import bge # Bibliothèque Blender Game Engine (UPBGE) import webbrowser import numpy as np ############################################################################### # # @title: A propos du player 3D d'analyse de cinématique # @project: Blender-EduTech # @lang: fr # @authors: Philippe Roy # @copyright: Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Philippe Roy # @license: GNU GPL ############################################################################### # UPBGE scene scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() # Colors color_link = [0.051, 0.270, 0.279,1] # Turquoise # color_link = [0.024, 0.006, 0.8, 1] # Bleu color_link_hl = [0.8, 0.005, 0.315, 1] # Magenta # UPBGE constants JUST_ACTIVATED = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED JUST_RELEASED = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_RELEASED ACTIVATE = bge.logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE # JUST_DEACTIVATED = bge.logic.KX_SENSOR_JUST_DEACTIVATED ## # Ouverture ## def open(): scene.active_camera = scene.objects["Camera-About"] scene.objects['About_close'].color= color_link scene.objects['About_screen-up'].color= color_link scene.objects['About_screen-down'].color= color_link scene.objects['About_screen']['Text']= "Taille écran : "+str(bge.render.getWindowWidth()) +" x "+str(bge.render.getWindowHeight()) scene.objects['About_link-git'].color= color_link scene.objects['About_link-git']['Text'] = "Dépôt des sources" # Pas de ô dans Blender scene.objects['About_link-gpl'].color= color_link scene.objects['About_link-upbge'].color= color_link scene.objects['About'].setVisible(True,True) def close(cont): if cont.sensors['Click'].status == JUST_ACTIVATED and cont.sensors['MO'].positive : if scene.objects['About']['anim'] == True: start = scene.objects['Mecanism']['anim_frame'] end = 250 layer = 0 priority = 1 blendin = 1.0 mode = bge.logic.KX_ACTION_MODE_PLAY layerWeight = 0.0 ipoFlags = 0 speed = 1.0 for objet in scene.objects['Mecanism']['objects_anim'] : scene.objects[objet].playAction(objet+'-Action', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed) scene.objects['Mecanism']['anim'] = True scene.objects['About']['anim'] == False scene.active_camera = scene.objects["Camera"] scene.objects['About'].setVisible(False,True) ## # Highlight ## def hl(cont): if cont.sensors['MO'].status == JUST_ACTIVATED: obj = cont.owner[:-7] scene.objects[name].color = color_link_hl if cont.sensors['MO'].status == JUST_RELEASED: obj = cont.owner[:-7] scene.objects[name].color = color_link ## # Liens ## def link(cont): if cont.sensors['Click'].status == JUST_ACTIVATED and cont.sensors['MO'].positive : obj = cont.owner[:-7] link={ 'About_link-git' : '', 'About_link-gpl' : '', 'About_link-upbge' : ''} [name]) ## # Configuration de l'écran ## def get_near_pos(array,value): array = np.asarray(array) idx = (np.abs(array-value)).argmin() return idx # Taille de l'écran + def screen_up(cont): if cont.sensors['Click'].status == JUST_ACTIVATED and cont.sensors['MO'].positive : screen_width_mode=[640, 960, 1280, 1920] screen_height_mode=[360, 540, 720,1080] screen_mode_txt=["640x360", "960x540", "1280x720", "1920x1080"] i = get_near_pos(screen_width_mode, bge.render.getWindowWidth()) if i>=0 and i<3 : screen_width=screen_width_mode[i+1] screen_height=screen_height_mode[i+1] scene.objects['About_screen']['Text']= "Taille écran : "+str(screen_width) +" x "+str(screen_height) bge.render.setWindowSize(screen_width,screen_height) # Taille de l'écran - def screen_down(cont): if cont.sensors['Click'].status == JUST_ACTIVATED and cont.sensors['MO'].positive : screen_width_mode=[640, 960, 1280, 1920] screen_height_mode=[360, 540, 720,1080] screen_mode_txt=["640x360", "960x540", "1280x720", "1920x1080"] i = get_near_pos(screen_width_mode, bge.render.getWindowWidth()) if i>0 and i<=3 : screen_width=screen_width_mode[i-1] screen_height=screen_height_mode[i-1] scene.objects['About_screen']['Text']= "Taille écran : "+str(screen_width) +" x "+str(screen_height) bge.render.setWindowSize(screen_width,screen_height)