# VAG files > VAG is the PlayStation single waveform data format for ADPCM-encoded data of sampled sounds, such as piano sounds, explosions, and music. The typical extension in DOS is “.VAG”. See [FileFormat47.pdf](http://psx.arthus.net/sdk/Psy-Q/DOCS/FileFormat47.pdf), p.209 ## WAV creation Use ffmpeg to create a 16-bit ADPCM mono WAV file - change -ar to reduce filesize (and quality) ```bash $ ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 44100 output.wav ``` You can use Audacity to edit sound. ## WAV to VAG convertion using WAV2VAG Get here : [WAV2VAG](https://github.com/ColdSauce/psxsdk/blob/master/tools/wav2vag.c) Change -freq according to the -ar setting above ```bash $ wav2vag input.wav output.vag -sraw16 -freq=44100 (-L) ``` ### Bug ? After conversion with WAV2VAG, the resulting VAG will sometimes have a pop at the very beginning and/or end of the file. You can check (and delete) this with PsyQ's VAGEDIT.EXE. You can also force the sampling frequency of an existing VAG file. ## VAGedit You can find a graphical editor in the [PsyQ sdk](http://psx.arthus.net/sdk/Psy-Q/PSYQ_SDK.zip) named `VAGEDIT.exe`. ## VAG & SPU Docs See * libformat47.pdf p.209 * libover47.pdf, p.271 * libref47.pdf, p.980 * [http://psx.arthus.net/code/VAG/](http://psx.arthus.net/code/VAG)