This example show how to use Lameguy64's STR playback library.
For a barebone example, see the hello_str example.
You need mkpsxiso in your $PATH to generate a PSX disk image. Typing
in a terminal will compile and generate the bin/cue files.
make cleansub
will clean the current directory.
STR playback library
@Lameguy64 has spent some time making a STR playback library that's easily included in a project :
One thing that I find somewhat missing here is a decent piece of code for playing STR video files easily. So, what I did was take the old and messy PsyQ STR player example, clean it up entirely, and finally make it into a cute little c library for easy implementation.
Original post :
Original download link :
Mirror :
Video encoding and more informations
See the wiki.
Video credits
The video and song used in this example are by Nina Paley :