TIM files
Standard bitmap images that can be transferred directly to the PSX VRAM.
Can be 4bit or 8bit with a CLUT, 16bit or 24 bit in direct color.
You can access the TIM mode through TIM_IMAGE->mode. Mode can be :
- 0: 4bits b0
- 1: 8 bits b1
- 2: 16 bits b10
- 3: 24bits b11
- 4: mixed b100
See FileFormat47.pdf, p.179
You can use open source tools : Gimp, Aseprite
To convert your image files to TIM, use IMG2TIM :
4bpp and 8bpp specificities
If you want to generate 4bpp and 8bpp TIMs, your original image must be in indexed mode with a palette.
For 8bpp, < 256 colors
For 4bpp, < 16 colors, and size must be a multiple of 4
You can use TIMTOOL.EXE from legacy PsyQ to check your TIM files, or use Lameguy64's TIMedit