2023-06-27 14:31:55 +02:00

102 lines
19 KiB

'use strict'; (function (e, a) { "object" === typeof exports && "undefined" !== typeof module ? module.exports = a() : "function" === typeof define && define.amd ? define(a) : (e = "undefined" !== typeof globalThis ? globalThis : e || self, e.QrScanner = a()) })(this, function () {
class e {
constructor(a, b, c, d, f) {
this._legacyCanvasSize = e.DEFAULT_CANVAS_SIZE; this._preferredCamera = "environment"; this._maxScansPerSecond = 25; this._lastScanTimestamp = -1; this._destroyed = this._flashOn = this._paused = this._active = !1; this.$video = a; this.$canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
c && "object" === typeof c ? this._onDecode = b : (c || d || f ? console.warn("You're using a deprecated version of the QrScanner constructor which will be removed in the future") : console.warn("Note that the type of the scan result passed to onDecode will change in the future. To already switch to the new api today, you can pass returnDetailedScanResult: true."), this._legacyOnDecode = b); b = "object" === typeof c ? c : {}; this._onDecodeError = b.onDecodeError || ("function" === typeof c ? c : this._onDecodeError); this._calculateScanRegion =
b.calculateScanRegion || ("function" === typeof d ? d : this._calculateScanRegion); this._preferredCamera = b.preferredCamera || f || this._preferredCamera; this._legacyCanvasSize = "number" === typeof c ? c : "number" === typeof d ? d : this._legacyCanvasSize; this._maxScansPerSecond = b.maxScansPerSecond || this._maxScansPerSecond; this._onPlay = this._onPlay.bind(this); this._onLoadedMetaData = this._onLoadedMetaData.bind(this); this._onVisibilityChange = this._onVisibilityChange.bind(this); this._updateOverlay = this._updateOverlay.bind(this);
a.disablePictureInPicture = !0; a.playsInline = !0; a.muted = !0; let h = !1; a.hidden && (a.hidden = !1, h = !0); document.body.contains(a) || (document.body.appendChild(a), h = !0); c = a.parentElement; if (b.highlightScanRegion || b.highlightCodeOutline) {
d = !!b.overlay; this.$overlay = b.overlay || document.createElement("div"); f = this.$; f.position = "absolute"; f.display = "none"; f.pointerEvents = "none"; this.$overlay.classList.add("scan-region-highlight"); if (!d && b.highlightScanRegion) {
this.$overlay.innerHTML = '<svg class="scan-region-highlight-svg" viewBox="0 0 238 238" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0;top:0;fill:none;stroke:#e9b213;stroke-width:4;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round"><path d="M31 2H10a8 8 0 0 0-8 8v21M207 2h21a8 8 0 0 1 8 8v21m0 176v21a8 8 0 0 1-8 8h-21m-176 0H10a8 8 0 0 1-8-8v-21"/></svg>';
try { this.$overlay.firstElementChild.animate({ transform: ["scale(.98)", "scale(1.01)"] }, { duration: 400, iterations: Infinity, direction: "alternate", easing: "ease-in-out" }) } catch (m) { } c.insertBefore(this.$overlay, this.$video.nextSibling)
} b.highlightCodeOutline && (this.$overlay.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", '<svg class="code-outline-highlight" preserveAspectRatio="none" style="display:none;width:100%;height:100%;fill:none;stroke:#e9b213;stroke-width:5;stroke-dasharray:25;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round"><polygon/></svg>'),
this.$codeOutlineHighlight = this.$overlay.lastElementChild)
} this._scanRegion = this._calculateScanRegion(a); requestAnimationFrame(() => {
let m = window.getComputedStyle(a); "none" === m.display && ("display", "block", "important"), h = !0); "visible" !== m.visibility && ("visibility", "visible", "important"), h = !0); h && (console.warn("QrScanner has overwritten the video hiding style to avoid Safari stopping the playback."), = "0", = "0", = "0", this.$overlay &&
this.$overlay.parentElement && this.$overlay.parentElement.removeChild(this.$overlay), delete this.$overlay, delete this.$codeOutlineHighlight); this.$overlay && this._updateOverlay()
}); a.addEventListener("play", this._onPlay); a.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", this._onLoadedMetaData); document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", this._onVisibilityChange); window.addEventListener("resize", this._updateOverlay); this._qrEnginePromise = e.createQrEngine()
} static set WORKER_PATH(a) { console.warn("Setting QrScanner.WORKER_PATH is not required and not supported anymore. Have a look at the README for new setup instructions.") } static async hasCamera() { try { return !!(await e.listCameras(!1)).length } catch (a) { return !1 } } static async listCameras(a =
!1) { if (!navigator.mediaDevices) return []; let b = async () => (await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()).filter(d => "videoinput" === d.kind), c; try { a && (await b()).every(d => !d.label) && (c = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: !1, video: !0 })) } catch (d) { } try { return (await b()).map((d, f) => ({ id: d.deviceId, label: d.label || (0 === f ? "Default Camera" : `Camera ${f + 1}`) })) } finally { c && (console.warn("Call listCameras after successfully starting a QR scanner to avoid creating a temporary video stream"), e._stopVideoStream(c)) } } async hasFlash() {
let a;
try { if (this.$video.srcObject) { if (!(this.$video.srcObject instanceof MediaStream)) return !1; a = this.$video.srcObject } else a = (await this._getCameraStream()).stream; return "torch" in a.getVideoTracks()[0].getSettings() } catch (b) { return !1 } finally { a && a !== this.$video.srcObject && (console.warn("Call hasFlash after successfully starting the scanner to avoid creating a temporary video stream"), e._stopVideoStream(a)) }
} isFlashOn() { return this._flashOn } async toggleFlash() { this._flashOn ? await this.turnFlashOff() : await this.turnFlashOn() } async turnFlashOn() {
if (!this._flashOn &&
!this._destroyed && (this._flashOn = !0, this._active && !this._paused)) try { if (!await this.hasFlash()) throw "No flash available"; await this.$video.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0].applyConstraints({ advanced: [{ torch: !0 }] }) } catch (a) { throw this._flashOn = !1, a; }
} async turnFlashOff() { this._flashOn && (this._flashOn = !1, await this._restartVideoStream()) } destroy() {
this.$video.removeEventListener("loadedmetadata", this._onLoadedMetaData); this.$video.removeEventListener("play", this._onPlay); document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange",
this._onVisibilityChange); window.removeEventListener("resize", this._updateOverlay); this._destroyed = !0; this._flashOn = !1; this.stop(); e._postWorkerMessage(this._qrEnginePromise, "close")
} async start() {
if (this._destroyed) throw Error("The QR scanner can not be started as it had been destroyed."); if (!this._active || this._paused) if ("https:" !== window.location.protocol && console.warn("The camera stream is only accessible if the page is transferred via https."), this._active = !0, !document.hidden) if (this._paused =
!1, this.$video.srcObject) await this.$; else try { let { stream: a, facingMode: b } = await this._getCameraStream(); !this._active || this._paused ? e._stopVideoStream(a) : (this._setVideoMirror(b), this.$video.srcObject = a, await this.$, this._flashOn && (this._flashOn = !1, this.turnFlashOn().catch(() => { }))) } catch (a) { if (!this._paused) throw this._active = !1, a; }
} stop() { this.pause(); this._active = !1 } async pause(a = !1) {
this._paused = !0; if (!this._active) return !0; this.$video.pause(); this.$overlay && (this.$ =
"none"); let b = () => { this.$video.srcObject instanceof MediaStream && (e._stopVideoStream(this.$video.srcObject), this.$video.srcObject = null) }; if (a) return b(), !0; await new Promise(c => setTimeout(c, 300)); if (!this._paused) return !1; b(); return !0
} async setCamera(a) { a !== this._preferredCamera && (this._preferredCamera = a, await this._restartVideoStream()) } static async scanImage(a, b, c, d, f = !1, h = !1) {
let m, n = !1; b && ("scanRegion" in b || "qrEngine" in b || "canvas" in b || "disallowCanvasResizing" in b || "alsoTryWithoutScanRegion" in
b || "returnDetailedScanResult" in b) ? (m = b.scanRegion, c = b.qrEngine, d = b.canvas, f = b.disallowCanvasResizing || !1, h = b.alsoTryWithoutScanRegion || !1, n = !0) : b || c || d || f || h ? console.warn("You're using a deprecated api for scanImage which will be removed in the future.") : console.warn("Note that the return type of scanImage will change in the future. To already switch to the new api today, you can pass returnDetailedScanResult: true."); b = !!c; try {
let p, k;[c, p] = await Promise.all([c || e.createQrEngine(), e._loadImage(a)]);
[d, k] = e._drawToCanvas(p, m, d, f); let q; if (c instanceof Worker) {
let g = c; b || e._postWorkerMessageSync(g, "inversionMode", "both"); q = await new Promise((l, v) => {
let w, u, r, y = -1; u = t => { === y && (g.removeEventListener("message", u), g.removeEventListener("error", r), clearTimeout(w), null !== ? l({ data:, cornerPoints: e._convertPoints(, m) }) : v(e.NO_QR_CODE_FOUND)) }; r = t => {
g.removeEventListener("message", u); g.removeEventListener("error", r); clearTimeout(w); v("Scanner error: " + (t ?
t.message || t : "Unknown Error"))
}; g.addEventListener("message", u); g.addEventListener("error", r); w = setTimeout(() => r("timeout"), 1E4); let x = k.getImageData(0, 0, d.width, d.height); y = e._postWorkerMessageSync(g, "decode", x, [])
} else q = await Promise.race([new Promise((g, l) => window.setTimeout(() => l("Scanner error: timeout"), 1E4)), (async () => {
try { var [g] = await c.detect(d); if (!g) throw e.NO_QR_CODE_FOUND; return { data: g.rawValue, cornerPoints: e._convertPoints(g.cornerPoints, m) } } catch (l) {
g = l.message || l;
if (/not implemented|service unavailable/.test(g)) return e._disableBarcodeDetector = !0, e.scanImage(a, { scanRegion: m, canvas: d, disallowCanvasResizing: f, alsoTryWithoutScanRegion: h }); throw `Scanner error: ${g}`;
})()]); return n ? q :
} catch (p) { if (!m || !h) throw p; let k = await e.scanImage(a, { qrEngine: c, canvas: d, disallowCanvasResizing: f }); return n ? k : } finally { b || e._postWorkerMessage(c, "close") }
} setGrayscaleWeights(a, b, c, d = !0) {
e._postWorkerMessage(this._qrEnginePromise, "grayscaleWeights", {
red: a, green: b,
blue: c, useIntegerApproximation: d
} setInversionMode(a) { e._postWorkerMessage(this._qrEnginePromise, "inversionMode", a) } static async createQrEngine(a) {
a && console.warn("Specifying a worker path is not required and not supported anymore."); a = () => import("./qr-scanner-worker.min.js").then(c => c.createWorker()); if (!(!e._disableBarcodeDetector && "BarcodeDetector" in window && BarcodeDetector.getSupportedFormats && (await BarcodeDetector.getSupportedFormats()).includes("qr_code"))) return a(); let b = navigator.userAgentData;
return b && b.brands.some(({ brand: c }) => /Chromium/i.test(c)) && /mac ?OS/i.test(b.platform) && await b.getHighEntropyValues(["architecture", "platformVersion"]).then(({ architecture: c, platformVersion: d }) => /arm/i.test(c || "arm") && 13 <= parseInt(d || "13")).catch(() => !0) ? a() : new BarcodeDetector({ formats: ["qr_code"] })
} _onPlay() { this._scanRegion = this._calculateScanRegion(this.$video); this._updateOverlay(); this.$overlay && (this.$ = ""); this._scanFrame() } _onLoadedMetaData() {
this._scanRegion = this._calculateScanRegion(this.$video);
} _onVisibilityChange() { document.hidden ? this.pause() : this._active && this.start() } _calculateScanRegion(a) { let b = Math.round(2 / 3 * Math.min(a.videoWidth, a.videoHeight)); return { x: Math.round((a.videoWidth - b) / 2), y: Math.round((a.videoHeight - b) / 2), width: b, height: b, downScaledWidth: this._legacyCanvasSize, downScaledHeight: this._legacyCanvasSize } } _updateOverlay() {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
if (this.$overlay) {
var a = this.$video, b = a.videoWidth, c = a.videoHeight, d = a.offsetWidth, f = a.offsetHeight, h = a.offsetLeft,
m = a.offsetTop, n = window.getComputedStyle(a), p = n.objectFit, k = b / c, q = d / f; switch (p) { case "none": var g = b; var l = c; break; case "fill": g = d; l = f; break; default: ("cover" === p ? k > q : k < q) ? (l = f, g = l * k) : (g = d, l = g / k), "scale-down" === p && (g = Math.min(g, b), l = Math.min(l, c)) }var [v, w] = n.objectPosition.split(" ").map((r, y) => { const x = parseFloat(r); return r.endsWith("%") ? (y ? f - l : d - g) * x / 100 : x }); n = this._scanRegion.width || b; q = this._scanRegion.height || c; p = this._scanRegion.x || 0; var u = this._scanRegion.y || 0; k = this.$; k.width =
`${n / b * g}px`; k.height = `${q / c * l}px`; = `${m + w + u / c * l}px`; c = /scaleX\(-1\)/.test(; k.left = `${h + (c ? d - v - g : v) + (c ? b - p - n : p) / b * g}px`; k.transform =
} static _convertPoints(a, b) { if (!b) return a; let c = b.x || 0, d = b.y || 0, f = b.width && b.downScaledWidth ? b.width / b.downScaledWidth : 1; b = b.height && b.downScaledHeight ? b.height / b.downScaledHeight : 1; for (let h of a) h.x = h.x * f + c, h.y = h.y * b + d; return a } _scanFrame() {
!this._active || this.$video.paused || this.$video.ended || ("requestVideoFrameCallback" in
this.$video ? this.$video.requestVideoFrameCallback.bind(this.$video) : requestAnimationFrame)(async () => {
if (!(1 >= this.$video.readyState)) {
var a = - this._lastScanTimestamp, b = 1E3 / this._maxScansPerSecond; a < b && await new Promise(d => setTimeout(d, b - a)); this._lastScanTimestamp =; try { var c = await e.scanImage(this.$video, { scanRegion: this._scanRegion, qrEngine: this._qrEnginePromise, canvas: this.$canvas }) } catch (d) { if (!this._active) return; this._onDecodeError(d) } !e._disableBarcodeDetector || await this._qrEnginePromise instanceof
Worker || (this._qrEnginePromise = e.createQrEngine()); c ? (this._onDecode ? this._onDecode(c) : this._legacyOnDecode && this._legacyOnDecode(, this.$codeOutlineHighlight && (clearTimeout(this._codeOutlineHighlightRemovalTimeout), this._codeOutlineHighlightRemovalTimeout = void 0, this.$codeOutlineHighlight.setAttribute("viewBox", `${this._scanRegion.x || 0} ` + `${this._scanRegion.y || 0} ` + `${this._scanRegion.width || this.$video.videoWidth} ` + `${this._scanRegion.height || this.$video.videoHeight}`), this.$codeOutlineHighlight.firstElementChild.setAttribute("points",{ x: d, y: f }) => `${d},${f}`).join(" ")), this.$ = "")) : this.$codeOutlineHighlight && !this._codeOutlineHighlightRemovalTimeout && (this._codeOutlineHighlightRemovalTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.$ = "none", 100))
} this._scanFrame()
} _onDecodeError(a) { a !== e.NO_QR_CODE_FOUND && console.log(a) } async _getCameraStream() {
if (!navigator.mediaDevices) throw "Camera not found."; let a = /^(environment|user)$/.test(this._preferredCamera) ? "facingMode" :
"deviceId", b = [{ width: { min: 1024 } }, { width: { min: 768 } }, {}], c = => Object.assign({}, d, { [a]: { exact: this._preferredCamera } })); for (let d of [...c, ...b]) try { let f = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: d, audio: !1 }), h = this._getFacingMode(f) || (d.facingMode ? this._preferredCamera : "environment" === this._preferredCamera ? "user" : "environment"); return { stream: f, facingMode: h } } catch (f) { } throw "Camera not found.";
} async _restartVideoStream() { let a = this._paused; await this.pause(!0) && !a && this._active && await this.start() } static _stopVideoStream(a) {
for (let b of a.getTracks()) b.stop(),
} _setVideoMirror(a) { this.$ = "scaleX(" + ("user" === a ? -1 : 1) + ")" } _getFacingMode(a) { return (a = a.getVideoTracks()[0]) ? /rear|back|environment/i.test(a.label) ? "environment" : /front|user|face/i.test(a.label) ? "user" : null : null } static _drawToCanvas(a, b, c, d = !1) {
c = c || document.createElement("canvas"); let f = b && b.x ? b.x : 0, h = b && b.y ? b.y : 0, m = b && b.width ? b.width : a.videoWidth || a.width, n = b && b.height ? b.height : a.videoHeight || a.height; d || (d = b && b.downScaledWidth ? b.downScaledWidth : m, b = b && b.downScaledHeight ?
b.downScaledHeight : n, c.width !== d && (c.width = d), c.height !== b && (c.height = b)); b = c.getContext("2d", { alpha: !1 }); b.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1; b.drawImage(a, f, h, m, n, 0, 0, c.width, c.height); return [c, b]
} static async _loadImage(a) {
if (a instanceof Image) return await e._awaitImageLoad(a), a; if (a instanceof HTMLVideoElement || a instanceof HTMLCanvasElement || a instanceof SVGImageElement || "OffscreenCanvas" in window && a instanceof OffscreenCanvas || "ImageBitmap" in window && a instanceof ImageBitmap) return a; if (a instanceof
File || a instanceof Blob || a instanceof URL || "string" === typeof a) { let b = new Image; b.src = a instanceof File || a instanceof Blob ? URL.createObjectURL(a) : a.toString(); try { return await e._awaitImageLoad(b), b } finally { (a instanceof File || a instanceof Blob) && URL.revokeObjectURL(b.src) } } else throw "Unsupported image type.";
} static async _awaitImageLoad(a) {
a.complete && 0 !== a.naturalWidth || await new Promise((b, c) => {
let d = f => {
a.removeEventListener("load", d); a.removeEventListener("error", d); f instanceof ErrorEvent ?
c("Image load error") : b()
}; a.addEventListener("load", d); a.addEventListener("error", d)
} static async _postWorkerMessage(a, b, c, d) { return e._postWorkerMessageSync(await a, b, c, d) } static _postWorkerMessageSync(a, b, c, d) { if (!(a instanceof Worker)) return -1; let f = e._workerMessageId++; a.postMessage({ id: f, type: b, data: c }, d); return f }
} e.DEFAULT_CANVAS_SIZE = 400; e.NO_QR_CODE_FOUND = "No QR code found"; e._disableBarcodeDetector = !1; e._workerMessageId = 0; return e