2021-09-13 18:56:10 +02:00

408 lines
10 KiB

Simple STR Player Library by Lameguy64
(?) 2014 Meido-Tek Productions/Lame Studios
Original PsyQ sample programmed by:
Code heavily refined by:
What Lameguy did to the original code:
- Removed all of the icky yucky UTF-16 junk
- Fixed all crap-English comments
- Greatly improved code formatting
- Renamed variables with better names
- Buffer arrays are now initialized only when the playback routine is called
Libraries Required:
Function list:
int PlayStr(int xres, int yres, int xpos, int ypos, STRFILE *str)
xres, yres - Video resolution.
xpos, ypos - Framebuffer offset on where to draw the video.
STRFILE *str - STRFILE entry to play.
Just make sure that you have at least 192KB of free memory before calling
the PlayStr function otherwise, the console will crash. As for the video
resolution, it must be equal or less than 256 as the second buffer
is located directly below the first buffer.
If compiling the sample fails, open your psyq.ini file located in \psyq\bin and
append the following into the stdlib line:
libds.lib libpress.lib
#define IS_RGB24 1 // 0:16-bit playback, 1:24-bit playback (recommended for quality)
#define RING_SIZE 32 // Ring Buffer size (32 sectors seems good enough)
#if IS_RGB24==1
#define PPW 3/2 // pixels per short word
#define DCT_MODE 3 // Decode mode for DecDCTin routine
#define PPW 1
#define DCT_MODE 2
// A simple struct to make STR handling a bit easier
typedef struct {
char FileName[32];
int Xres;
int Yres;
int NumFrames;
// Decode environment
typedef struct {
u_long *VlcBuff_ptr[2]; // Pointers to the VLC buffers
u_short *ImgBuff_ptr[2]; // Pointers to the frame slice buffers
RECT rect[2]; // VRAM parameters on where to draw the frame data to
RECT slice; // Frame slice parameters for loading into VRAM
int VlcID; // Current VLC buffer ID
int ImgID; // Current slice buffer ID
int RectID; // Current video buffer ID
int FrameDone; // Frame decode completion flag
// A bunch of internal variables
static STRENV strEnv;
static int strScreenWidth=0,strScreenHeight=0;
static int strFrameX=0,strFrameY=0;
static int strNumFrames=0;
static int strFrameWidth=0,strFrameHeight=0; // Frame size of STR file
static int strPlayDone=0; // Playback completion flag
// Main function prototypes
int PlayStr(int xres, int yres, int xpos, int ypos, STRFILE *str);
// Internal function prototypes
static void strDoPlayback(STRFILE *str);
static void strCallback();
static void strNextVlc(STRENV *strEnv);
static void strSync(STRENV *strEnv, int mode);
static u_long *strNext(STRENV *strEnv);
static void strKickCD(CdlLOC *loc);
int PlayStr(int xres, int yres, int xpos, int ypos, STRFILE *str) {
Main STR playback routine.
0 - Playback failed or was skipped.
1 - Playback was finished.
if (strPlayDone == 0)
static void strDoPlayback(STRFILE *str) {
Does the actual STR playback.
int id; // Display buffer ID
DISPENV disp; // Display environment
CdlFILE file; // File info of video file
// Buffers initialized here so we won't waste too much memory for playing FMVs
// (just make sure you have at least 192KB of free memory before calling this routine)
u_long RingBuff[RING_SIZE*SECTOR_SIZE]; // Ring buffer
u_long VlcBuff[2][str->Xres/2*str->Yres]; // VLC buffers
u_short ImgBuff[2][16*PPW*str->Yres]; // Frame 'slice' buffers
// Set display mask so we won't see garbage while the stream is being prepared
// Get the CD location of the STR file to play
if (CdSearchFile(&file, str->FileName) == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("ERROR: I cannot find video file %s\n", str->FileName);
// Setup the buffer pointers
strEnv.VlcBuff_ptr[0] = &VlcBuff[0][0];
strEnv.VlcBuff_ptr[1] = &VlcBuff[1][0];
strEnv.VlcID = 0;
strEnv.ImgBuff_ptr[0] = &ImgBuff[0][0];
strEnv.ImgBuff_ptr[1] = &ImgBuff[1][0];
strEnv.ImgID = 0;
// Setup the display buffers on VRAM
strEnv.rect[0].x = strFrameX; // First page
strEnv.rect[0].y = strFrameY;
strEnv.rect[1].x = strFrameX; // Second page
strEnv.rect[1].y = strFrameY+strScreenHeight;
strEnv.RectID = 0;
// Set the parameters for uploading frame slices
strEnv.slice.x = strFrameX;
strEnv.slice.y = strFrameY;
strEnv.slice.w = 16*PPW;
strEnv.FrameDone = 0;
// Reset the MDEC
// Set callback routine
// Set ring buffer
StSetRing(RingBuff, RING_SIZE);
// Set streaming parameters
StSetStream(IS_RGB24, 1, 0xffffffff, 0, 0);
// Begin streaming!
// Load the first frame of video before entering main loop
while (1) {
// Decode the compressed frame data
DecDCTin(strEnv.VlcBuff_ptr[strEnv.VlcID], DCT_MODE);
// Prepare to receive the decoded image data from the MDEC
DecDCTout((u_long*)strEnv.ImgBuff_ptr[strEnv.ImgID], strEnv.slice.w*strEnv.slice.h/2);
// Get the next frame
// Wait for the frame to finish decoding
strSync(&strEnv, 0);
// Switch between the display buffers per frame
id = strEnv.RectID? 0: 1;
SetDefDispEnv(&disp, 0, strScreenHeight*id, strScreenWidth*PPW, strScreenHeight);
// Set parameters for 24-bit color mode
#if IS_RGB24 == 1
disp.isrgb24 = IS_RGB24;
disp.disp.w = disp.disp.w*2/3;
VSync(0); // VSync to avoid screen tearing
PutDispEnv(&disp); // Apply the video parameters
SetDispMask(1); // Remove the display mask
if(strPlayDone == 1) {
if(PadRead(1) & PADstart) { // stop button pressed exit animation routine
// Shutdown streaming
CdControlB(CdlPause, 0, 0);
static void strCallback() {
Callback routine which is called whenever a slice has finished decoding.
All it does is transfer the decoded slice into VRAM.
RECT TransferRect;
int id;
// In 24-bit color, StCdInterrupt must be called in every callback
#if IS_RGB24==1
extern u_long StCdIntrFlag;
if (StCdIntrFlag) {
StCdIntrFlag = 0;
id = strEnv.ImgID;
TransferRect = strEnv.slice;
// Switch slice buffers
strEnv.ImgID = strEnv.ImgID? 0:1;
// Step to next slice
strEnv.slice.x += strEnv.slice.w;
// Frame not yet decoded completely?
if (strEnv.slice.x < strEnv.rect[strEnv.RectID].x + strEnv.rect[strEnv.RectID].w) {
// Prepare for next slice
DecDCTout((u_long*)strEnv.ImgBuff_ptr[strEnv.ImgID], strEnv.slice.w*strEnv.slice.h/2);
} else { // Frame has been decoded completely
// Set the FrameDone flag
strEnv.FrameDone = 1;
// Switch display buffers
strEnv.RectID = strEnv.RectID? 0: 1;
strEnv.slice.x = strEnv.rect[strEnv.RectID].x;
strEnv.slice.y = strEnv.rect[strEnv.RectID].y;
// Transfer the slice into VRAM
LoadImage(&TransferRect, (u_long *)strEnv.ImgBuff_ptr[id]);
static void strNextVlc(STRENV *strEnv) {
Performs VLC decoding and grabs a frame from the stream.
int cnt=WAIT_TIME;
u_long *next;
u_long *strNext();
// Grab a frame from the stream
while ((next = strNext(strEnv)) == 0) {
if (--cnt == 0) // Timeout handler
// Switch VLC buffers
strEnv->VlcID = strEnv->VlcID? 0: 1;
// Decode the VLC
DecDCTvlc(next, strEnv->VlcBuff_ptr[strEnv->VlcID]);
// Free the ring buffer
static u_long *strNext(STRENV *strEnv) {
Grabs a frame of video from the stream.
u_long *addr;
StHEADER *sector;
int cnt = WAIT_TIME;
// Grab a frame
while (StGetNext((u_long **)&addr,(u_long **)&sector)) {
if (--cnt == 0) // Timeout handler
// If the frame's number has reached number of frames the video has,
// set the strPlayDone flag.
if (sector->frameCount >= strNumFrames)
strPlayDone = 1;
// if the resolution is differ to previous frame, clear frame buffer
if (strFrameWidth != sector->width || strFrameHeight != sector->height) {
RECT rect;
setRECT(&rect, 0, 0, strScreenWidth * PPW, strScreenHeight*2);
ClearImage(&rect, 0, 0, 0);
strFrameWidth = sector->width;
strFrameHeight = sector->height;
// set STRENV according to the data on the STR format
strEnv->rect[0].w = strEnv->rect[1].w = strFrameWidth*PPW;
strEnv->rect[0].h = strEnv->rect[1].h = strFrameHeight;
strEnv->slice.h = strFrameHeight;
static void strSync(STRENV *strEnv, int mode) {
Waits for the frame to finish decoding.
u_long cnt = WAIT_TIME;
// Wait for the frame to finish decoding
while (strEnv->FrameDone == 0) {
if (--cnt == 0) { // Timeout handler
// If a timeout occurs, force switching buffers
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("ERROR: A frame cannot be played!\n");
strEnv->FrameDone = 1;
strEnv->RectID = strEnv->RectID? 0: 1;
strEnv->slice.x = strEnv->rect[strEnv->RectID].x;
strEnv->slice.y = strEnv->rect[strEnv->RectID].y;
strEnv->FrameDone = 0;
static void strKickCD(CdlLOC *loc) {
Begins CD streaming.
u_char param=CdlModeSpeed;
// Seek to the STR file to play
while (CdControl(CdlSetloc, (u_char *)loc, 0) == 0);
while (CdControl(CdlSetmode, &param, 0) == 0);
VSync(3); // Wait for 3 screen cycles before changing drive speed
// Start streaming
if(CdRead2(CdlModeStream|CdlModeSpeed|CdlModeRT) == 0)
goto loop; // If it fails, try again