// Change the debug font face and colors ! // Schnappy 2020 #include #include #include #include #include #define VMODE 0 // Video Mode : 0 : NTSC, 1: PAL #define SCREENXRES 320 // Screen width #define SCREENYRES 240 // Screen height #define CENTERX SCREENXRES/2 // Center of screen on x #define CENTERY SCREENYRES/2 // Center of screen on y #define MARGINX 96 // margins for text display #define MARGINY 64 #define FONTSIZE 8 * 7 // Text Field Height DISPENV disp[2]; // Double buffered DISPENV and DRAWENV DRAWENV draw[2]; short db = 0; // index of which buffer is used, values 0, 1 #define FONTX 960 #define FONTY 0 // Two color vectors R,G,B CVECTOR fntColor = { 255, 0, 0 }; CVECTOR fntColorBG = { 0, 0, 0 }; extern unsigned long _binary_fnt_tim_start[]; extern unsigned long _binary_fnt_tim_end[]; extern unsigned long _binary_fnt_tim_length; // Loading an image to vram. See https://github.com/ABelliqueux/nolibgs_hello_worlds/blob/main/hello_sprt/hello_sprt.c#L42 TIM_IMAGE fontface; void LoadTexture(u_long * tim, TIM_IMAGE * tparam){ OpenTIM(tim); ReadTIM(tparam); LoadImage(tparam->prect, tparam->paddr); DrawSync(0); if (tparam->mode & 0x8){ // check 4th bit LoadImage(tparam->crect, tparam->caddr); DrawSync(0); } } void FntColor(CVECTOR fgcol, CVECTOR bgcol ) { // The debug font clut is at tx, ty + 128 // tx = bg color // tx + 1 = fg color // We can override the color by drawing a rect at these coordinates // // Define 1 pixel at 960,128 (background color) and 1 pixel at 961, 128 (foreground color) RECT fg = { FONTX+1, FONTY + 128, 1, 1 }; RECT bg = { FONTX, FONTY + 128, 1, 1 }; // Set colors ClearImage(&fg, fgcol.r, fgcol.g, fgcol.b); ClearImage(&bg, bgcol.r, bgcol.g, bgcol.b); } void init(void) { ResetGraph(0); // Initialize drawing engine with a complete reset (0) SetDefDispEnv(&disp[0], 0, 0 , SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // Set display area for both &disp[0] and &disp[1] SetDefDispEnv(&disp[1], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // &disp[0] is on top of &disp[1] SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[0], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // Set draw for both &draw[0] and &draw[1] SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[1], 0, 0 , SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); // &draw[0] is below &draw[1] if (VMODE) // PAL { SetVideoMode(MODE_PAL); disp[0].screen.y += 8; // add offset : 240 + 8 + 8 = 256 disp[1].screen.y += 8; } SetDispMask(1); // Display on screen setRGB0(&draw[0], 50, 50, 50); // set color for first draw area setRGB0(&draw[1], 50, 50, 50); // set color for second draw area draw[0].isbg = 1; // set mask for draw areas. 1 means repainting the area with the RGB color each frame draw[1].isbg = 1; PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); // set the disp and draw environnments PutDrawEnv(&draw[db]); FntLoad(960, 0); // Load font to vram at 960,0(+128) FntOpen(MARGINX, MARGINY, SCREENXRES, SCREENXRES, 0, 280 ); // FntOpen(x, y, width, height, black_bg, max. nbr. chars } void display(void) { DrawSync(0); // Wait for all drawing to terminate VSync(0); // Wait for the next vertical blank PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); // set alternate disp and draw environnments PutDrawEnv(&draw[db]); db = !db; // flip db value (0 or 1) } int main(void) { u_int t = 0; u_short step = 10; u_char * channel, * prevChannel; channel = &fntColor.r; prevChannel = &fntColor.b; init(); // execute init() LoadTexture(_binary_fnt_tim_start, &fontface); FntColor(fntColor, fntColorBG); while (1) // infinite loop { t++; if (fntColor.r >= 254 - step ){channel = &fntColor.g; prevChannel = &fntColor.r;} if (fntColor.g >= 254 - step ){channel = &fntColor.b; prevChannel = &fntColor.g;} if (fntColor.b >= 254 - step ){channel = &fntColor.r; prevChannel = &fntColor.b;} *channel += step; if (*prevChannel){ *prevChannel -= step; } //~ fntColorBG.g = 255 - color ; FntColor(fntColor, fntColorBG); // 4lines, 16 glyphs on each line // Glyphs are 5x7 pixels wide in 16bpp, FntPrint("!\"#$%%&'()*+,-./\n"); FntPrint("0123456789:;<=^?\n"); FntPrint("@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO\n"); FntPrint("PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]>"); FntPrint("\n\nHELLO DEBUG FONT! %d", t); FntFlush(-1); // Draw print stream display(); // Execute display() } return 0; }