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main ... pcdrv

9 changed files with 842 additions and 613 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ TARGET = ovl-upload
TYPE = ps-exe
SRCS = ovl-upload.c \
pcdrv.c \
TIM/cubetex.tim \
../common/crt0/crt0.s \
tritex.c \

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,26 +1,14 @@
/* ovl-upload.c, by ABelliqueux, 04-2021 license GNU General Public License v3.0
This example code demonstrates how to use the companion '' script that should be provided with this file.
Once the code is loaded on a unirom enabled PSX via a serial/USB cable, '' listens for a specific command
to load an overlay file on demand.
For an explanation about overlays, see
For a basic example see @JaberwockySeamonstah's
Unirom can be found here :
with it's companion pc side software :
Thanks to @JaberwockySeamonstah, @JonathanDotCel, @nicolasnoble, @Lameguy64 for their help and patience.
* Using overlays to store different data and loading them in memory as needed.
Select - Load alternative overlay
@ -30,408 +18,275 @@
#include <libgpu.h>
#include <libetc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libsio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "pcdrv.h"
// If USECD is defined, files will be loaded from the CD. Use this method for testing in an emulator.
// Additionaly, generate the bin/cue with mkpsxiso.
// Additionaly, generate the bin/cue with mkpsxiso :
// $ mkpsxiso -y config/OverlayExample.xml
//~ #define USECD
#ifdef USECD
#include <libcd.h>
// Sample vector models
#include "tritex.h"
#include "cubetex.h"
#define VMODE 0
#define SCREENXRES 320
#define SCREENYRES 240
#define OTLEN 2048 // Maximum number of OT entries
#define PRIMBUFFLEN 32768 // Maximum number of POLY_GT3 primitives
// Display and draw environments, double buffered
DISPENV disp[2];
DRAWENV draw[2];
u_long ot[2][OTLEN]; // Ordering table (contains addresses to primitives)
char primbuff[2][PRIMBUFFLEN] = {0}; // Primitive list // That's our prim buffer
//~ int primcnt=0; // Primitive counter
char * nextpri = primbuff[0]; // Primitive counter
short db = 0; // Current buffer counter
// Texture image
extern unsigned long _binary_TIM_cubetex_tim_start[];
extern unsigned long _binary_TIM_cubetex_tim_end[];
extern unsigned long _binary_TIM_cubetex_tim_length;
TIM_IMAGE tim_cube;
// These symbols name are defined in 'overlay.ld', l.8, l.24 and l.41
// Use &load_all_overlays_here to get the memory adress where the overlay files are loaded.
// Those adresses you can check in the generated .map file at compile time.
extern u_long load_all_overlays_here;
extern u_long __lvl0_end; // Use &__lvl0_end to get end address of corresponding overlay.
extern u_long __lvl1_end;
//~ u_long overlaySize = 0;
static char* overlayFile; // Will hold the name of the file to load.
u_char overlayFileID, loadFileIDwas, loadFileID = 0; // Will hold an ID that's unique for each file.
char * overlayFile; // Will hold the name of the file to load.
char * ptrToChar[8]; // Will hold the name of the file to load.
u_char overlayFileID = 0, loadFileIDwas = 0;
// Timer for the pad
u_short timer = 0;
// pcdrv protocol
u_char escape = 0x00; // Hypothetical Escape char for unirom
u_char protocol = 0x01; // Hypothetical ID number for the pcdrv protocol in unirom
u_char command = LOAD; // We're loading the data here
uint32_t checkSum = 0;
volatile u_char inBuffer[BUFFER_LEN] = {0};
volatile u_char dataBuffer[64] = "DEBOUTLESENFANTS";
// Prototypes
void init(void);
void display(void);
void LoadTexture(u_long * tim, TIM_IMAGE * tparam);
void init(){
// Reset the GPU before doing anything and the controller
// Initialize and setup the GTE
SetGeomOffset(CENTERX, CENTERY); // x, y offset
SetGeomScreen(CENTERX); // Distance between eye and screen
// Set the display and draw environments
SetDefDispEnv(&disp[0], 0, 0 , SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES);
SetDefDrawEnv(&draw[1], 0, 0, SCREENXRES, SCREENYRES);
if (VMODE)
disp[0].screen.y += 8;
disp[1].screen.y += 8;
setRGB0(&draw[0], 0, 0, 255);
setRGB0(&draw[1], 0, 0, 255);
draw[0].isbg = 1;
draw[1].isbg = 1;
// Init font system
FntLoad(960, 0);
FntOpen(16, 16, 196, 64, 0, 256);
FntOpen(16, 16, 196, 196, 0, 512);
void display(void){
DrawOTag(ot[db] + OTLEN - 1);
db = !db;
nextpri = primbuff[db];
void LoadTexture(u_long * tim, TIM_IMAGE * tparam){ // This part is from Lameguy64's tutorial series : login/pw: annoyingmous
OpenTIM(tim); // Open the tim binary data, feed it the address of the data in memory
ReadTIM(tparam); // This read the header of the TIM data and sets the corresponding members of the TIM_IMAGE structure
LoadImage(tparam->prect, tparam->paddr); // Transfer the data from memory to VRAM at position prect.x, prect.y
DrawSync(0); // Wait for the drawing to end
if (tparam->mode & 0x8){ // check 4th bit // If 4th bit == 1, TIM has a CLUT
LoadImage(tparam->crect, tparam->caddr); // Load it to VRAM at position crect.x, crect.y
DrawSync(0); // Wait for drawing to end
int fileDesc = 0;
int fileRead = 0;
int filePos = 0;
int fileCreated = 0;
int main() {
// Update this value to avoid trigger at launch
loadFileIDwas = overlayFileID = loadFileID;
if ( loadFileID == 0 ){
loadFileIDwas = overlayFileID;
if ( overlayFileID == 0 ){
overlayFile = "\\cube.bin;1";
} else if ( loadFileID == 1) {
} else if ( overlayFileID == 1) {
overlayFile = "\\tri.bin;1";
// Load overlay from CD if definde
#ifdef USECD
int cdread = 0, cdsync = 1;
cdread = CdReadFile( (char *)(overlayFile), &load_all_overlays_here, 0);
cdsync = CdReadSync(0, 0);
int i;
int PadStatus;
int TPressed=0;
int AutoRotate=1;
long t, p, OTz, Flag; // t == vertex count, p == depth cueing interpolation value, OTz == value to create Z-ordered OT, Flag == see LibOver47.pdf, p.143
MESH * model = &Tri;
POLY_GT3 *poly = {0}; // pointer to a POLY_GT3
SVECTOR Rotate={ 0 }; // Rotation coordinates
VECTOR Trans={ 0, 0, CENTERX, 0 }; // Translation coordinates
VECTOR Scale={ ONE, ONE, ONE, 0 }; // ONE == 4096
MATRIX Matrix={0}; // Matrix data for the GTE
// Texture window
DR_MODE * dr_mode; // Pointer to dr_mode prim
RECT tws = {0, 0, 32, 32}; // Texture window coordinates : x, y, w, h
LoadTexture(_binary_TIM_cubetex_tim_start, &tim_cube);
// Main loop
while (1) {
// Overlay switch
if ( loadFileID != loadFileIDwas ){
// Update previous file value
loadFileIDwas = loadFileID;
// Change file to load
switch ( loadFileID ){
case 0:
overlayFile = "\\cube.bin;1";
overlayFileID = 0;
case 1:
overlayFile = "\\tri.bin;1";
overlayFileID = 1;
overlayFile = "\\cube.bin;1";
overlayFileID = 0;
FntPrint("%02d - %04d - %02d", fileDesc, filePos, fileRead );
// If filedescriptor is not null and not -1, try to open the file
if ( fileDesc > 0 ){
switch (fileRead){
case 0: PCwrite( fileDesc, filePos, 7, dataBuffer, inBuffer);
fileRead = 1;
case 1: PCseek( fileDesc, 7, 3, 1, inBuffer);
fileRead = 2;
case 2: PCwrite( fileDesc, 10, 7, dataBuffer + 7, inBuffer);
fileRead = 3;
//~ PCclose(fileDesc, inBuffer);
fileDesc = 0;
fileRead = 0;
// Overlay switch
if ( overlayFileID != loadFileIDwas ){
// Change file to load
switch ( overlayFileID ){
case 0:
overlayFile = "\\cube.bin;1";
//~ overlayFileID = 0;
case 1:
overlayFile = "\\tri.bin;1";
//~ overlayFileID = 1;
overlayFile = "\\cube.bin;1";
//~ overlayFileID = 0;
#ifndef USECD
fileDesc = PCopen("HELLO.WD", O_RDWR, inBuffer);
//~ fileDesc = PCcreate("HELLO.WD", O_RDWR, inBuffer);
//~ returnVal = PCseek(1, 0, 369, 1, inBuffer);
//~ returnVal = PCread(88, 369, 16, dataBuffer, inBuffer);
//~ returnVal = PCwrite(88, 10, 5, dataBuffer, inBuffer);
if ( fileDesc ){
loadFileIDwas = overlayFileID;
#ifdef USECD
cdread = CdReadFile( (char *)(overlayFile), &load_all_overlays_here, 0);
CdReadSync(0, 0);
if ( CdReadSync(0, 0) == 0 ){
loadFileIDwas = overlayFileID;
// Pad button timer
while ( timer > 0 ) {
timer --;
// Read pad status
PadStatus = PadRead(0);
// If select is pressed, change overlay
if (PadStatus & PADselect && !timer) {
// We send the memory address where the file should be loaded, the memory address of the loadFileID, so that the screen is updated when it changes, and the file id.
printf("load:%p:%08x:%d", &load_all_overlays_here, &loadFileID, overlayFileID);
#ifdef USECD
// We can do that because we only have two files
loadFileID = !loadFileID;
timer = 30;
if ( ( PadStatus & PADselect ) && !timer ) {
overlayFileID = !overlayFileID;
timer = 150;
if (AutoRotate) {
Rotate.vy += 8; // Pan
Rotate.vx += 8; // Tilt
// Clear the current OT
ClearOTagR(ot[db], OTLEN);
// Convert and set the matrixes
RotMatrix(&Rotate, &Matrix);
TransMatrix(&Matrix, &Trans);
ScaleMatrix(&Matrix, &Scale);
// Render the sample vector model
// modelCube is a TMESH, len member == # vertices, but here it's # of triangle... So, for each tri * 3 vertices ...
for (i = 0; i < (model->tmesh->len*3); i += 3) {
poly = (POLY_GT3 *)nextpri;
// Initialize the primitive and set its color values
((POLY_GT3 *)poly)->tpage = getTPage(tim_cube.mode&0x3, 0,
setRGB0(poly, model->tmesh->c[i].r , model->tmesh->c[i].g , model->tmesh->c[i].b);
setRGB1(poly, model->tmesh->c[i+1].r, model->tmesh->c[i+1].g, model->tmesh->c[i+1].b);
setRGB2(poly, model->tmesh->c[i+2].r, model->tmesh->c[i+2].g, model->tmesh->c[i+2].b);
setUV3(poly, model->tmesh->u[i].vx , model->tmesh->u[i].vy,
model->tmesh->u[i+1].vx, model->tmesh->u[i+1].vy,
model->tmesh->u[i+2].vx, model->tmesh->u[i+2].vy);
// Rotate, translate, and project the vectors and output the results into a primitive
OTz = RotTransPers(&model->tmesh->v[model->index[t]] , (long*)&poly->x0, &p, &Flag);
OTz += RotTransPers(&model->tmesh->v[model->index[t+1]], (long*)&poly->x1, &p, &Flag);
OTz += RotTransPers(&model->tmesh->v[model->index[t+2]], (long*)&poly->x2, &p, &Flag);
// Sort the primitive into the OT
OTz /= 3;
if ((OTz > 0) && (OTz < OTLEN))
AddPrim(&ot[db][OTz-2], poly);
nextpri += sizeof(POLY_GT3);
dr_mode = (DR_MODE *)nextpri;
setDrawMode(dr_mode,1,0, getTPage(tim_cube.mode&0x3, 0,
tim_cube.prect->y), &tws); //set texture window
AddPrim(&ot[db], dr_mode);
nextpri += sizeof(DR_MODE);
FntPrint("Hello overlay!\n");
#ifndef USECD
FntPrint("Overlay with id %d loaded at 0x%08x", overlayFileID, &load_all_overlays_here);
FntPrint("loadFileIDwas : %d\n", loadFileIDwas);
FntPrint("Overlay with id %d loaded at 0x%08x\n", overlayFileID, &load_all_overlays_here );
FntPrint("buffer at %08x : %s\n", inBuffer, inBuffer);
FntPrint("dataBuffer at %08x : \n %s", dataBuffer, dataBuffer);
#ifdef USECD
FntPrint("File: %s\n", overlayFile);
FntPrint("Bytes read: %d", cdread);
return 0;

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

pcdrv.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
#include "pcdrv.h"
void wait(){
for(u_int wait = 0; wait < 60; wait++){
wait = wait;
static char sio_read(){
char c;
c = getchar();
return c;
u_int strLen( const char * str){
u_int l = 0;
while ( * str++ ){
return l;
// Hashing algorythm from @nicolasnoble :
static inline uint32_t djbProcess(uint32_t hash, const char str[], unsigned n) {
return n ? djbProcess ( ( ( hash << 5 ) + hash ) ^ str[0], str + 1, n - 1) : hash;
static inline uint32_t djbHash( const char* str, unsigned n ){
return djbProcess( 5381, str, n);
uint32_t charsToU32 ( char * byte ) {
unsigned int packet = (byte[0] << 24) | (byte[1] << 16) | (byte[2] << 8) | (byte[3]);
return packet;
u_char U32ToChars( u_int memoryAddress, u_int byteNbr){
// This one I found on my own )'u'(
u_char byte = { 0 };
byte = ( (u_int) memoryAddress >> ( 24 - (byteNbr << 3) ) ) & 0xFF;
return byte;
void sendU32(uint32_t data) {
putchar(data & 0xff);
data >>= 8;
putchar(data & 0xff);
data >>= 8;
putchar(data & 0xff);
data >>= 8;
putchar(data & 0xff);
void sendRU32(uint32_t data) {
putchar((data >> 24) & 0xff);
putchar((data >> 16) & 0xff);
putchar((data >> 8) & 0xff);
putchar(data & 0xff);
int waitForSIODone( const char * answer, volatile char * bufferAddress){
// This watches the buffer at &bufferAddress and waits for it to contain the first two chars of answer,
// which is sent by the server when PC->PSX data upload is over.
// If answer is OK, act as ACK. If answer is DT, the next 2 chars contains data.
// Returns 1 if ok, 0 else.
// Return value
int SIOdone = 0;
// Error code sent by the PC
const char * error = "-1";
// Mini buffer for the data when two first chars are DT
char returnValue[BUFFER_LEN] = {0};
// Counter to avoid infinite loop
int i = 0;
// Continually get the content at &bufferAddress
const char * buffer = ( const char * )bufferAddress;
// Rolling buffer
if( strlen( buffer ) > BUFFER_LEN){
memmove( ( char * ) buffer, buffer + 1, strlen(buffer));
// Check inBuffer for answer
// If buffer does not contain "-1"
if ( buffer[0] != error[0] && buffer[1] != error[1] ){
// If two first chars == answer
if( (buffer[0] == answer[0]) &&
(buffer[1] == answer[1]) ){ // "DT369000"
memmove( ( char * ) buffer, buffer + 2, strlen(buffer)); // "36900000"
//~ returnValue[0] = buffer[0];
//~ returnValue[1] = buffer[1];
for(short i = 0; i < BUFFER_LEN; i++){ // "00000000" >
returnValue[i] = buffer[i];
//~ returnValue[0] = buffer[2];
//~ returnValue[1] = buffer[3];
//~ returnValue[2] = buffer[4];
// Get data as int
SIOdone = atoi(returnValue);
// Empty buffer
for (short i; i < BUFFER_LEN; i++ ){ bufferAddress[i] = 0; }
// Return data
return SIOdone;
} else {
return -1;
// Avoid infinite loop
if ( i > 3000 ){
// empty buffer
for ( short i; i < BUFFER_LEN;i++ ){ bufferAddress[i] = 0; }
// Get out of function after X iterations
return 0;
// Should never be reached, but just to be sure
return 0;
u_short PCload( u_long * loadAddress, volatile u_char * bufferAddress, u_char * overlayFileID ) {
// Send filename , load address, and flag address
// Returns 1 if ok, 0 else
// E.G : 00 01 06 04 80010000 08 80010001 01 + 0000000000 <- cmd checksum
// 00 01 06 08 8003edf8 08 8001f0f0 00 2439964735 -> 38 Bytes
// Expected answer
const char * answer = "OK";
// Using hardcoded length of 28 B
char commandBuffer[28];
// pointer is 4 B, but represented here by 8 B / chars.
u_short addLenInChar = sizeof(loadAddress) * 2;
sprintf(commandBuffer, "%02u%02u%02u%02u%08x%02u%08x%02u", ESCAPE, PROTOCOL, LOAD, addLenInChar, loadAddress, addLenInChar, bufferAddress, *overlayFileID);
u_int cmdChecksum = djbHash(commandBuffer, 28);
printf("%s%*u", commandBuffer, CHECKSUM_LEN, cmdChecksum);
// Need delay ?
return waitForSIODone( answer , bufferAddress );
int PCinit( volatile u_char * bufferAddress ){
// Close all the files on the PC.
// Returns OK if success, -1 if fail
// E.G : 00 01 07 + 00 00 00 00 00
const char * answer = "OK";
u_int bufferLen = 16;
char commandBuffer[ bufferLen ];
sprintf(commandBuffer, "%02u%02u%02u08%08x", ESCAPE, PROTOCOL, INIT, bufferAddress);
u_int cmdChecksum = djbHash( commandBuffer, bufferLen);
printf("%s%*u", commandBuffer, CHECKSUM_LEN, cmdChecksum);
return waitForSIODone( answer, bufferAddress );
int PCclose( int fileDesc, volatile u_char * bufferAddress ){
// Close file corresponding to fileDesc
// Returns OK if success, -1 if fail
// E.G : 00 01 01 16 + 00 00 00 00 00
const char * answer = "OK";
u_int bufferLen = 8;
char commandBuffer[ bufferLen ];
sprintf(commandBuffer, "%02u%02u%02u%02u", ESCAPE, PROTOCOL, CLOSE, fileDesc);
u_int cmdChecksum = djbHash( commandBuffer, bufferLen);
printf("%s%*u", commandBuffer, CHECKSUM_LEN, cmdChecksum);
return waitForSIODone( answer, bufferAddress );
int PCopen( const char * filename, u_char mode, volatile u_char * bufferAddress ){
// Open filename in mode
// Returns file descriptor or -1 if fail
// Mode can be 00 (RO), 01(WO), 02 (RW) (see pcdrv.h, l.52)
// E.G : 00 01 00 08 48454C4F 00 + 0000000000 <- cmd checksum 18 + CHECKSUM_LEN B
// Expected answer DaTa + 2 chars of data
const char * answer = "DT";
// Should we allow names > 8 chars ? If so, use strlen() to determine buffer length
u_int bufferLen = 20 + strlen( filename ); // else use a length of 28
u_short addLenInChar = sizeof(bufferAddress) * 2;
char commandBuffer[ bufferLen ];
sprintf(commandBuffer, "%02u%02u%02u%02u%*s%02u%08x%02u", ESCAPE, PROTOCOL, OPEN, strlen( filename ), strlen( filename ), filename, addLenInChar, bufferAddress, mode);
u_int cmdChecksum = djbHash( commandBuffer, bufferLen);
printf("%s%*u", commandBuffer, CHECKSUM_LEN, cmdChecksum);
return waitForSIODone( answer, bufferAddress );
int PCcreate( const char * filename, u_char mode, volatile u_char * bufferAddress ){
// Create and open file with filename in mode
// Returns file descriptor or -1 if fail
// Mode can be 00 (RO), 01(WO), 02 (RW) (see pcdrv.h, l.52)
// E.G : 00 01 00 08 48454C4F 00 + 0000000000 <- cmd checksum 18 + CHECKSUM_LEN B
// Expected answer DaTa + 2 chars of data
const char * answer = "DT";
u_int bufferLen = 20 + strlen( filename );
u_short addLenInChar = sizeof(bufferAddress) * 2;
char commandBuffer[ bufferLen ];
sprintf(commandBuffer, "%02u%02u%02u%02u%*s%02u%08x%02u", ESCAPE, PROTOCOL, CREATE, strlen( filename ), strlen( filename ), filename, addLenInChar, bufferAddress, mode);
u_int cmdChecksum = djbHash( commandBuffer, bufferLen);
printf("%s%*u", commandBuffer, CHECKSUM_LEN, cmdChecksum);
return waitForSIODone( answer, bufferAddress );
int PCseek( int fd, int curPos, int offset, int accessMode, volatile u_char * bufferAddress ){
// Seek offset in file
// Return new position or -1 if fail
// accessMode can be relative to start : 0 , relative to current pos : 1 , relative to end of file : 2
// E.G : 00 01 02 02 09 08 00000000 08 00000369 08 80025808 01 1907502951
const char * answer = "DT";
u_int bufferLen = 42; // Will we need file desc > 99 ?
char commandBuffer[ bufferLen ];
sprintf(commandBuffer, "%02u%02u%02u02%02u08%08d08%08d08%08x%02u", ESCAPE, PROTOCOL, SEEK, fd, curPos, offset, bufferAddress, accessMode);
u_int cmdChecksum = djbHash( commandBuffer, bufferLen);
printf("%s%*u", commandBuffer, CHECKSUM_LEN, cmdChecksum);
return waitForSIODone( answer, bufferAddress );
int PCread( int fd, int pos, int len, volatile char * dataBuffer, volatile char * bufferAddress ){
// Read and returns len bytes at pos on file fd
// Send read bytes to dataBuffer
// Return OK or -1 if fail
// E.G : 00 01 03 02 88 08 00000369 08 00000016 08 80025808 08 80025848 1841163114
const char * answer = "OK";
u_int bufferLen = 50;
char commandBuffer[ bufferLen ];
sprintf(commandBuffer, "%02u%02u%02u02%02u08%08d08%08d08%08x08%08x", ESCAPE, PROTOCOL, READ, fd, pos, len, dataBuffer, bufferAddress);
u_int cmdChecksum = djbHash( commandBuffer, bufferLen);
printf("%s%*u", commandBuffer, CHECKSUM_LEN, cmdChecksum);
return waitForSIODone( answer, bufferAddress );
int PCwrite( int fd, int pos, int len, volatile u_char * dataBuffer, volatile u_char * bufferAddress ){
// Send len bytes from dataBuffer to be written in file fd at pos
// Return OK or -1 if fail
// E.G : 00 01 04 02 88 08 00000000 08 00000016 16 ALLEZONYVALESENF 08 80025808 4060903934
const char * answer = "OK";
// Add space for null terminator
u_char tempBuffer[len + 1];
// Fill tempBuffer with data at dataBuffer
for( int b = 0; b < len; b++ ){
tempBuffer[b] = dataBuffer[b];
// Set null terminator
tempBuffer[len] = 0;
u_int bufferLen = 42 + len;
char commandBuffer[ bufferLen ];
sprintf(commandBuffer, "%02u%02u%02u02%02u08%08d08%08d%02u%*s08%08x", ESCAPE, PROTOCOL, WRITE, fd, pos, len, len, len, tempBuffer, bufferAddress);
u_int cmdChecksum = djbHash( commandBuffer, bufferLen);
printf("%s%*u", commandBuffer, CHECKSUM_LEN, cmdChecksum);
return waitForSIODone( answer, bufferAddress );
// WIP : Build command for use with putchar instead of printf
void BuildCmd(){
// Build command in the buffer
u_char escape = 0x00; // Hypothetical Escape char for unirom
u_char protocol = 0x01; // Hypothetical protocol indicator for unirom
// Command is 18 B data + 10 B checksum
char commandBuffer[28] = {0};
u_char checkSumLen = 10;
short i = 0;
u_long * loadAddress;
u_char * flagAddress;
// FntPrint("%x\n", loadAddress);
while( i < sizeof( commandBuffer) - checkSumLen ){
if( i == 0 ){
commandBuffer[0] = escape;
commandBuffer[1] = protocol;
i = 2;
if( i == 2 ){
commandBuffer[i] = LOAD;
i ++;
commandBuffer[i] = sizeof(&loadAddress);
i ++;
for( u_int b = 0; b < sizeof(&loadAddress); b++ ){
commandBuffer[i] = U32ToChars( ( u_int ) loadAddress, b );
// FntPrint("i: %d b: %d, %02x\n", i, b, commandBuffer[i]);
commandBuffer[i] = sizeof(&flagAddress);
i ++;
for( u_int b = 0; b < sizeof(&flagAddress); b++ ){
commandBuffer[i] = U32ToChars( ( u_int ) flagAddress, b );
// FntPrint("i: %d b: %d, %02x\n", i, b, commandBuffer[i]);
// commandBuffer[i] = overlayFileID;
for(short c = 0; c < sizeof(commandBuffer) - checkSumLen; c++){
// FntPrint("%x", commandBuffer[c]);
// FntPrint("\n%d, %d", i, sizeof(commandBuffer) );
for(u_int b = 0; b < sizeof(commandBuffer)-3; b+=4 ){
u_char bytes[4] = {0};
bytes[0] = commandBuffer[b + 0];
bytes[1] = commandBuffer[b + 1];
bytes[2] = commandBuffer[b + 2];
bytes[3] = commandBuffer[b + 3];
sendU32( charsToU32(bytes) );
// u_int cmdChecksum = djbHash((const char * )commandBuffer, sizeof(commandBuffer) - checkSumLen);
// FntPrint("\n%d\n", cmdChecksum);

pcdrv.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// 28-04-2021 - @nicolasnoble:
// step 0 : have a protocol that can handle open / close / seek / read / write
// step 1 : have an unhandled exception handler installed in the kernel to capture the pcdrv functions; that sounds scary, but it's extremely straightforward (I think @sickle currently has one for his debugger)
// step 1.5: implement the pcopen / pcclose / pcread / pcwrite / pcseek functions, which are basically the same model as my syscalls.h file
// step 2 : implement the unhandler exception handler in a way that properly redirects the calls to the step 0 protocol, and returns gracefully to the caller when done - that can be a bit tricky, but it's totally doable
// this step requires understanding the ReturnFromException mechanism basically which, to be fair, is sort of understandable from this one file:
// you can see the syscall_unresolvedException() call at the bottom , this just needs to follow the same pattern
// and break down the caller, modify the current thread's registers, and return to the caller
// at this point, we have a working basic pcdrv feature, using pcopen / pcclose / pcread / pcwrite / pcseek
// step 3 : add a kernel driver for "pcdrv:" that just piggy backs on pc* functions so that people can simply do a int file = open("pcdrv:blah.txt", O_RDONLY);
// (and thus support things like CSOTN technically)
// So like we'd have, say,
// 00 01 00 03 58 58 58 01 xx for pcdrv' file open to open the file name "XXX" and attribute 1
// (escape) (pcdrv command) (pcdrv open) (filename with length as prefix) (attributes) (checksum)
#pragma once
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
//~ #include <libsio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BUFFER_LEN 8
#define ESCAPE 0x00 // Hypothetical Escape char for unirom
#define PROTOCOL 0x01
//pcdrv commands
#define OPEN 0x00
#define CLOSE 0x01
#define SEEK 0x02
#define READ 0x03
#define WRITE 0x04
#define CREATE 0x05
#define LOAD 0x06
#define INIT 0x07
// flags parameters
#define O_RDONLY 0x00
#define O_WRONLY 0x01
#define O_RDWR 0x02
#define CHECKSUM_LEN 10
//~ static char sio_read();
int waitForSIODone( const char * answer, volatile char * bufferAddress);
static inline uint32_t djbHash( const char* str, unsigned n );
static inline uint32_t djbProcess(uint32_t hash, const char str[], unsigned n);
//~ uint32_t charsToU32 ( char * byte );
//~ u_char U32ToChars( u_int memoryAddress, u_int byteNbr);
//~ void sendU32(uint32_t data);
//~ void sendRU32(uint32_t data);
u_short PCload( u_long * loadAddress, volatile u_char * bufferAddress, u_char * overlayFileID );
int PCinit( volatile u_char * bufferAddress );
int PCclose( int fileDesc, volatile u_char * bufferAddress );
int PCopen( const char * filename, u_char mode, volatile u_char * bufferAddress );
int PCcreate( const char * filename, u_char mode, volatile u_char * bufferAddress );
int PCseek( int fd, int curPos, int offset, int accessMode, volatile u_char * bufferAddress );
int PCread( int fd, int pos, int len, volatile char * dataBuffer, volatile char * bufferAddress );
int PCwrite( int fd, int pos, int len, volatile u_char * dataBuffer, volatile u_char * bufferAddress );