// Having fun with polygons, matrices and vectors // Credits : Schnappy //With great help from Jaby smoll Seamonstah, Nicolas Noble, NDR008, paul, sickle on https://discord.com/invite/Zd82yXvs // 11/2020 #include #include #include #include #include #include #define VMODE 0 // Video Mode : 0 : NTSC, 1: PAL #define SPIN 16 // Rotation speed increment #define SCREENXRES 320 #define SCREENYRES 240 #define CENTERX SCREENXRES/2 #define CENTERY SCREENYRES/2 #define MARGINX 10 // margins for text display #define MARGINY 4 #define FONTSIZE 8 * 7 // Text Field Height #define OTLEN 16 // Ordering Table Length DISPENV disp[2]; // Double buffered DISPENV and DRAWENV DRAWENV draw[2]; u_long ot[2][OTLEN]; // double ordering table of length 8 * 32 = 256 bits / 32 bytes char primbuff[2][32768]; // double primitive buffer of length 32768 * 8 = 262.144 bits / 32,768 Kbytes char *nextpri = primbuff[0]; // pointer to the next primitive in primbuff. Initially, points to the first bit of primbuff[0] short db = 0; // index of which buffer is used, values 0, 1 CVECTOR BgColor[3] = {20, 20, 20}; struct polygon { POLY_F4 * poly_f4; CVECTOR color; short width; short height; //~ VECTOR PosV_L; // Not used anymore SVECTOR RotV_L; VECTOR TransV_L; VECTOR ScaleV_L; SVECTOR PivotV_L; SVECTOR Verts[4]; MATRIX Matrix; long depth; long flag; short rotSpeed; int otz; }; void init(void) { ResetGraph(0); // Initialize and setup the GTE : Not needed ? InitGeom(); SetGeomOffset(CENTERX,CENTERY); SetGeomScreen(CENTERX); PadInit(0); SetDefDispEnv(&disp[0], 0, 0, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); SetDefDispEnv(&disp[1], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[0], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[1], 0, 0, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); if (VMODE) { SetVideoMode(MODE_PAL); disp[0].screen.y += 8; disp[1].screen.y += 8; } SetDispMask(1); // Display on screen setRGB0(&draw[0], BgColor->r, BgColor->g, BgColor->b); setRGB0(&draw[1], BgColor->r, BgColor->g, BgColor->b); draw[0].isbg = 1; draw[1].isbg = 1; PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); PutDrawEnv(&draw[db]); FntLoad(960, 0); FntOpen(MARGINX, SCREENYRES - MARGINY - FONTSIZE, SCREENXRES - MARGINX * 2, FONTSIZE, 0, 280 ); } void display(void) { DrawSync(0); VSync(0); PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); PutDrawEnv(&draw[db]); DrawOTag(&ot[db][OTLEN - 1]); db = !db; nextpri = primbuff[db]; } void pivotPoint(SVECTOR VertPos[3],short width,short height, SVECTOR pivot){ // Not very efficient I think VertPos[0].vx = -pivot.vx; VertPos[0].vy = -pivot.vy; VertPos[0].vz = 1; VertPos[1].vx = width - pivot.vx; VertPos[1].vy = -pivot.vy; VertPos[1].vz = 1; VertPos[2].vx = -pivot.vx; VertPos[2].vy = height-pivot.vy; VertPos[2].vz = 1; VertPos[3].vx = width - pivot.vx; VertPos[3].vy = height - pivot.vy; VertPos[3].vz = 1; } MATRIX identity(int num) { int row, col; MATRIX matrix; for (row = 0; row < num; row++) { for (col = 0; col < num; col++) { if (row == col) matrix.m[row][col] = 4096; else matrix.m[row][col] = 0; } } return matrix; } int main(void) { MATRIX IDMATRIX = identity(3); u_short BtnTimer = 0; // Timer to limit pad input rate u_short polyCount = 1; // current polygon index int otz; // z-index struct polygon *CurrentPoly; // points to the address of selected polygon // White cursor : shows which polygon is selected struct polygon cursorS = { cursorS.poly_f4, {255, 255, 255}, // color 30, 30, // width, height {0,0,0}, // RotV_L {0,0,0, 0}, // TransV_L {4096,4096,4096}, // ScaleV_L {1,1,1}, // PivotV { // Verts[4] {-1, -1, 1}, { 1, -1, 1}, {-1, 1, 1}, { 1, 1, 1} }, IDMATRIX // Matrix }; //Red struct polygon polyS = { polyS.poly_f4, {255, 0, 0}, // color 30, 30, // width, height {0,0,0}, // RotV_L {-48, -30, 0, 0}, // TransV_L {4096,4096,4096}, // ScaleV_L {15,15,1}, // PivotV { // Verts[4] {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0} }, IDMATRIX, // Matrix 0,0, // depth, flag 8, // rotSpeed 1 // z-index }; //Yellow struct polygon poly1S = { poly1S.poly_f4, {255, 187, 0}, // color 28, 28, // width, height {0,0,0}, // RotV_L {-20, 10, 0, 0}, // TransV_L {4096,4096,4096}, // ScaleV_L {4,4,1}, // PivotV { // Verts[4] {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0} }, IDMATRIX, // Matrix 0,0, // depth, flag -12, // rotSpeed 2 // z-index }; //Green struct polygon poly2S = { poly2S.poly_f4, {0, 255, 153}, // color 24, 24, // width, height {0,0,0}, // RotV_L {36, -10, 0, 0}, // TransV_L {4096,4096,4096}, // ScaleV_L {12,12,1}, // PivotV { // Verts[4] {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0} }, IDMATRIX, // Matrix 0,0, // depth, flag -6, // rotSpeed 3 // z-index }; //Blue struct polygon poly3S = { poly3S.poly_f4, {112, 254, 254}, // color 26, 26, // width, height {0,0,0}, // RotV_L {20, 20, 0, 0}, // TransV_L {4096,4096,4096}, // ScaleV_L {13,13,1}, // PivotV { // Verts[4] {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0} }, IDMATRIX, // Matrix 0,0, //depth, flag 256, //rotSpeed 4 // z-index }; ///// CurrentPoly = &polyS; pivotPoint(polyS.Verts, polyS.width, polyS.height, polyS.PivotV_L); pivotPoint(poly1S.Verts, poly1S.width, poly1S.height, poly1S.PivotV_L); pivotPoint(poly2S.Verts, poly2S.width, poly2S.height, poly2S.PivotV_L); pivotPoint(poly3S.Verts, poly3S.width, poly3S.height, poly3S.PivotV_L); init(); while (1) { ClearOTagR(ot[db], OTLEN); cursorS.poly_f4 = (POLY_F4 *)nextpri; RotMatrix(&cursorS.RotV_L , &cursorS.Matrix); TransMatrix(&cursorS.Matrix, &CurrentPoly->TransV_L); SetRotMatrix(&cursorS.Matrix); SetTransMatrix(&cursorS.Matrix); setPolyF4(cursorS.poly_f4); setRGB0(cursorS.poly_f4,cursorS.color.r,cursorS.color.g,cursorS.color.b); //~ setXY4(cursorS, MovVector.vx-1, MovVector.vy-1 ,MovVector.vx + 1, MovVector.vy -1,MovVector.vx-1, MovVector.vy+1,MovVector.vx+1, MovVector.vy+1); RotTransPers4( &cursorS.Verts[0], &cursorS.Verts[1], &cursorS.Verts[2], &cursorS.Verts[3], (long*)&cursorS.poly_f4->x0, (long*)&cursorS.poly_f4->x1, (long*)&cursorS.poly_f4->x2, (long*)&cursorS.poly_f4->x3, &cursorS.depth, &cursorS.flag ); addPrim(ot[db], cursorS.poly_f4); nextpri += sizeof(POLY_F4); ///// Red polyS.poly_f4 = (POLY_F4 *)nextpri; polyS.RotV_L.vz += polyS.rotSpeed; RotMatrix(&polyS.RotV_L, &polyS.Matrix); TransMatrix(&polyS.Matrix, &polyS.TransV_L); ScaleMatrix(&polyS.Matrix, &polyS.ScaleV_L); SetRotMatrix(&polyS.Matrix); SetTransMatrix(&polyS.Matrix); setPolyF4(polyS.poly_f4); setRGB0(polyS.poly_f4, polyS.color.r,polyS.color.g,polyS.color.b); RotTransPers4( &polyS.Verts[0], &polyS.Verts[1], &polyS.Verts[2], &polyS.Verts[3], (long*)&polyS.poly_f4->x0, (long*)&polyS.poly_f4->x1, (long*)&polyS.poly_f4->x2, (long*)&polyS.poly_f4->x3, &polyS.depth, &polyS.flag ); addPrim(ot[db]+polyS.otz, polyS.poly_f4); nextpri += sizeof(POLY_F4); ///// Yellow poly1S.poly_f4 = (POLY_F4 *)nextpri; poly1S.RotV_L.vz += poly1S.rotSpeed; RotMatrix(&poly1S.RotV_L, &poly1S.Matrix); TransMatrix(&poly1S.Matrix, &poly1S.TransV_L); ScaleMatrix(&poly1S.Matrix, &poly1S.ScaleV_L); SetRotMatrix(&poly1S.Matrix); SetTransMatrix(&poly1S.Matrix); setPolyF4(poly1S.poly_f4); setRGB0(poly1S.poly_f4, poly1S.color.r,poly1S.color.g,poly1S.color.b); RotTransPers4( &poly1S.Verts[0], &poly1S.Verts[1], &poly1S.Verts[2], &poly1S.Verts[3], (long*)&poly1S.poly_f4->x0, (long*)&poly1S.poly_f4->x1, (long*)&poly1S.poly_f4->x2, (long*)&poly1S.poly_f4->x3, &poly1S.depth, &poly1S.flag ); addPrim(ot[db]+poly1S.otz, poly1S.poly_f4); nextpri += sizeof(POLY_F4); ///// Green poly2S.poly_f4 = (POLY_F4 *)nextpri; poly2S.RotV_L.vz += poly2S.rotSpeed; RotMatrix(&poly2S.RotV_L, &poly2S.Matrix); TransMatrix(&poly2S.Matrix, &poly2S.TransV_L); ScaleMatrix(&poly2S.Matrix, &poly2S.ScaleV_L); SetRotMatrix(&poly2S.Matrix); SetTransMatrix(&poly2S.Matrix); setPolyF4(poly2S.poly_f4); setRGB0(poly2S.poly_f4, poly2S.color.r,poly2S.color.g,poly2S.color.b); RotTransPers4( &poly2S.Verts[0], &poly2S.Verts[1], &poly2S.Verts[2], &poly2S.Verts[3], (long*)&poly2S.poly_f4->x0, (long*)&poly2S.poly_f4->x1, (long*)&poly2S.poly_f4->x2, (long*)&poly2S.poly_f4->x3, &poly2S.depth, &poly2S.flag ); addPrim(ot[db]+poly2S.otz, poly2S.poly_f4); nextpri += sizeof(POLY_F4); ///// Blue poly3S.poly_f4 = (POLY_F4 *)nextpri; poly3S.RotV_L.vz += poly3S.rotSpeed; RotMatrix(&poly3S.RotV_L, &poly3S.Matrix); TransMatrix(&poly3S.Matrix, &poly3S.TransV_L); ScaleMatrix(&poly3S.Matrix, &poly3S.ScaleV_L); SetRotMatrix(&poly3S.Matrix); SetTransMatrix(&poly3S.Matrix); setPolyF4(poly3S.poly_f4); setRGB0(poly3S.poly_f4, poly3S.color.r,poly3S.color.g,poly3S.color.b); RotTransPers4( &poly3S.Verts[0], &poly3S.Verts[1], &poly3S.Verts[2], &poly3S.Verts[3], (long*)&poly3S.poly_f4->x0, (long*)&poly3S.poly_f4->x1, (long*)&poly3S.poly_f4->x2, (long*)&poly3S.poly_f4->x3, &poly3S.depth, &poly3S.flag ); addPrim(ot[db]+poly3S.otz, poly3S.poly_f4); nextpri += sizeof(POLY_F4); // Pad stuff int pad = PadRead(0); // init pad // Right D-pad if(pad & PADRup){ if (CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vy >= 0){ CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vy -= 1; pivotPoint(CurrentPoly->Verts, CurrentPoly->width, CurrentPoly->height, CurrentPoly->PivotV_L); } else { CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vy = CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vy; } }; if(pad & PADRdown){ if (CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vy <= CurrentPoly->height ){ CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vy += 1; pivotPoint(CurrentPoly->Verts, CurrentPoly->width, CurrentPoly->height, CurrentPoly->PivotV_L); } else { CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vy = CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vy; } }; if(pad & PADRleft){ if (CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vx >= 0){ CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vx -= 1; pivotPoint(CurrentPoly->Verts, CurrentPoly->width, CurrentPoly->height, CurrentPoly->PivotV_L); } else { CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vx = CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vx; } }; if(pad & PADRright){ if (CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vx <= CurrentPoly->width ){ CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vx += 1; pivotPoint(CurrentPoly->Verts, CurrentPoly->width, CurrentPoly->height, CurrentPoly->PivotV_L); } else { CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vx = CurrentPoly->PivotV_L.vx; } }; // R1, R2, L2, L2 if(pad & PADR1){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ if (polyCount < 4){ CurrentPoly -= 1; BtnTimer = 10; polyCount++; } else { CurrentPoly = &polyS + 1; polyCount = 0; } } } if(pad & PADR2){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ if(CurrentPoly->otz < 5 ){ CurrentPoly->otz += 1; BtnTimer = 10; } else { CurrentPoly->otz = 1; BtnTimer = 10; } } } if(pad & PADL1){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ if (CurrentPoly->rotSpeed <= 320){ CurrentPoly->rotSpeed += 8; } BtnTimer = 10; } } if(pad & PADL2){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ if (CurrentPoly->rotSpeed >= -320){ CurrentPoly->rotSpeed -= 8; } BtnTimer = 10; } } // Left D-Pad if(pad & PADLup){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ CurrentPoly->TransV_L.vy -= 1; //~ BtnTimer = 2; } } if(pad & PADLdown){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ CurrentPoly->TransV_L.vy += 1; //~ BtnTimer = 2; } } if(pad & PADLleft){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ CurrentPoly->TransV_L.vx -= 1; //~ BtnTimer = 2; } } if(pad & PADLright){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ CurrentPoly->TransV_L.vx += 1; //~ BtnTimer = 2; } } if(pad & PADstart){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ CurrentPoly->ScaleV_L.vx += 100; CurrentPoly->ScaleV_L.vy += 100; //~ CurrentPoly->TransV_L.vz += 1; } } if(pad & PADselect){ if(BtnTimer == 0){ CurrentPoly->ScaleV_L.vx -= 100; CurrentPoly->ScaleV_L.vy -= 100; //~ CurrentPoly->TransV_L.vz -= 1; } } // Btn_timer decrement if(BtnTimer > 0){ BtnTimer -= 1; } // Debug stuff // Display Rotation matrix //~ FntPrint("Rotmatrix:\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d\n%d %d %d \n", //~ Poly1Matrix.m[0][0], Poly1Matrix.m[0][1], Poly1Matrix.m[0][2], //~ Poly1Matrix.m[1][0], Poly1Matrix.m[1][1], Poly1Matrix.m[1][2], //~ Poly1Matrix.m[2][0], Poly1Matrix.m[2][1], Poly1Matrix.m[2][2]); // Display Mem adress and values of verticess //~ FntPrint("cur:%x\n 0:%x\n 1:%x\n 2:%x\n 3:%x\n", CurrentPoly, &polyS, &poly1S, &poly2S, &poly3S); //~ FntPrint("timer:%d polyCount:%d speed:%d", BtnTimer, polyCount, CurrentPoly->rotSpeed ); //~ FntPrint("&poly->x0 Addr:%x Value:%d \n&poly->y0 Addr:%x Value:%d \n&poly->x1 Addr:%x Value:%d", //~ (long)&poly->x0, poly->x0, //~ (long)&poly->y0, poly->y0, //~ (long)&poly->x1, poly->x1); //~ FntPrint("otz : %d\n" , CurrentPoly->rotSpeed); // On-screen instructions FntPrint("\ D-Pad:move polygon.\n\ [],X,O,\/\\ : Move pivot point.\n\ L1,L2 : Rotations speed +/-\n\ R1 : select polygon\n\ R2 : change z-index\n\ Start,Select : Scale polygon +/-\ "); FntFlush(-1); display(); } return 0; }