# DroidFS An alternative way to use encrypted virtual filesystems on Android that uses its own internal file explorer instead of mounting volumes. It currently supports [gocryptfs](https://github.com/rfjakob/gocryptfs) and [CryFS](https://github.com/cryfs/cryfs). For mortals: Encrypted storage compatible with already existing softwares.

# Support The creator of DroidFS works as a freelance developer and privacy consultant. I am currently looking for new clients! If you are interested, take a look at the [website](https://arkensys.dedyn.io). Alternatively, you can directly support DroidFS by making a [donation](https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/DroidFS/src/branch/master/DONATE.txt). Thank you so much ❤️. # Disclaimer DroidFS is provided "as is", without any warranty of any kind. It shouldn't be considered as an absolute safe way to store files. DroidFS cannot protect you from screen recording apps, keyloggers, apk backdooring, compromised root accesses, memory dumps etc. Do not use this app with volumes containing sensitive data unless you know exactly what you are doing. # Features - Compatible with original encrypted volume implementations - Internal support for video, audio, images, text and PDF files - Built-in camera to take on-the-fly encrypted photos and videos - Unlocking volumes using fingerprint authentication - Volume auto-locking when the app goes in background _For upcoming features, see [TODO.md](https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/DroidFS/src/branch/master/TODO.md)._ # Unsafe features Some available features are considered risky and are therefore disabled by default. It is strongly recommended that you read the following documentation if you wish to activate one of these options. \* These features can work in two ways: temporarily writing the plain file to disk (DroidFS internal storage) or sharing it via memory. By default, DroidFS will choose to keep the file only in memory as it's more secure, but will fallback to disk export if the file is too large to be held in memory. This behavior can be changed with the *"Export method"* parameter in the settings. Please note that some applications require the file to be stored on disk, and therefore do not work with memory-exported files. # Download You can download DroidFS from [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/packages/sushi.hardcore.droidfs) or from the "Releases" section in this repository. APKs available here are signed with my PGP key available on keyservers: `gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys AFE384344A45E13A` \ Fingerprint: `B64E FE86 CEE1 D054 F082 1711 AFE3 8434 4A45 E13A` \ Email: `Hardcore Sushi ` To verify APKs, save the PGP-signed message to a file and run `gpg --verify `. __Don't install any APK if the verification fails !__ If the signature is valid, you can compare the SHA256 checksums with: ``` sha256sum ``` __Don't install the APK if the checksums don't match!__ F-Droid APKs should be signed with the F-Droid key. More details [here](https://f-droid.org/docs/Release_Channels_and_Signing_Keys). # Permissions DroidFS needs some permissions for certain features. However, you are free to deny them if you do not wish to use these features.
  • Read & write access to shared storage:

    Required to access volumes located on shared storage.
  • Biometric/Fingerprint hardware:

    Required to encrypt/decrypt password hashes using a fingerprint protected key.
  • Camera:

    Required to take encrypted photos or videos directly from the app.
  • Record audio:

    Required if you want sound on video recorded with DroidFS.
  • Notifications:

    Used to report file operations progress and notify about volumes kept open.
# Limitations DroidFS works as a wrapper around modified versions of the original encrypted container implementations ([libgocryptfs](https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/libgocryptfs) and [libcryfs](https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/libcryfs)). These programs were designed to run on standard x86 Linux systems: they access the underlying file system with file paths and syscalls. However, on Android, you can't access files from other applications using file paths. Instead, one has to use the [ContentProvider](https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers) API. Obviously, neither Gocryptfs nor CryFS support this API. As a result, DroidFS cannot open volumes provided by other applications (such as cloud storage clients). If you want to synchronize your volumes on a cloud, the cloud application must synchronize the encrypted directory from disk. Due to Android's storage restrictions, encrypted volumes located on SD cards must be placed under `/Android/data/sushi.hardcore.droidfs/` if you want DroidFS to be able to modify them. # Building from source You can follow the instructions in [BUILD.md](BUILD.md) to build DroidFS from source. # Third party code Thanks to these open source projects that DroidFS uses: ### Modified code: - Encrypted filesystems (to protect your data): - [libgocryptfs](https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/libgocryptfs) (forked from [gocryptfs](https://github.com/rfjakob/gocryptfs)) - [libcryfs](https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/libcryfs) (forked from [CryFS](https://github.com/cryfs/cryfs)) - [libpdfviewer](https://forge.chapril.org/hardcoresushi/libpdfviewer) (forked from [PdfViewer](https://github.com/GrapheneOS/PdfViewer)) to open PDF files - [DoubleTapPlayerView](https://github.com/vkay94/DoubleTapPlayerView) to add double-click controls to the video player ### Borrowed code: - [MaterialFiles](https://github.com/zhanghai/MaterialFiles) for Kotlin natural sorting implementation ### Libraries: - [Glide](https://github.com/bumptech/glide) to display pictures - [ExoPlayer](https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer) to play media files