321 lines
12 KiB

// VAGDEMO2020 by Schnappy
// December 2020
// Based on VAGDEMO_FIXED by Yagotzirck
// Based on VAGDEMO by Shadow
// based on psyq/addons/sound/TUTO3.C
// Load two VAG file to SPU sound buffer and play them back alternatively or simultaneously.
// WAV creation: use ffmpeg to create a 16-bit ADPCM mono WAV file - change -ar to reduce filesize (and quality)
// $ ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 44100 output.wav
// WAV to VAG convertion using WAV2VAG : https://github.com/ColdSauce/psxsdk/blob/master/tools/wav2vag.c
// change -freq according to the -ar setting above
// $ wav2vag input.wav output.vag -sraw16 -freq=44100 (-L)
// Alternatively, you can use PsyQ VAGEDIT.EXE to change the sampling frequency of an existing VAG file.
// Docs : see libformat47.pdf p.209
// libover47.pdf, p.271
// libref47.pdf, p.980
// URLS : http://psx.arthus.net/code/VAG/
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libgte.h>
#include <libetc.h>
#include <libgpu.h>
// Sound system
#include <libsnd.h>
#include <libspu.h>
#define VMODE 0 // Video Mode : 0 : NTSC, 1: PAL
#define SCREENXRES 320
#define SCREENYRES 240
#define MARGINX 0 // margins for text display
#define MARGINY 32
#define FONTSIZE 8 * 7 // Text Field Height
DISPENV disp[2]; // Double buffered DISPENV and DRAWENV
DRAWENV draw[2];
short db = 0; // index of which buffer is used, values 0, 1
// Sound stuff
#define MALLOC_MAX 3 // Max number of time we can call SpuMalloc
//~ // convert Little endian to Big endian
#define SWAP_ENDIAN32(x) (((x)>>24) | (((x)>>8) & 0xFF00) | (((x)<<8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((x)<<24))
typedef struct VAGheader{ // All the values in this header must be big endian
char id[4]; // VAGp 4 bytes -> 1 char * 4
unsigned int version; // 4 bytes
unsigned int reserved; // 4 bytes
unsigned int dataSize; // (in bytes) 4 bytes
unsigned int samplingFrequency;// 4 bytes
char reserved2[12]; // 12 bytes -> 1 char * 12
char name[16]; // 16 bytes -> 1 char * 16
// Waveform data after that
SpuCommonAttr commonAttributes; // structure for changing common voice attributes
SpuVoiceAttr voiceAttributes ; // structure for changing individual voice attributes
u_long hello_spu_address; // address allocated in memory for first sound file
u_long poly_spu_address; // address allocated in memory for second sound file
// DEBUG : these allow printing values for debugging
u_long hello_spu_start_address;
u_long hello_get_start_addr;
u_long hello_transSize;
u_long poly_spu_start_address;
u_long poly_get_start_addr;
u_long poly_transSize;
#define HELLO SPU_0CH // Play first vag on channel 0
#define POLY SPU_2CH // Play second vag on channel 2
// Memory management table ; allow MALLOC_MAX calls to SpuMalloc() - ibref47.pdf p.1044
char spu_malloc_rec[SPU_MALLOC_RECSIZ * (2 + MALLOC_MAX+1)];
// VAG files
// We're using GrumpyCoder's Nugget wrapper to compile the code with a modern GCC : https://github.com/grumpycoders/pcsx-redux/tree/main/src/mips/psyq
// To include binary files in the exe, add your VAG files to the SRCS variable in Makefile
// and in common.mk, add this rule to include *.vag files :
//~ %.o: %.vag
//~ $(PREFIX)-objcopy -I binary --set-section-alignment .data=4 --rename-section .data=.rodata,alloc,load,readonly,data,contents -O elf32-tradlittlemips -B mips $< $@
// hello.vag - 44100 Khz
extern unsigned char _binary____VAG_hello_vag_start[]; // filename must begin with _binary____ followed by the full path, with . and / replaced, and then suffixed with _ and end with _start[]; or end[];
extern unsigned char _binary____VAG_hello_vag_end[]; // https://discord.com/channels/642647820683444236/663664210525290507/780866265077383189
// poly.vag - 44100 Khz
extern unsigned char _binary____VAG_poly_vag_start[];
extern unsigned char _binary____VAG_poly_vag_end[];
void initGraph(void)
SetDefDispEnv(&disp[0], 0, 0, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES);
SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[1], 0, 0, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES);
if (VMODE)
disp[0].screen.y += 8;
disp[1].screen.y += 8;
SetDispMask(1); // Display on screen
setRGB0(&draw[0], 50, 50, 50);
setRGB0(&draw[1], 50, 50, 50);
draw[0].isbg = 1;
draw[1].isbg = 1;
FntLoad(960, 0);
FntOpen(8, 60, 304, 200, 0, 500 );
void display(void)
db = !db;
// Audio initialisation & functions
void initSnd(void){
SpuInitMalloc(MALLOC_MAX, spu_malloc_rec); // Maximum number of blocks, mem. management table address.
commonAttributes.mask = (SPU_COMMON_MVOLL | SPU_COMMON_MVOLR); // Mask which attributes to set
commonAttributes.mvol.left = 0x3fff; // Master volume left
commonAttributes.mvol.right = 0x3fff; // see libref47.pdf, p.1058
SpuSetCommonAttr(&commonAttributes); // set attributes
u_long sendVAGtoRAM(unsigned int VAG_data_size, unsigned char *VAG_data){
u_long size;
SpuSetTransferMode(SpuTransByDMA); // DMA transfer; can do other processing during transfer
size = SpuWrite (VAG_data + sizeof(VAGhdr), VAG_data_size); // transfer VAG_data_size bytes from VAG_data address to sound buffer
SpuIsTransferCompleted (SPU_TRANSFER_WAIT); // Checks whether transfer is completed and waits for completion
return size;
void setVoiceAttr(unsigned int pitch, long channel, unsigned long soundAddr ){
voiceAttributes.mask= //~ Attributes (bit string, 1 bit per attribute)
voiceAttributes.voice = channel; //~ Voice (low 24 bits are a bit string, 1 bit per voice )
voiceAttributes.volume.left = 0x1000; //~ Volume
voiceAttributes.volume.right = 0x1000; //~ Volume
voiceAttributes.pitch = pitch; //~ Interval (set pitch)
voiceAttributes.addr = soundAddr; //~ Waveform data start address
voiceAttributes.a_mode = SPU_VOICE_LINEARIncN; //~ Attack rate mode = Linear Increase - see libref47.pdf p.1091
voiceAttributes.s_mode = SPU_VOICE_LINEARIncN; //~ Sustain rate mode = Linear Increase
voiceAttributes.r_mode = SPU_VOICE_LINEARDecN; //~ Release rate mode = Linear Decrease
voiceAttributes.ar = 0x0; //~ Attack rate
voiceAttributes.dr = 0x0; //~ Decay rate
voiceAttributes.rr = 0x0; //~ Release rate
voiceAttributes.sr = 0x0; //~ Sustain rate
voiceAttributes.sl = 0xf; //~ Sustain level
SpuSetVoiceAttr(&voiceAttributes); // set attributes
void playSFX(unsigned long fx){
SpuSetKey(SpuOn, fx);
int main(void)
short counter = 0;
const VAGhdr * HellofileHeader = (VAGhdr *) _binary____VAG_hello_vag_start; // get header of first VAG file
const VAGhdr * PolyfileHeader = (VAGhdr *) _binary____VAG_poly_vag_start; // get header of second VAG file
// From libover47.pdf :
// The sampling frequency of the original audio file can be used to determine the pitch
// at which to play the VAG. pitch = (sampling frequency << 12)/44100L
// Ex: 44.1kHz=0x1000 22.05kHz=0x800 etc
unsigned int Hellopitch = (SWAP_ENDIAN32(HellofileHeader->samplingFrequency) << 12) / 44100L;
unsigned int Polypitch = (SWAP_ENDIAN32(PolyfileHeader->samplingFrequency) << 12) / 44100L;
SpuInit(); // Initialize SPU. Called only once.
// First VAG
hello_spu_address = SpuMalloc(SWAP_ENDIAN32(HellofileHeader->dataSize)); // Allocate an area of dataSize bytes in the sound buffer.
hello_spu_start_address = SpuSetTransferStartAddr(hello_spu_address); // Sets a starting address in the sound buffer
hello_get_start_addr = SpuGetTransferStartAddr(); // SpuGetTransferStartAddr() returns current sound buffer transfer start address.
hello_transSize = sendVAGtoRAM(SWAP_ENDIAN32(HellofileHeader->dataSize), _binary____VAG_hello_vag_start);
// First VAG
poly_spu_address = SpuMalloc(SWAP_ENDIAN32(PolyfileHeader->dataSize)); // Allocate an area of dataSize bytes in the sound buffer.
poly_spu_start_address = SpuSetTransferStartAddr(poly_spu_address); // Sets a starting address in the sound buffer
poly_get_start_addr = SpuGetTransferStartAddr(); // SpuGetTransferStartAddr() returns current sound buffer transfer start address.
poly_transSize = sendVAGtoRAM(SWAP_ENDIAN32(PolyfileHeader->dataSize), _binary____VAG_poly_vag_start);
// set VAG to channel
setVoiceAttr(Hellopitch, HELLO, hello_spu_address); // SPU_0CH == hello
setVoiceAttr(Polypitch, POLY, poly_spu_address); // SPU_2CH == poly
while (1)
playSFX(HELLO); // Play first VAG
counter = 240;
if(counter == 160){
playSFX(POLY); // Play second VAG
if(counter == 80){
playSFX(HELLO|POLY); // Play both VAGs simultaneously
FntPrint("First VAG:");
FntPrint("\nPitch : %08x-%dKhz", Hellopitch, (SWAP_ENDIAN32(HellofileHeader->samplingFrequency)) );
FntPrint("\nSet Start addr : %08x", hello_spu_address);
FntPrint("\nReturn start addr : %08x", hello_spu_start_address);
FntPrint("\nGet Start addr : %08x", hello_get_start_addr);
FntPrint("\nSend size : %08x", SWAP_ENDIAN32(HellofileHeader->dataSize));
FntPrint("\nReturn size : %08x\n", hello_transSize);
FntPrint("\nSecond VAG:");
FntPrint("\nPitch : %08x-%dKhz", Polypitch, (SWAP_ENDIAN32(HellofileHeader->samplingFrequency)) );
FntPrint("\nSet Start addr : %08x", poly_spu_address);
FntPrint("\nReturn start addr : %08x", poly_spu_start_address);
FntPrint("\nGet Start addr : %08x", poly_get_start_addr);
FntPrint("\nSend size : %08x", SWAP_ENDIAN32(PolyfileHeader->dataSize));
FntPrint("\nReturn size : %08x\n", poly_transSize);
FntPrint("\nCounter : %d\n", counter);
counter --;
return 0;