// XA multi sample playback example // // Use an interleaved XA file to store multiple sound effects and use pre-calculated offset to play them back. // Use up, down, left, right, triangle, cross, circle, square to play various samples. // If this seems complicated, first study the simple XA playback example : https://github.com/ABelliqueux/nolibgs_hello_worlds/tree/main/hello_xa // // base on `psyq/addons/scee/CD/XAPLAYER` // Refs : http://psx.arthus.net/code/XA/XATUT.pdf // http://psx.arthus.net/code/XA/xatut.zip // http://psx.arthus.net/code/XA/XA%20ADPCM%20documentation.txt // Schnappy 2021 #include #include #include #include #include // CD library #include // SPU library #include #define VMODE 0 // Video Mode : 0 : NTSC, 1: PAL #define SCREENXRES 320 // Screen width #define SCREENYRES 240 + (VMODE << 4) // Screen height : If VMODE is 0 = 240, if VMODE is 1 = 256 #define CENTERX SCREENXRES/2 // Center of screen on x #define CENTERY SCREENYRES/2 // Center of screen on y #define MARGINX 0 // margins for text display #define MARGINY 32 #define FONTSIZE 8 * 16 // Text Field Height DISPENV disp[2]; // Double buffered DISPENV and DRAWENV DRAWENV draw[2]; short db = 0; // index of which buffer is used, values 0, 1 // SPU attributes SpuCommonAttr spuSettings; #define CD_SECTOR_SIZE 2048 // XA // Sector offset for XA data 4: simple speed, 8: double speed #define XA_CHANNELS 8 #define XA_CDSPEED XA_CHANNELS >> 2 // Number of XA samples ( != # of XA files ) #define XA_TRACKS 8 typedef struct XAsound { u_int id; u_int size; // We can find size in sector : size / 2336, start value begins at 23, end value is at start + offset ( (size / 2336)-1 * #channels ) // subsequent start value have an 8 bytes offset (n-1.end + 8) u_char file, channel; u_int start, end; int cursor; } XAsound; typedef struct XAbank { u_int index; int offset; XAsound samples[]; } XAbank; XAbank soundBank = { 8, 0, { // channel 5 // id size file channel start end cursor { 0, 18688, 0, 5, 0, 56, -1 }, { 1, 44384, 0, 5 , 144, 288, -1 }, // channel 6 { 2, 32704, 0, 6 , 0, 104, -1 }, { 3, 56064, 0, 6 , 196, 380, -1 }, { 4, 53728, 0, 6 , 468, 644, -1 }, // channel 7 { 5, 84096, 0, 7 , 0, 260, -1 }, { 6, 16352, 0, 7 , 368, 440, -1 }, // channel 8 { 7, 114464, 0, 8 , 0, 384, -1 } } }; // XA file to load static char * loadXA = "\\INTER8.XA;1"; // File informations : pos, size, name CdlFILE XAPos = {0}; // CD filter CdlFILTER filter; // File position in m/s/f CdlLOC loc; void init(void) { ResetGraph(0); // Initialize drawing engine with a complete reset (0) SetDefDispEnv(&disp[0], 0, 0 , SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // Set display area for both &disp[0] and &disp[1] SetDefDispEnv(&disp[1], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // &disp[0] is on top of &disp[1] SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[0], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // Set draw for both &draw[0] and &draw[1] SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[1], 0, 0 , SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // &draw[0] is below &draw[1] // Set video mode if (VMODE){ SetVideoMode(MODE_PAL);} SetDispMask(1); // Display on screen setRGB0(&draw[0], 50, 50, 50); // set color for first draw area setRGB0(&draw[1], 50, 50, 50); // set color for second draw area draw[0].isbg = 1; // set mask for draw areas. 1 means repainting the area with the RGB color each frame draw[1].isbg = 1; PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); // set the disp and draw environnments PutDrawEnv(&draw[db]); FntLoad(960, 0); // Load font to vram at 960,0(+128) FntOpen(MARGINX, MARGINY, SCREENXRES - MARGINX * 2, FONTSIZE, 0, 512 ); // FntOpen(x, y, width, height, black_bg, max. nbr. chars } void display(void) { DrawSync(0); // Wait for all drawing to terminate VSync(0); // Wait for the next vertical blank PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); // set alternate disp and draw environnments PutDrawEnv(&draw[db]); db = !db; // flip db value (0 or 1) } void spuSetup(SpuCommonAttr * spuSettings) { // Init Spu SpuInit(); // Set master & CD volume to max spuSettings->mask = (SPU_COMMON_MVOLL | SPU_COMMON_MVOLR | SPU_COMMON_CDVOLL | SPU_COMMON_CDVOLR | SPU_COMMON_CDMIX); spuSettings->mvol.left = 0x6000; spuSettings->mvol.right = 0x6000; spuSettings->cd.volume.left = 0x6000; spuSettings->cd.volume.right = 0x6000; // Enable CD input ON spuSettings->cd.mix = SPU_ON; // Apply settings SpuSetCommonAttr(spuSettings); // Set transfer mode SpuSetTransferMode(SPU_TRANSFER_BY_DMA); } void XAsetup() { u_char param[4]; // ORing the parameters we need to set ; drive speed, ADPCM play, Subheader filter, sector size // If using CdlModeSpeed(Double speed), you need to load an XA file that has 8 channels. // In single speed, a 4 channels XA is to be used. param[0] = CdlModeSpeed|CdlModeRT|CdlModeSF|CdlModeSize1; // Issue primitive command to CD-ROM system (Blocking-type) // Set the parameters above CdControlB(CdlSetmode, param, 0); // Pause at current pos CdControlF(CdlPause,0); } int main(void) { // Init display init(); // Set SPU spuSetup(&spuSettings); // Init CD system CdInit(); // Pad PadInit(0); // Load XA file from cd // Find XA file pos CdSearchFile( &XAPos, loadXA); // Set cd head to start of file soundBank.offset = CdPosToInt(&XAPos.pos); // Set cd XA playback parameters and pause cd XAsetup(); // Pad variables to avoid multifire int pad, oldpad; // Keep track of XA Sample currently playing int sample = -1; while (1) // infinite loop { // if sample is set if (sample != -1 ){ // Begin XA file playback... // if sample's cursor is 0 if (soundBank.samples[sample].cursor == 0){ // Convert sector number to CD position in min/second/frame and set CdlLOC accordingly. CdIntToPos( soundBank.samples[sample].start + soundBank.offset , &loc); // Send CDROM read command CdControlF(CdlReadS, (u_char *)&loc); // Set playing flag } // if sample's cursor is close to sample's end position, stop playback if ((soundBank.samples[sample].cursor += XA_CDSPEED) >= soundBank.samples[sample].end - soundBank.samples[sample].start ){ CdControlF(CdlStop,0); soundBank.samples[sample].cursor = -1; sample = -1; } } // Pad // Use up, down, left, right, triangle, cross, circle, square to play various samples // Read pad values pad = PadRead(0); // Left if (pad & PADLleft && !(oldpad & PADLleft)){ // Set sample ID for playback sample = 7; // Change file/channel in the filter struct filter.chan = soundBank.samples[sample].channel; filter.file = soundBank.samples[sample].file; // Set filter CdControlF(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter); // Reset sample's cursor soundBank.samples[sample].cursor = 0; // Store pad value for release oldpad = pad; } if (pad & PADLright && !(oldpad & PADLright)){ sample = 6; filter.chan = soundBank.samples[sample].channel; filter.file = soundBank.samples[sample].file; // Set filter CdControlF(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter); soundBank.samples[sample].cursor = 0; oldpad = pad; } if (pad & PADLup && !(oldpad & PADLup)){ sample = 5; filter.chan = soundBank.samples[sample].channel; filter.file = soundBank.samples[sample].file; // Set filter CdControlF(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter); soundBank.samples[sample].cursor = 0; oldpad = pad; } if (pad & PADLdown && !(oldpad & PADLdown)){ sample = 4; filter.chan = soundBank.samples[sample].channel; filter.file = soundBank.samples[sample].file; // Set filter CdControlF(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter); soundBank.samples[sample].cursor = 0; oldpad = pad; } if (pad & PADRleft && !(oldpad & PADRleft)){ sample = 3; filter.chan = soundBank.samples[sample].channel; filter.file = soundBank.samples[sample].file; // Set filter CdControlF(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter); soundBank.samples[sample].cursor = 0; oldpad = pad; } if (pad & PADRright && !(oldpad & PADRright)){ sample = 2; filter.chan = soundBank.samples[sample].channel; filter.file = soundBank.samples[sample].file; // Set filter CdControlF(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter); soundBank.samples[sample].cursor = 0; oldpad = pad; } if (pad & PADRup && !(oldpad & PADRup)){ sample = 1; filter.chan = soundBank.samples[sample].channel; filter.file = soundBank.samples[sample].file; // Set filter CdControlF(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter); soundBank.samples[sample].cursor = 0; oldpad = pad; } if (pad & PADRdown && !(oldpad & PADRdown)){ sample = 0; filter.chan = soundBank.samples[sample].channel; filter.file = soundBank.samples[sample].file; // Set filter CdControlF(CdlSetfilter, (u_char *)&filter); soundBank.samples[sample].cursor = 0; oldpad = pad; } // Reset oldpad if (!(pad & PADRdown) || !(pad & PADRup) || !(pad & PADRleft) || !(pad & PADRright) || !(pad & PADLdown) || !(pad & PADLup) || !(pad & PADLleft) || !(pad & PADLright) ){oldpad = pad;} FntPrint("Hello multi XA ! %d\n", VSync(-1)); FntPrint("Use the pad to play various samples.\n"); for (int i=0;i"); } FntPrint("%d: %d %d\n", i, soundBank.samples[i].start, soundBank.samples[i].end); } FntPrint("Cursor: %d\n", soundBank.samples[sample].cursor ); FntPrint("File offset: %d\n", soundBank.offset ); FntFlush(-1); // Draw print stream display(); // Execute display() } return 0; }