#include #include #include #include #include #define VMODE 0 // Video Mode : 0 : NTSC, 1: PAL #define SCREENXRES 320 #define SCREENYRES 240 #define CENTERX SCREENXRES/2 #define CENTERY SCREENYRES/2 #define MARGINX 0 // margins for text display #define MARGINY 32 #define FONTSIZE 8 * 7 // Text Field Height #define OTLEN 8 // Ordering Table Length DISPENV disp[2]; // Double buffered DISPENV and DRAWENV DRAWENV draw[2]; u_long ot[2][OTLEN]; // double ordering table of length 8 * 32 = 256 bits / 32 bytes char primbuff[2][32768] = {0};// double primitive buffer of length 32768 * 8 = 262.144 bits / 32,768 Kbytes char *nextpri = primbuff[0]; // pointer to the next primitive in primbuff. Initially, points to the first bit of primbuff[0] short db = 0; // index of which buffer is used, values 0, 1 void init(void) { ResetGraph(0); SetDefDispEnv(&disp[0], 0, 0, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); SetDefDispEnv(&disp[1], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[0], 0, SCREENYRES, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[1], 0, 0, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES); if (VMODE) { SetVideoMode(MODE_PAL); disp[0].screen.y += 8; disp[1].screen.y += 8; } SetDispMask(1); // Display on screen setRGB0(&draw[0], 50, 50, 50); setRGB0(&draw[1], 50, 50, 50); draw[0].isbg = 1; draw[1].isbg = 1; PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); PutDrawEnv(&draw[db]); FntLoad(960, 0); FntOpen(MARGINX, SCREENYRES - MARGINY - FONTSIZE, SCREENXRES - MARGINX * 2, FONTSIZE, 0, 280 ); } void display(void) { DrawSync(0); VSync(0); PutDispEnv(&disp[db]); PutDrawEnv(&draw[db]); // We're using a reverse OT, so we want to display the last item first. See PsyQ's LibRef47.pdf, p.277 DrawOTag(&ot[db][OTLEN - 1]); // Uncomment the following line to use a regular oredered OT. Uncomment l.100 accordingly //~ DrawOTag(ot[db]); db = !db; nextpri = primbuff[db]; } int main(void) { // These two tiles are added at the same OT index TILE * blue_tile; TILE * pink_tile; // This one is added at a different OT index TILE * yellow_tile; init(); while (1) { // Initialize the reversed ordering table. This means the elements at index OTLEN - 1 is drawn first. ClearOTagR(ot[db], OTLEN); // Use regular order OT, uncomment l.77 accordingly //~ ClearOTag(ot[db], OTLEN); // yellow_tile is before pink and blue tile in the code, // and it displays behind because it is added to a different ot index (od[db] + OTLEN - 1) // Using a Regular or Reverse OT will have an effect on drawing order. (See lines 77 and 100) yellow_tile = (TILE * ) nextpri; // yellow_tile is a pointer to primbuf content at adress nextpri, that's cast (type converted) to a TILE struc. setTile(yellow_tile); // initialize the TILE structure ( fill the length and tag(?) value ) setXY0(yellow_tile, CENTERX - 32 , CENTERY - 48); // Set X,Y setWH(yellow_tile, 128, 40); // Set Width, Height setRGB0(yellow_tile, 255, 255, 0); // Set color addPrim(ot[db] + OTLEN - 1, yellow_tile); // Add primitive to ordering table nextpri += sizeof(TILE); // blue_tile added at od[db] + OTLEN - 2 blue_tile = (TILE * ) nextpri; // blue_tile is a pointer to primbuf content at adress nextpri, that's cast (type converted) to a blue_tile struc. setTile(blue_tile); // initialize the blue_tile structure ( fill the length and tag(?) value ) setXY0(blue_tile, CENTERX - 16, CENTERY - 32); // Set X,Y setWH(blue_tile, 32, 64); // Set Width, Height setRGB0(blue_tile, 60, 180, 255); // Set color addPrim(ot[db] + OTLEN - 2, blue_tile); // Add primitive to ordering table nextpri += sizeof(TILE); // Increment the adress nextpri points to by the size of TILE struct // pink_tile is after blue_tile in the code, // so it is drawn before, thus under blue_tile. // However, it is added at the same ot index (od[db] + OTLEN - 2) // so using a Regular or Reverse OT won't have an effect on drawing order. pink_tile = (TILE * ) nextpri; // pink_tile is a pointer to primbuf content at adress nextpri, that's cast (type converted) to a TILE struc. setTile(pink_tile); // initialize the TILE structure ( fill the length and tag(?) value ) setXY0(pink_tile, CENTERX, CENTERY - 64); // Set X,Y setWH(pink_tile, 64, 64); // Set Width, Height setRGB0(pink_tile, 255, 32, 255); // Set color addPrim(ot[db] + OTLEN - 2, pink_tile); // Add primitive to ordering table nextpri += sizeof(TILE); FntPrint("Hello tile !"); FntFlush(-1); display(); } return 0; }