks : Nicolas Noble, Sickle, Lameguy64 @ psxdev discord : https://discord.com/invite/N2mmwp
// https://discord.com/channels/642647820683444236/663664210525290507/834831466100949002
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <libetc.h>
# include <libgte.h>
# include <libgpu.h>
// OldWorld PsyQ has a inline_c.h file for inline GTE functions. We have to use the one at https://github.com/grumpycoders/pcsx-redux/blob/07f9b02d1dbb68f57a9f5b9773041813c55a4913/src/mips/psyq/include/inline_n.h
// because the real GTE commands are needed in nugget : https://psx-spx.consoledev.net/geometrytransformationenginegte/#gte-coordinate-calculation-commands
# include <inline_n.h>
// RAM -> CPU and CPU -> GTE macros :
# include "CPUMAC.H"
# define VMODE 0 // Video Mode : 0 : NTSC, 1: PAL
# define SCREENXRES 320 // Screen width
# define SCREENYRES 240 + (VMODE << 4) // Screen height : If VMODE is 0 = 240, if VMODE is 1 = 256
# define CENTERX ( SCREENXRES >> 1 ) // Center of screen on x
# define CENTERY ( SCREENYRES >> 1 ) // Center of screen on y
# define MARGINX 0 // margins for text display
# define MARGINY 32
# define FONTSIZE 8 * 7 // Text Field Height
# define OTLEN 10 // Ordering Table Length
DISPENV disp [ 2 ] ; // Double buffered DISPENV and DRAWENV
DRAWENV draw [ 2 ] ;
u_long ot [ 2 ] [ OTLEN ] ; // double ordering table of length 8 * 32 = 256 bits / 32 bytes
char primbuff [ 2 ] [ 32768 ] = { 1 } ; // double primitive buffer of length 32768 * 8 = 262.144 bits / 32,768 Kbytes
char * nextpri = primbuff [ 0 ] ; // pointer to the next primitive in primbuff. Initially, points to the first bit of primbuff[0]
short db = 0 ; // index of which buffer is used, values 0, 1
// DCache setup
# define dc_camdirp ((sshort*) getScratchAddr(0))
# define dc_ip ((uchar*) getScratchAddr(1))
# define dc_opzp ((slong*) getScratchAddr(2))
# define dc_wmatp ((MATRIX*) getScratchAddr(3))
# define dc_cmatp ((MATRIX*) getScratchAddr(9))
# define dc_sxytbl ((DVECTOR*) getScratchAddr(15))
void init ( void )
ResetGraph ( 0 ) ;
// Initialize and setup the GTE
InitGeom ( ) ;
//~ SetGeomOffset(CENTERX,CENTERY);
gte_SetGeomOffset ( CENTERX , CENTERY ) ;
gte_SetGeomScreen ( CENTERX ) ;
// Set display environment
SetDefDispEnv ( & disp [ 0 ] , 0 , 0 , SCREENXRES , SCREENYRES ) ;
SetDefDispEnv ( & disp [ 1 ] , 0 , SCREENYRES , SCREENXRES , SCREENYRES ) ;
// Set draw environment
SetDefDrawEnv ( & draw [ 0 ] , 0 , SCREENYRES , SCREENXRES , SCREENYRES ) ;
SetDefDrawEnv ( & draw [ 1 ] , 0 , 0 , SCREENXRES , SCREENYRES ) ;
// If PAL, use 320x256, hence 256 - 240 = 16 / 2 = 8 px vertical offset
if ( VMODE )
SetVideoMode ( MODE_PAL ) ;
disp [ 0 ] . screen . y + = 8 ;
disp [ 1 ] . screen . y + = 8 ;
SetDispMask ( 1 ) ;
// Set background color
setRGB0 ( & draw [ 0 ] , 50 , 50 , 50 ) ;
setRGB0 ( & draw [ 1 ] , 50 , 50 , 50 ) ;
draw [ 0 ] . isbg = 1 ;
draw [ 1 ] . isbg = 1 ;
PutDispEnv ( & disp [ db ] ) ;
PutDrawEnv ( & draw [ db ] ) ;
FntLoad ( 960 , 0 ) ;
void display ( void )
// Wait for drawing
DrawSync ( 0 ) ;
// Wait for vsync
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VSync ( 1 ) ;
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// Flip DISP and DRAW env
PutDispEnv ( & disp [ db ] ) ;
PutDrawEnv ( & draw [ db ] ) ;
//~ SetDispMask(1);
DrawOTag ( ot [ db ] + OTLEN - 1 ) ;
// Flip db index
db = ! db ;
// Get next primitive in buffer
nextpri = primbuff [ db ] ;
int main ( void )
long p , flag , OTz ;
2021-07-06 15:51:26 +02:00
SVECTOR rotVector = { 0 } ;
SVECTOR rotVector4 = { 0 } ; // Initialize rotation vector {x, y, z} - ALWAYS !
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VECTOR transVector = { 0 , 0 , CENTERX , 0 } ; // Initialize translation vector {x, y, z}
SVECTOR vertPos [ 4 ] = {
{ 0 , - 32 , 0 , 0 } , // Vert 1
{ 32 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , // Vert 2
{ - 32 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ 0 , 32 , 0 , 0 }
} ; // Vert 3
MATRIX workMatrix = { 0 } ;
POLY_F3 * poly = { 0 } ; // pointer to a POLY_F4
POLY_F4 * poly4 = { 0 } ; // pointer to a POLY_F4
init ( ) ;
// Declare registers
register ulong ur0 asm ( " $16 " ) ;
register ulong ur1 asm ( " $17 " ) ;
register ulong ur2 asm ( " $18 " ) ;
register ulong ur3 asm ( " $19 " ) ;
register ulong ur4 asm ( " $20 " ) ;
register ulong ur5 asm ( " $21 " ) ;
while ( 1 )
// Set Ordering table
ClearOTagR ( ot [ db ] , OTLEN ) ;
// Cast next primitives in buffer as a POLY_F3 and a POLY_F4 (see display() )
poly = ( POLY_F3 * ) nextpri ;
nextpri + = sizeof ( POLY_F3 ) ;
poly4 = ( POLY_F4 * ) nextpri ;
// Set matrices - Move to left of screen
// Draw on the left part of the screen
transVector . vx = - CENTERX / 2 ;
// Increment rotation angle on Y axis
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rotVector . vy + = 1 ;
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// Find rotation matrix from vector, store in
RotMatrix_gte ( & rotVector , & workMatrix ) ;
// Ditto for translation
TransMatrix ( & workMatrix , & transVector ) ;
// Set the matrices we just found
gte_SetRotMatrix ( & workMatrix ) ;
gte_SetTransMatrix ( & workMatrix ) ;
// Draw a Tri and a Quad
// Copy Tri vertices from ram to cpu registers casting as ulong so that ur0 (len 32bits) contains vx and vy (2 * 8bits)
// Hence the use of vx, vz members
cpu_ldr ( ur0 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 0 ] . vx ) ; // Put vx, vy value in ur0
cpu_ldr ( ur1 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 0 ] . vz ) ; // Put vz, pad value in ur1
cpu_ldr ( ur2 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 1 ] . vx ) ;
cpu_ldr ( ur3 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 1 ] . vz ) ;
cpu_ldr ( ur4 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 2 ] . vx ) ;
cpu_ldr ( ur5 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 2 ] . vz ) ;
// Load the gte registers from the cpu registers (gte-cpu move 1 cycle) - mtc2 %0, $0;
cpu_gted0 ( ur0 ) ;
cpu_gted1 ( ur1 ) ;
cpu_gted2 ( ur2 ) ;
cpu_gted3 ( ur3 ) ;
cpu_gted4 ( ur4 ) ;
cpu_gted5 ( ur5 ) ;
// Tri RotTransPers3
// The two last cpu->gte copy will happen during the 2 nops in gte_rtpt()
gte_rtpt ( ) ;
// Fill the cpu registers with the Quad vertices
cpu_ldr ( ur0 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 0 ] . vx ) ;
cpu_ldr ( ur1 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 0 ] . vz ) ;
cpu_ldr ( ur2 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 1 ] . vx ) ;
cpu_ldr ( ur3 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 1 ] . vz ) ;
cpu_ldr ( ur4 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 2 ] . vx ) ;
cpu_ldr ( ur5 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 2 ] . vz ) ;
// Get nclip value, and win two cycles
gte_nclip ( ) ;
// Copy Tri 's screen coordinates from gte registers to d-cache.
gte_stsxy3c ( & dc_sxytbl [ 0 ] ) ;
// Set matrices - Move to right of screen
transVector . vx = CENTERX / 2 ;
// Increment rot on X/Y axis
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rotVector4 . vy - = 1 ;
rotVector4 . vx - = 1 ;
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// Set matrices
RotMatrix_gte ( & rotVector4 , & workMatrix ) ;
TransMatrix ( & workMatrix , & transVector ) ;
gte_SetRotMatrix ( & workMatrix ) ;
gte_SetTransMatrix ( & workMatrix ) ;
// Load the gte registers from the cpu registers (gte-cpu move 1 cycle) - mtc2 %0, $0;
cpu_gted0 ( ur0 ) ;
cpu_gted1 ( ur1 ) ;
cpu_gted2 ( ur2 ) ;
cpu_gted3 ( ur3 ) ;
cpu_gted4 ( ur4 ) ;
cpu_gted5 ( ur5 ) ;
// Quad RotTransPers3
// Getting 2 cycles back thanks to nops
gte_rtpt ( ) ;
// gte_nclip() has 2 nops, lets use them to load the remaining vertex data from ram->cpu register
cpu_ldr ( ur0 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 3 ] . vx ) ;
cpu_ldr ( ur1 , ( ulong * ) & vertPos [ 3 ] . vz ) ;
// Calculate nclip (outer product)
gte_nclip ( ) ;
// Copy result to d-cache + 3
gte_stsxy3c ( & dc_sxytbl [ 3 ] ) ;
// Copy from cpu-gte
cpu_gted0 ( ur0 ) ;
cpu_gted1 ( ur1 ) ;
// Quad last vertex RotTransPers
// These two last cpu->gte load are free :p
gte_rtps ( ) ;
gte_nclip ( ) ;
// Copy last vertex value to d-cache
gte_stsxy ( & dc_sxytbl [ 6 ] ) ;
// Get p, flag, OTz
gte_stdp ( & p ) ;
gte_stflg ( & flag ) ;
gte_stszotz ( & OTz ) ;
// That's 10 cycles we won back ?
// Copy vertices data from d-cache to ram
// Tri
* ( unsigned long long * ) & poly - > x0 = * ( unsigned long long * ) & dc_sxytbl [ 0 ] ;
* ( ulong * ) & poly - > x2 = * ( ulong * ) & dc_sxytbl [ 2 ] ;
// Quad
* ( unsigned long long * ) & poly4 - > x0 = * ( unsigned long long * ) & dc_sxytbl [ 3 ] ;
* ( unsigned long long * ) & poly4 - > x2 = * ( unsigned long long * ) & dc_sxytbl [ 5 ] ;
// Initialize polygons
setPolyF3 ( poly ) ;
setRGB0 ( poly , 255 , 0 , 255 ) ;
setPolyF4 ( poly4 ) ;
setRGB0 ( poly4 , 0 , 255 , 255 ) ;
// Add to OT
addPrim ( ot [ db ] , poly ) ;
addPrim ( ot [ db ] , poly4 ) ;
// Display text
FntPrint ( " Hello Free cycles ! \n " ) ;
FntFlush ( - 1 ) ;
display ( ) ;
return 0 ;