This is a conversion/edition of Martin "nocash" Korth's Playstation specs document originally hosted at []( See []( for more details. [Memory Map](
[I/O Map](
[Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)](
[Geometry Transformation Engine (GTE)](
[Macroblock Decoder (MDEC)](
[Sound Processing Unit (SPU)](
[DMA Channels](
[CDROM Drive](
[Controllers and Memory Cards](
[Serial Port (SIO)](
[Expansion Port (PIO)](
[Memory Control](
[Unpredictable Things](
[CPU Specifications](
[Kernel (BIOS)](
[Arcade Cabinets](
[Cheat Devices](
[PSX Dev-Board Chipsets](
[Hardware Numbers](
[About & Credits](
[CDROM Video CDs (VCD)](
[CDROM Internal Info on PSX CDROM Controller](