diff --git a/asset/icons/hud/icon_exit.svg b/asset/icons/hud/icon_exit.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5feac47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asset/icons/hud/icon_exit.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
diff --git a/asset/sounds/rp_click.ogg b/asset/sounds/rp_click.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62de5e4
Binary files /dev/null and b/asset/sounds/rp_click.ogg differ
diff --git a/asset/sounds/rp_close.ogg b/asset/sounds/rp_close.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7340960
Binary files /dev/null and b/asset/sounds/rp_close.ogg differ
diff --git a/asset/sounds/rp_grid.ogg b/asset/sounds/rp_grid.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b5cd23
Binary files /dev/null and b/asset/sounds/rp_grid.ogg differ
diff --git a/asset/sounds/rp_open.ogg b/asset/sounds/rp_open.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bf1f24
Binary files /dev/null and b/asset/sounds/rp_open.ogg differ
diff --git a/ropy-08.blend b/ropy-08.blend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..210a0a8
Binary files /dev/null and b/ropy-08.blend differ
diff --git a/ropy_cmd.py b/ropy_cmd.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d2c513..0000000
--- a/ropy_cmd.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-import bge # Bibliothèque Blender Game Engine (BGE)
-import math # Bibliothèque Math
-from ropy_lib import * # Bibliothèque Ropy
-import ropy_init # Initialisation du robot Ropy
-# ropy_cmd.py
-# @title: Commandes du Robot Ropy
-# @project: Blender-EduTech
-def main():
- ###############################################################################
- # Récupérer les objets du moteur 3D (BGE) << NE PAS MODIFIER CETTE SECTION >>
- ###############################################################################
- scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() # Récupérer la scène 3D
- cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() # Récupérer le contrôleur BGE
- obj = cont.owner # Récupérer le robot de la scène 3D
- obj.visible=False
- ###############################################################################
- # Initialisation du niveau :
- # Niveau 0 : Vide
- # Niveau 1 : Les premiers pas de Ropy
- # Niveau 2 : Sécuriser Ropy
- # Niveau 3 : Partir au bout du monde
- # Niveau 4 : Faire face à l'inconnu
- # Niveau 5 : Se rendre utile
- ###############################################################################
- rp_niveau (1) # Saisir le niveau (de 0 à 5)
- ropy_init.main() # Initialisation de la scène 3D
- ###############################################################################
- # Fonctions
- ###############################################################################
- ###############################################################################
- # Commandes
- ###############################################################################
diff --git a/ropy_init.py b/ropy_init.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 26e8a55..0000000
--- a/ropy_init.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-import bge # Bibliothèque Blender Game Engine (BGE)
-import random
-from ropy_lib import *
-# ropy_init.py
-# @title: Initialisation du Robot Ropy
-# @project: Blender-EduTech
-# @lang: fr
-# @authors: Philippe Roy
-# @copyright: Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Philippe Roy
-# @license: GNU GPL
-# Initialisation du Robot
-# Ropy est destiné à la découverte de la programmation procédurale et du language Python.
-# A travers plusieurs challenges, donc de manière graduée, les élèves vont apprendre à manipuler les structures algorithmiques de base et à les coder en Python.
-def main():
- ###############################################################################
- # Récupérer les objets du moteur 3D (BGE)
- ###############################################################################
- scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene() # Récupérer la scène 3D
- cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() # Récupérer le contrô´leur BGE
- obj = cont.owner # Récupérer le robot de la scène 3D
- ###############################################################################
- # Initialisation
- ###############################################################################
- # niveau = obj['level']
- # print ("")
- # print ("Construction du niveau ...")
- # # Position initiale du robot
- # rp_init_position() # zone de 10x10 -> par défaut, au centre case (X,Y) : 5,5
- # rp_orientation("est") # il y a nord, sud, est, ouest
- # obj['mvts'] = "" # Liste des mouvements
- # obj['mvt_i'] = 0 # Liste des mouvements
- # # obj.visible=False
- # # Enlever les murs et les marques
- # def_murs=[]
- # rp_enlever_marques()
- ###############################################################################
- # Construction du niveau
- # Zone de 10x10
- #
- # Murs :
- # Longueur des murs : fixe d' une case
- # Position des murs : liste imbriquée : [[mur1_x1,mur1_y1,mur1_x2,mur1_y2],[mur2_x1,mur2_y1,mur2_x2,mur2_y2], ...]
- ###############################################################################
- niveau = obj['level']
- print ("")
- print ("Construction du niveau ...")
- # Enlever les murs et les marques
- def_murs=[]
- rp_enlever_marques()
- rp_orientation("est") # il y a nord, sud, est, ouest
- # niveau 0 : Vide (bac à sable élève)
- if niveau==0:
- def_murs=[]
- obj['x_init'] = 5
- obj['y_init'] = 5
- # niveau 10 : Bac à sable enseignant
- if niveau==10:
- # Murs de test
- def_murs=[[4,3, 5,3],[4,3, 4,4]]
- # def_murs=[[4,3, 4,4]]
- # def_murs=[[4,3, 5,3]]
- rp_construire_murs(def_murs)
- obj['x_init'] = 5
- obj['y_init'] = 5
- ###############################################################################
- # niveau 1 : Mission 1 : Les premiers pas de Ropy
- ###############################################################################
- if niveau==1:
- # Petite maison
- def_murs=[
- [4,3, 4,4],[4,4, 4,5],[4,5, 4,6],
- [4,6, 5,6],[5,6, 6,6],[6,6, 7,6],
- [7,5, 7,6],[7,4, 7,5],[7,3, 7,4],
- [4,3, 5,3], [6,3, 7,3]]
- rp_construire_murs(def_murs)
- rp_marquer_objectif (7,2)
- obj['x_init'] = 5
- obj['y_init'] = 5
- ###############################################################################
- # Mission 2 : Sécuriser Ropy
- ###############################################################################
- if niveau==2:
- # Petite maison
- def_murs=[
- [4,3, 4,4],[4,4, 4,5],[4,5, 4,6],
- [4,6, 5,6],[5,6, 6,6],[6,6, 7,6],
- [7,5, 7,6],[7,4, 7,5],[7,3, 7,4],
- [4,3, 5,3], [6,3, 7,3]]
- rp_construire_murs(def_murs)
- rp_marquer_objectif (7,2)
- obj['x_init'] = 5
- obj['y_init'] = 5
- ###############################################################################
- # Mission 3 : Partir au bout du monde
- ###############################################################################
- if niveau==3:
- def_murs=[]
- rp_marquer_objectif (10,10)
- obj['x_init'] = 5
- obj['y_init'] = 4
- ###############################################################################
- # Mission 4 : Faire face à l'inconnu
- ###############################################################################
- if niveau==4:
- def_murs=[]
- rp_marquer_objectif (10,10)
- obj['x_init'] = random.randint(1,10)
- obj['y_init'] = random.randint(1,10)
- ###############################################################################
- # Mission 5 : Se rendre utile
- ###############################################################################
- if niveau==5:
- for i in range (10):
- rp_marquer_objectif (random.randint(1,10),random.randint(1,10)) # Position aléatoire des objectifs
- def_murs=[]
- obj['x_init'] = random.randint(1,10)
- obj['y_init'] = random.randint(1,10)
- ###############################################################################
- # Position initiale du robot
- ###############################################################################
- rp_init_position()
- # rp_orientation("est") # il y a nord, sud, est, ouest
- obj['mvts'] = "" # Liste des mouvements
- obj['mvt_i'] = 0 # Liste des mouvements
- # obj.visible=False
diff --git a/ropy_lib.py b/ropy_lib.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 98eeab9..0000000
--- a/ropy_lib.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-import bge # Bibliothèque Blender Game Engine (BGE)
-import math
-import time
-# ropy_lib.py
-# @title: Bibliothèque du Robot Ropy (rp_*)
-# @project: Ropy du projet Blender-EduTech
-# @lang: fr
-# @authors: Philippe Roy
-# @copyright: Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Philippe Roy
-# @license: GNU GPL
-# Bibliothèque des actions du robot
-# Bibliothèque pour la construction des murs
-# Ropy est destiné à la découverte de la programmation procédurale et du language Python.
-# A travers plusieurs challenges, donc de manière graduée, les élèves vont apprendre à manipuler les structures algorithmiques de base et à les coder en Python.
-# Récupérer l'objet robot
-cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
-obj = cont.owner
-scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
-nb_objets_fixes = len(scene.objects)
-# print ("Nombre d'objets fixes de la scene : ", nb_objets_fixes)
-print("Objets de la scene : ", scene.objects)
-# Configuration des mouvements
-pas=3 # Pas linéaire
-pas_rot=math.pi/2 # Pas angulaire
-# Initialisation de la position du robot
-# Position initiale du robot
-def rp_init_position():
- x = obj['x_init']
- y = obj['y_init']
- obj.worldPosition.x = -((y-4.5)*3)+3
- obj.worldPosition.y = (x-5.5)*3
- obj.worldPosition.z = 1.25
- print('\x1b[6;30;47m', "Placer le robot case (X,Y) :", x, y, '\x1b[0m')
- obj['x'],obj['y'] = x,y
- obj['d'] = 1 #est
- # Pile des mouvements
- # obj['mvts'] = ""
- # obj['mvt_i'] = 0
- # Répérer le robot détruit
- if obj['detruit']:
- start = 300
- end = start+75
- layer = 0
- priority = 1
- blendin = 1.0
- mode = bge.logic.KX_ACTION_MODE_PLAY
- layerWeight = 0.0
- ipoFlags = 0
- speed = 3
- scene.objects['Armature'].playAction('ArmatureAction.Saut.001', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- # scene.objects['Body'].playAction('BodyAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- # scene.objects['Eyes_glass'].playAction('Eyes_glassAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- # scene.objects['Mouth'].playAction('MouthAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- # scene.objects['Jetpack'].playAction('JetpackAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee1'].playAction('poignee1Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee2'].playAction('poignee2Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee3'].playAction('poignee3Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee4'].playAction('poignee4Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- obj['detruit']=False
-# Affichage
-#Afficher position
-def rp_print_position():
- print('\x1b[6;30;42m', "Position case (X,Y) : ", round(-obj.worldPosition.x/3+5.5), round(obj.worldPosition.y/3+5.5), '\x1b[0m')
-# Moteur physique
-# Détection des collisions aves les murs
-# Détection d'une collision
-# rpcore_ : fonction bas niveau
-def rpcore_detect_mur(debug_flag=False):
- # Vecteur du mouvement
- init_x,init_y = obj['x'],obj['y']
- final_x,final_y = init_x,init_y
- direction = obj['d']
- if direction == 0: #nord
- final_y+=1
- elif direction == 1: #est
- final_x+=1
- elif direction == 2: #sud
- final_y-=1
- elif direction == 3: #ouest
- final_x-=1
- #init_x = round(obj.worldPosition.y/3+5.5)
- #init_y = round(-obj.worldPosition.x/3+5.5)
- #obj.applyMovement((0, -pas, 0), True)
- #final_x = round(obj.worldPosition.y/3+5.5)
- #final_y = round(-obj.worldPosition.x/3+5.5)
- #obj.applyMovement((0, pas, 0), True)
- # Calcul du centre du mouvement
- mov_xc =init_x + (final_x - init_x)/2-0.5
- mov_yc =init_y + (final_y - init_y)/2-0.5
- if debug_flag:
- print('\x1b[6;30;47m', "Mouvement (X_init,Y_init,X_final,Y_final) : ", init_x,init_y, final_x,final_y, '\x1b[0m')
- print('\x1b[6;30;47m', "Mouvement (xc,yc) : ", mov_xc, mov_yc, '\x1b[0m')
- # Test sur les murs exterieurs (10x10)
- if ((final_x <1) or (final_y <1) or (final_x >10) or (final_y >10)):
- if debug_flag:
- print ("Détection de mur : mur détecté")
- return True
- # Test sur les murs intéreurs
- else:
- i=0
- for mur in scene.objects:
- i +=1
- if mur.name=="Mur":
- # Mur en X : calcul du centre du mur
- if (round(mur.worldOrientation.to_euler().z,2) == round(math.pi,2)) or (round(mur.worldOrientation.to_euler().z,2) == round(-math.pi,2)):
- mur_xc =mur['x1']
- mur_yc =mur['y1']+0.5
- # Mur en Y : calcul du centre du mur
- elif (round(mur.worldOrientation.to_euler().z,2) == round(math.pi/2,2)) or (round(mur.worldOrientation.to_euler().z,2) == round(-math.pi/2,2)):
- mur_xc =mur['x1']+0.5
- mur_yc =mur['y1']
- # Trace de debug
- if debug_flag:
- print('\x1b[6;30;47m', "Mur",mur['murId'],"X (x1,y1,x2,y2) : ", mur['x1'], mur['y1'], mur['x2'], mur['y2'], '\x1b[0m')
- print('\x1b[6;30;47m', "Mur",mur['murId'],"Y (xc,yc) : ", mur_xc, mur_yc, '\x1b[0m')
- # Même centre -> mouvement pas possible
- if (mov_xc == mur_xc) and(mov_yc == mur_yc):
- if debug_flag:
- print ("Détection de mur : mur détecté")
- return True
- # Mouvement possible
- if debug_flag:
- print ("Détection de mur : pas de mur")
- return False
-# Fonction pour l'élève
-def rp_detect_mur():
- if rpcore_detect_mur() == True:
- print('\x1b[6;30;45m', "Détection de mur : mur devant ! : Position case (X,Y): ", round(-obj.worldPosition.x/3+5.5), round(obj.worldPosition.y/3+5.5), '\x1b[0m')
- return True
- else:
- print('\x1b[6;30;45m', "Détection de mur : voie libre : Position case (X,Y):", round(-obj.worldPosition.x/3+5.5), round(obj.worldPosition.y/3+5.5), '\x1b[0m')
- return False
-# Mouvements
-# Avancer
-def rp_avancer(debug_flag=False):
- obj.visible=False
- if obj['detruit']!=True and obj['d'] >= 0:
- # Vecteur du mouvement
- init_x,init_y = obj['x'],obj['y']
- final_x,final_y = init_x,init_y
- direction = obj['d']
- if direction == 0: #nord
- final_y+=1
- elif direction == 1: #est
- final_x+=1
- elif direction == 2: #sud
- final_y-=1
- elif direction == 3: #ouest
- final_x-=1
- #init_x = round(obj.worldPosition.y/3+5.5)
- #init_y = round(-obj.worldPosition.x/3+5.5)
- #obj.applyMovement((0, -pas, 0), True)
- #final_x = round(obj.worldPosition.y/3+5.5)
- #final_y = round(-obj.worldPosition.x/3+5.5)
- #obj.applyMovement((0, pas, 0), True)
- # Test des murs
- if rpcore_detect_mur(debug_flag) == True:
- print('\x1b[6;30;41m', "Avancer case (X,Y) -> case (X,Y) :", init_x,",",init_y,"->",final_x,",",final_y, '\x1b[0m')
- print('\x1b[6;30;41m', "Bling, blang ... L'aventure de Ropy s'arrête donc ici ...", '\x1b[0m')
- obj['mvts'] = obj['mvts']+"c"
- obj['d'] = -1
- #obj['detruit']=True
- else:
- obj['x'],obj['y']=final_x,final_y
- #obj.applyMovement((0, -pas, 0), True)
- obj['mvts'] = obj['mvts']+"a"
- print('\x1b[6;30;42m', "Avancer case (X,Y) -> case (X,Y) :", init_x,",",init_y,"->",final_x,",",final_y, '\x1b[0m')
- # Test de l'objectif
- i=0
- for objectif in scene.objects:
- i +=1
- if objectif.name=="Objectif":
- if objectif['x'] == final_x and objectif['y'] == final_y:
- print('\x1b[6;30;42m', "Objectif atteint", '\x1b[0m')
- obj['mvts'] = obj['mvts']+"o"
-# Tourner à droite
-def rp_droite():
- # obj.visible=False
- if obj['detruit']!=True and obj['d'] >= 0:
- # scene.objects['Robot'].applyRotation((0, 0, -pas_rot), True)
- #obj.applyRotation((0, 0, -pas_rot), True)
- obj['d'] = (obj['d']+1)%4
- obj['mvts'] = obj['mvts']+"d"
- print('\x1b[6;30;42m', "Tourner à droite", '\x1b[0m')
- # print("Orientation : ", obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z)
-# Tourner à gauche
-def rp_gauche():
- # obj.visible=False
- if obj['detruit']!=True and obj['d'] >= 0:
- # scene.objects['Robot'].applyRotation((0, 0, pas_rot), True)
- obj['d'] = (obj['d']+3)%4
- #obj.applyRotation((0, 0, pas_rot), True)
- obj['mvts'] = obj['mvts']+"g"
- print('\x1b[6;30;42m', "Tourner à gauche", '\x1b[0m')
- # print("Orientation : ", obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z)
-# Orienter
-def rp_orientation(orientation):
- if orientation=="nord":
- obj.applyRotation((0, 0, -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z-math.pi/2), True)
- obj['d']=0
- if orientation=="sud":
- obj.applyRotation((0, 0, -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z+math.pi/2), True)
- obj['d']=2
- if orientation=="est":
- obj.applyRotation((0, 0, -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z+math.pi), True)
- obj['d']=1
- if orientation=="ouest":
- obj.applyRotation((0, 0, -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), True)
- obj['d']=3
- # print("Orientation : ", obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z)
-# Marquage du sol
-# Marquer une case
-def rp_marquer():
- if obj['detruit']!=True:
- obj['mvts'] = obj['mvts']+"m"
- if obj['mvts_start'] ==False : # à condition d'avoir terminé le mouvement
- marque1= scene.addObject("Marque", obj)
- marque1.worldPosition.x = obj.worldPosition.x
- marque1.worldPosition.y = obj.worldPosition.y
- marque1.worldPosition.z = 0.2
- # print('\x1b[6;30;43m', "Marquer case (X,Y) :", round(obj.worldPosition.y/3+5.5),",",round(-obj.worldPosition.x/3+5.5), '\x1b[0m')
-# Enlever l'ensemble des murs et des marques
-def rp_enlever_marques():
- print ("")
- print ("Table rase !")
- for i in range (nb_objets_fixes, len(scene.objects)):
- scene.objects[i].endObject()
-# Construction du niveau
-# Définition du niveau
-def rp_niveau (niveau=0):
- obj['level'] =niveau
-# Construire les murs
-# Longueur : fixe d' une case
-# Position des murs : liste imbriquée : [[mur1_x1,mur1_y1,mur1_x2,mur1_y2],[mur2_x1,mur2_y1,mur2_x2,mur2_y2], ...]
-# FIXME : verifier si les murs sont dans la zone 10x10
-# FIXME : intervertir l'ordre des coordonnéees
-# FIXME : verifier si le mur est d'une case
-def rp_construire_murs (def_murs):
- # print("Objets de la scene : ", scene.objects)
- i=0
- for def_mur in def_murs:
- i +=1
- # print (def_mur)
- # Mur en X
- if def_mur[0] == def_mur[2]:
- mur1= scene.addObject("Mur", obj)
- mur1['murId'] = i
- mur1['x1'] = def_mur[0]
- mur1['y1'] = def_mur[1]
- mur1['x2'] = def_mur[2]
- mur1['y2'] = def_mur[3]
- # print ("mur ", 0)
- # mur1.applyRotation((0, 0, -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), True)
- # mur1.applyRotation((0, 0, -math.pi/2), True)
- # mur1.applyRotation((0, 0, -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z), True)
- # mur1.worldOrientation.to_euler().z = 0
- mur1.worldPosition.x = -((def_mur[1]-4.5)*3)
- mur1.worldPosition.y = ((def_mur[0]-5.5)*3)+1.5
- mur1.worldPosition.z = 1.5
- print('\x1b[6;30;47m', "Construire mur X",mur1['murId'],"coordonnées (x1,y1,x2,y2) :", def_mur[0], def_mur[1], def_mur[2], def_mur[3], '\x1b[0m')
- # Mur en Y
- elif def_mur[1] == def_mur[3]:
- mur2= scene.addObject("Mur", obj)
- mur2['murId'] = i
- mur2['x1'] = def_mur[0]
- mur2['y1'] = def_mur[1]
- mur2['x2'] = def_mur[2]
- mur2['y2'] = def_mur[3]
- # print ("mur ", -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z-math.pi/2)
- mur2.applyRotation((0, 0, -obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z-math.pi/2), True)
- # print ("mur ", math.pi/2)
- # mur2.applyRotation((0, 0, -math.pi), True)
- # mur2.worldOrientation.to_euler().z = math.pi/2
- mur2.worldPosition.x = -((def_mur[1]-5.5)*3)-1.5
- mur2.worldPosition.y = ((def_mur[0]-4.5)*3)
- mur2.worldPosition.z = 1.5
- print('\x1b[6;30;47m', "Construire mur Y",mur2['murId'],"coordonnées (x1,y1,x2,y2) :", def_mur[0], def_mur[1], def_mur[2], def_mur[3], '\x1b[0m')
- else:
- print ('\x1b[6;30;41m', "Mur ni sur X ni sur Y !", '\x1b[0m')
-# Marquer l'objectif
-def rp_marquer_objectif (x,y):
- objectif1= scene.addObject("Objectif", obj)
- objectif1.worldPosition.x = -((y-4.5)*3)+3
- objectif1.worldPosition.y = (x-5.5)*3
- objectif1.worldPosition.z = 0.2
- objectif1['x'] = x
- objectif1['y'] = y
- print('\x1b[6;30;47m', "Marquer l'objectif case (X,Y) :", x,y, '\x1b[0m')
diff --git a/ropy_mod.py b/ropy_mod.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ef026f2..0000000
--- a/ropy_mod.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-import bge # Bibliothèque Blender Game Engine (BGE)
-import math
-import time
-from ropy_init import * # Bibliothèque Ropy
-import ropy_init # Initialisation du robot Ropy
-import ropy_cmd # Comnandes élèves du robot Ropy
-# ropy_module.py
-# @title: Module pour UPBGE
-# @project: Blender-EduTech
-# @lang: fr
-# @authors: Philippe Roy
-# @copyright: Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Philippe Roy
-# @license: GNU GPL
-# Fonctions autres que ceux de la bibliothèque du Robot Ropy (rp_*)
-# Ropy est destiné à la découverte de la programmation procédurale et du language Python.
-# A travers plusieurs challenges, donc de manière graduée, les élèves vont apprendre à manipuler les structures algorithmiques de base et à les coder en Python.
-# Récupérer l'objet robot
-cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
-obj = cont.owner
-scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
-nb_objets_fixes = len(scene.objects)
-# print ("Nombre d'objets fixes de la scene : ", nb_objets_fixes)
-# print("Objets de la scene : ", scene.objects)
-# Configuration des mouvements
-pas=3 # Pas linéaire
-pas_rot=math.pi/2 # Pas angulaire
-# Rustines pour corriger des bugs de UPBGE EEVEE (version alpha)
-# Mouvement
-# Problème : Les mouvements du robot ne sont pas vue
-# Solution : Dépilage de la liste des mouvements du robot
-def mvt():
- if obj['mvts_start']:
- # print ("Mouvements : ", obj['mvts'])
- # print ("Nombre de mouvement : ", len(obj['mvts']))
- # print ("Nombre actuel : ", obj['mvt_i'])
- # Au debut
- if obj['mvt_i'] == 0:
- rp_init_position()
- rp_orientation("est") # il y a nord, sud, est, ouest
- obj.visible=True
- # Tous les mouvements sont dépilés
- if obj['mvt_i'] >= len(obj['mvts']):
- # print ("Plus de mouvement")
- obj['mvts_start'] =False
- # Execution des mouvements
- # a : avancer, d : droite, g : gauche, m : marquer
- # c : crash, o : objectif atteint
- else:
- # print ("Mouvement actuel : ", obj['mvt_i'], " ", obj['mvts'][obj['mvt_i']])
- # Avancer
- if obj['mvts'][obj['mvt_i']]=="a":
- obj.applyMovement((0, -pas, 0), True)
- # Droite
- if obj['mvts'][obj['mvt_i']]=="d":
- # scene.objects['Robot'].applyRotation((0, 0, -pas_rot), True)
- obj.applyRotation((0, 0, -pas_rot), True)
- # Gauche
- if obj['mvts'][obj['mvt_i']]=="g":
- # scene.objects['Robot'].applyRotation((0, 0, pas_rot), True)
- obj.applyRotation((0, 0, pas_rot), True)
- # Marquer
- if obj['mvts'][obj['mvt_i']]=="m":
- marque1= scene.addObject("Marque", obj)
- marque1.worldPosition.x = obj.worldPosition.x
- marque1.worldPosition.y = obj.worldPosition.y
- marque1.worldPosition.z = 0.2
- # Objectif
- if obj['mvts'][obj['mvt_i']]=="o":
- if obj['level'] != 5: # Bug sur l'animation -> pas d'animation quand il y a plusieurs objectifs
- start = 1
- end = 125
- layer = 0
- priority = 1
- blendin = 1.0
- mode = bge.logic.KX_ACTION_MODE_PLAY
- layerWeight = 0.0
- ipoFlags = 0
- speed = 3.0
- scene.objects['Armature'].playAction('ArmatureAction.Saut.001', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['Body'].playAction('BodyAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['Eyes_glass'].playAction('Eyes_glassAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['Mouth'].playAction('MouthAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['Jetpack'].playAction('JetpackAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee1'].playAction('poignee1Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee2'].playAction('poignee2Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee3'].playAction('poignee3Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee4'].playAction('poignee4Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- # Crash
- if obj['mvts'][obj['mvt_i']]=="c":
- start = 150
- end = start+75
- layer = 0
- priority = 1
- blendin = 1.0
- mode = bge.logic.KX_ACTION_MODE_PLAY
- layerWeight = 0.0
- ipoFlags = 0
- speed = 3
- scene.objects['Armature'].playAction('ArmatureAction.Saut.001', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- # scene.objects['Body'].playAction('BodyAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- # scene.objects['Eyes_glass'].playAction('Eyes_glassAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- # scene.objects['Mouth'].playAction('MouthAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- # scene.objects['Jetpack'].playAction('JetpackAction.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee1'].playAction('poignee1Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee2'].playAction('poignee2Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee3'].playAction('poignee3Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- scene.objects['poignee4'].playAction('poignee4Action.Saut', start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)
- obj['detruit']=True
- obj['mvt_i'] = len(obj['mvts']) # Annulation des mouvements suivants
- else:
- # Mouvement suivant
- if obj['mvts'][obj['mvt_i']]!="c":
- obj['mvt_i']+=1
diff --git a/rp.py b/rp.py
index 2f4c84f..8a0753f 100644
--- a/rp.py
+++ b/rp.py
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ eevee = bpy.context.scene.eevee
# Config file
-# print (os.getcwd())
rp_config = ET.parse('rp_config.xml')
rp_config_tree = rp_config.getroot()
@@ -145,13 +144,26 @@ def terrain_init ():
# Init de la carte
- rp_map.map_init()
+ scene.objects['Terrain']['map_tile_beacon']= []
+ # for i in range (500):
+ for i in range (100):
+ beacon= scene.addObject("Beacon", scene.objects['Terrain'])
+ beacon.worldPosition=[29,1+i,0.2]
+ beacon.setVisible(False,True)
+ beacon.name="Beacon-"+str(i)
+ beacon.suspendPhysics (True)
+ beacon['activated']=False
+ # print("Objets de la scene : ", scene.objects)
# Récupération de la position de la caméra
- scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.x = float(rp_config_tree[0][2][0].text)
- scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.y = float(rp_config_tree[0][2][1].text)
- scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.z = float(rp_config_tree[0][2][2].text)
+ scene.objects['Camera']['current_lx'] = float(rp_config_tree[0][2][0].text)
+ scene.objects['Camera']['current_ly'] = float(rp_config_tree[0][2][1].text)
+ scene.objects['Camera']['current_lz'] = float(rp_config_tree[0][2][2].text)
+ scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.x = scene.objects['Camera']['current_lx']
+ scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.y = scene.objects['Camera']['current_ly']
+ scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.z = scene.objects['Camera']['current_lz']
# Mise en route et pause du cycle
@@ -183,6 +195,7 @@ def terrain_run ():
if scene.objects['Terrain']['thread_cmd']==False:
+ time.sleep(0.25)
runpy.run_module('rp_cmd', run_name='start') # Execution du script utilisateur
# Arrêt de la pause
@@ -247,16 +260,22 @@ def terrain_grid ():
- scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer'] = 0.2
- bpy.data.materials["Grid"].node_tree.nodes["Emission"].inputs[1].default_value =scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer']
+ scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer'] = 0
+ bpy.data.materials["Grid"].node_tree.nodes["Shader de mélange"].inputs[0].default_value = 0
+ bpy.data.materials["Grid-Holo"].node_tree.nodes["Émission"].inputs[1].default_value = 0
+ # bpy.data.materials["Grid"].node_tree.nodes["Emission"].inputs[1].default_value =scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer']
- scene.objects['Map_aim'].setVisible(True,True)
+ # scene.objects['Map_aim'].setVisible(True,True)
scene.objects['Grid-u']['anim'] = True
def terrain_grid_anim ():
- bpy.data.materials["Grid"].node_tree.nodes["Emission"].inputs[1].default_value =scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer']
+ bpy.data.materials["Grid"].node_tree.nodes["Shader de mélange"].inputs[0].default_value=scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer']
+ bpy.data.materials["Grid-Holo"].node_tree.nodes["Émission"].inputs[1].default_value =scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer']*5
+ # bpy.data.materials["Grid"].node_tree.nodes["Emission"].inputs[1].default_value =scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer']
+ if scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer']>= 0.05 and scene.objects['Grid-u'].visible :
+ scene.objects['Map_aim'].setVisible(True,True)
if scene.objects['Grid-u']['timer']>= 1:
scene.objects['Grid-u']['anim'] = False
@@ -533,9 +552,9 @@ def mode(cont):
terrain_stop ()
# Maj du fichier de config (position de la camera : data/config/cam_x,y,z -> [0][2][0].text, [0][2][1].text, [0][2][2].text)
- rp_config_tree[0][2][0].text=str(scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.x)
- rp_config_tree[0][2][1].text=str(scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.y)
- rp_config_tree[0][2][2].text=str(scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.z)
+ rp_config_tree[0][2][0].text=str(scene.objects['Camera']['current_lx'])
+ rp_config_tree[0][2][1].text=str(scene.objects['Camera']['current_ly'])
+ rp_config_tree[0][2][2].text=str(scene.objects['Camera']['current_lz'])
# print ("Fin :", scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.x, scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.y, scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.z)
buffer_xml = ET.tostring(rp_config_tree)
with open("rp_config.xml", "wb") as f:
@@ -658,8 +677,11 @@ def manip_start(cont):
def manip_stop(cont):
+ scene.objects['Camera']['current_lx'] = scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.x
+ scene.objects['Camera']['current_ly'] = scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.y
+ scene.objects['Camera']['current_lz'] = scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.z
# scene.objects['Orbit'].setVisible(False,False)
- pass
# Manipulation du modèle ou de la caméra
@@ -734,6 +756,7 @@ def manip_wheel(cont):
# scene.objects['Mouse_main'].worldScale /= sensibilite_wheel* (distance_cam_past/distance_cam) *size_scale
+ manip_stop(cont)
# Icone de la souris
@@ -876,6 +899,11 @@ def tablet_close ():
# audiodev.unlock()
+ # Camera
+ scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.x = scene.objects['Camera']['current_lx']
+ scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.y = scene.objects['Camera']['current_ly']
+ scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.z = scene.objects['Camera']['current_lz']
# Clic pour fermer la tablette
@@ -899,11 +927,11 @@ color_link_hl = (0.799, 0.617, 0.021, 1) # Jaune
def about_open():
scene.objects['Terrain']['manip_mode']=9 # Fenêtre modale About
scene.objects['About_link-git'].color= color_link
scene.objects['About_link-gpl'].color= color_link
scene.objects['About_link-upbge'].color= color_link
- # scene.objects['About_link-kay'].color= color_link
+ scene.objects['About_link-kay'].color= color_link
scene.objects['About_link-kenney'].color= color_link
scene.objects['About_link-polygonrunway'].color= color_link
scene.objects['About_link-icons'].color= color_link
@@ -954,6 +982,9 @@ def about_close():
scene.objects['About'].worldPosition = [42, -2, 3]
scene.objects['About']['timer']= 0
+ scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.x = scene.objects['Camera']['current_lx']
+ scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.y = scene.objects['Camera']['current_ly']
+ scene.objects['Camera'].worldPosition.z = scene.objects['Camera']['current_lz']
# Click pour fermer le about
diff --git a/rp_cmd.py b/rp_cmd.py
index affb7cf..10faf21 100644
--- a/rp_cmd.py
+++ b/rp_cmd.py
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ from rp_lib import * # Bibliothèque Ropy
# Fonctions
+def mrp_avancer():
+ rp_avancer()
+ rp_marquer()
# Commandes
@@ -19,16 +22,38 @@ from rp_lib import * # Bibliothèque Ropy
def commands():
print("Go !!")
+ # rp_marquer() # A tendance au plantage
- rp_avancer()
- rp_avancer()
- rp_avancer()
- rp_avancer()
+ rp_marquer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ rp_marquer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ rp_marquer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
- rp_avancer()
- rp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ rp_droite()
+ rp_droite()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ rp_droite()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
+ mrp_avancer()
diff --git a/rp_config.xml b/rp_config.xml
index d413f15..32197d0 100644
--- a/rp_config.xml
+++ b/rp_config.xml
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- 0.25
+ 4.0
- -8.529211044311523
- -2.480304479598999
- 4.401391983032227
+ -7.034218788146973
+ -10.528145790100098
+ 12.590240478515625
diff --git a/rp_lib.py b/rp_lib.py
index 79a193e..a28c0a7 100644
--- a/rp_lib.py
+++ b/rp_lib.py
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ def sound_play (sound):
def rp_avancer ():
- print ("rp_avancer")
+ print ("rp_avancer()")
step =1
# print (obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z)
@@ -193,37 +193,61 @@ def rp_avancer ():
obj.worldPosition=[x0+step, y0, z0]
if round(obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z, 2) == round(-math.pi/2,2) or round(obj.worldOrientation.to_euler().z, 2) == round(3*(math.pi/2),2) : # Ouest
obj.worldPosition=[x0-step, y0, z0]
- rp_sleep (0.25)
+ rp_tempo (0.1)
# Tourner à gauche
def rp_gauche ():
- print ("rp_gauche")
+ print ("rp_gauche()")
step=math.pi/2 # Pas angulaire
obj.applyRotation((0, 0, step), True)
- rp_sleep (0.25)
+ rp_tempo (0.1)
# Tourner à droite
def rp_droite ():
- print ("rp_droite")
+ print ("rp_droite()")
step=math.pi/2 # Pas angulaire
obj.applyRotation((0, 0, -step), True)
- rp_sleep (0.25)
+ rp_tempo (0.1)
# Marquer
def rp_marquer ():
- print ("rp_marquer")
+ rp_tempo (0.1)
+ print ("rp_marquer()")
+ obj=scene.objects['Rover']
+ x = obj.worldPosition.x
+ y = obj.worldPosition.y
+ z = obj.worldPosition.z
+ # Vérification de l'absence de balise sur la tuile
+ if [x,y] in scene.objects['Terrain']['map_tile_beacon'] :
+ print ("Case déjà marquée !")
+ return False
+ for i in range (100):
+ beacon = scene.objects["Beacon-"+str(i)]
+ if beacon['activated']==False:
+ beacon.worldPosition=[x,y,0.2]
+ beacon['activated']=True
+ beacon.setVisible(True, True)
+ break
+ if i ==99 :
+ print ("Plus de balise disponible !")
+ # beacon= scene.addObject("Beacon", scene.objects['Terrain'])
+ # beacon.worldPosition=[x,y,0.2]
+ scene.objects['Terrain']['map_tile_beacon'].append([x,y])
+ rp_tempo (0.1)
+ return True
# Détecter
@@ -266,688 +290,22 @@ def rover_colision ():
def rp_sleep (duration):
- # time.sleep(duration*(1/scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']))
-# def ct_tempo (duration):
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['delay_cmd']=0
-# while scene.objects['Terrain']['delay_cmd'] scene.objects['Points']['level_max'] :
-# tour= scene.addObject("Tower_error", scene.objects['Terrain'])
-# tour.worldPosition=[x,y,0.2]
-# tour.worldScale=[1,1,1]
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_tower'].append([x,y])
-# return False
-# # Blocage des autres threads pendant la construction
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['thread_cmd_lock'] = True
-# # Objets 3D
-# time.sleep(0.02)
-# tour= scene.addObject('Tower-'+building, scene.objects['Terrain'])
-# time.sleep(0.02)
-# tour.color = color
-# tour.worldPosition=[x,y,0.2]
-# tour.worldScale=[1,1,1]
-# tour.name="tower("+str(x)+','+str(y)+")"
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_tower'].append([x,y])
-# tower_minion= scene.addObject(body, scene.objects['Terrain'])
-# tower_minion['type_towerminion']=False
-# del tower_minion['type_minion']
-# tower_minion.name="tm("+str(x)+','+str(y)+")" # Tower minion (tm)
-# tower_minion.worldPosition=[x,y,1]
-# tower_minion.worldScale=[0.25,0.25,0.25]
-# # Draw3d
-# if cat=="Archer tower":
-# for i in range (3):
-# ct_add_tower_bullet(x,y,i, "Arrow")
-# if cat=="Mage tower":
-# ct_add_tower_cast(x,y)
-# # Sounds
-# sound_play(sndbuff_build)
-# # Caracteristics
-# tower_carac= scene.objects['Terrain']['tower_carac']
-# tour['cat']=tower_carac[cat][0]
-# tour['tower_name']=tower_name
-# tour['xp']=0
-# tour['lvl_current']=1
-# tour['lvl']=1
-# tour['damage']=tower_carac[cat][1]
-# tour['speed']=tower_carac[cat][2]
-# tour['range']=tower_carac[cat][3]
-# tour['techno']=[]
-# tour['cast']="slow"
-# # tour['cast_duration']=2
-# tour['cast_duration']=3
-# tour['target']=[]
-# tour['target_past']=[]
-# # Capteur Near
-# tour.sensors['Near'].distance=tour['range']*2.5 # Range : 1 point = 2,5
-# # tour.sensors['Near'].skippedTicks =round(1/(tour['speed']*scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']))
-# tour.sensors['Near'].skippedTicks =round(tour['speed']*50*scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']) # Speed : 1 point = 50 tics
-# # Déblocage des autres threads après la construction
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['thread_cmd_lock'] = False
-# # print (scene.objects)
-# return True
-# ##
-# # Suppression d'une tour
-# ##
-# def ct_remove(x,y):
-# for obj_i in scene.objects:
-# if "type_tower" in obj_i.getPropertyNames():
-# if x == obj_i.worldPosition.x and y == obj_i.worldPosition.y:
-# scene.objects["tm("+str(round(obj_i.worldPosition.x))+','+str(round(obj_i.worldPosition.y))+")"].endObject()
-# obj_i.endObject()
-# scene.objects['Points']['level']= scene.objects['Points']['level'] - 1
-# ##
-# # Création d'un projectile
-# ##
-# def ct_add_tower_bullet(x, y, num, cat="Ball"):
-# if cat=="Ball":
-# bullet= scene.addObject("Bullet", scene.objects['Terrain'])
-# if cat=="Arrow":
-# bullet= scene.addObject("Arrow", scene.objects['Terrain'])
-# bullet.name="tower("+str(x)+','+str(y)+")-bullet"+str(num)
-# bullet.worldPosition=[x,y,1.5]
-# bullet.worldScale=[0.75,0.75,0.75]
-# bullet.suspendPhysics (True)
-# bullet.setVisible(False)
-# bullet['activated']=False
-# ##
-# # Création des sorts
-# ##
-# def ct_add_tower_cast(x, y):
-# cast= scene.addObject("Cast-slow", scene.objects['Terrain'])
-# cast.name="tower("+str(x)+','+str(y)+")-cast"
-# cast.worldPosition=[x,y,1.5]
-# cast.worldScale=[0.75,0.75,0.75]
-# cast.suspendPhysics (True)
-# cast.setVisible(False)
-# cast['activated']=False
-# ##
-# # Réaction d'une tour
-# ##
-# def scn_tower_near(cont):
-# obj = cont.owner
-# sensor = obj.sensors['Near']
-# # Tir
-# if sensor.positive and len(sensor.hitObjectList)>0 and scene.objects['Terrain']['run']==True :
-# # Tir sur le plus avancé basé sur les distances parcourues
-# target=sensor.hitObjectList[0]
-# target_dist = target['dist']
-# for obj_i in sensor.hitObjectList:
-# if obj_i['dist']> target_dist:
-# target=obj_i
-# target_dist = target['dist']
-# # Tir sur le plus avancé basé sur l'ordre de passage
-# # target=sensor.hitObjectList[0]
-# # target_id = target['navPosition']
-# # for obj_i in sensor.hitObjectList:
-# # if obj_i['navPosition']< target_id:
-# # target=obj_i
-# # target_id = target['navPosition']
-# # Tir sur le plus avancé basé sur les distances par rapport à la tour -> ne marche pas
-# # target=sensor.hitObjectList[0]
-# # if len(sensor.hitObjectList)>1:
-# # target_eloignement = False
-# # target_distance_eloignement = 0
-# # target_distance_approche = 100
-# # print ("detection:",sensor.hitObjectList)
-# # for obj_i in sensor.hitObjectList:
-# # for obj_j in obj['target_past']:
-# # if obj_j[0]==obj_i.name:
-# # print ("name :", obj_j[0], "distance :", obj.getDistanceTo(obj_i), "distance old :", obj_j[1], "ecart :", obj.getDistanceTo(obj_i) - obj_j[1])
-# # # Éloignement
-# # if obj.getDistanceTo(obj_i) - obj_j[1] > 0: # Ecart de distance
-# # target_eloignement = True
-# # if obj.getDistanceTo(obj_i) > target_distance_eloignement:
-# # target=obj_i
-# # target_distance_eloignement = obj.getDistanceTo(obj_i)
-# # # Approche
-# # else:
-# # if target_eloignement == False:
-# # if obj.getDistanceTo(obj_i) < target_distance_approche:
-# # target=obj_i
-# # target_distance_approche = obj.getDistanceTo(obj_i)
-# # if target_eloignement == True:
-# # print ("Eloignement : target:", target.name, "distance :", obj.getDistanceTo(target))
-# # print ("")
-# # else:
-# # print ("Approche : target:", target.name, "distance :", obj.getDistanceTo(target))
-# # print ("")
-# # obj['target_past']=[]
-# # for obj_i in sensor.hitObjectList:
-# # obj['target_past'].append([obj_i.name, obj.getDistanceTo(obj_i)])
-# # Orientation du tower minion
-# towerminion="tm("+str(round(obj.worldPosition.x))+','+str(round(obj.worldPosition.y))+")"
-# angle =math.atan((target.worldPosition.y-obj.worldPosition.y)/(target.worldPosition.x-obj.worldPosition.x))
-# if target.worldPosition.x>obj.worldPosition.x:
-# angle2=math.pi/2+angle-scene.objects[towerminion].worldOrientation.to_euler().z
-# angle3=angle
-# else:
-# angle2=math.pi+math.pi/2+angle-scene.objects[towerminion].worldOrientation.to_euler().z
-# angle3=math.pi+angle
-# scene.objects[towerminion].applyRotation((0, 0, angle2), False)
-# # Sounds
-# if obj['cat']=="Archer tower":
-# sound_play(sndbuff_archer)
-# if obj['cat']=="Mage tower":
-# sound_play(sndbuff_mage)
-# # Ligne (drawLine) (vitesse rapide)
-# if scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']<4: # Pas d'animation à 10 -> plantage
-# # Archer (tir de flêche)
-# if obj['cat']=="Archer tower":
-# if target.name in scene.objects:
-# for i in range (3):
-# bullet = scene.objects[obj.name+"-bullet"+str(i)]
-# if bullet['activated']==False:
-# bullet.worldPosition=[obj.worldPosition.x, obj.worldPosition.y, obj.worldPosition.z+0.8]
-# bullet['activated']=True
-# bullet.setVisible(True)
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_process']=True
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_list'].append([20, "arrow", obj.name, bullet.name, target.name, "normal", 20])
-# break
-# if i ==3 :
-# print ("Plus de bullet de disponible pour la tour : "+obj.name)
-# # Cast zone
-# if obj['cat']=="Mage tower": # Mage (cast)
-# cast = scene.objects[obj.name+"-cast"]
-# cast.worldPosition=[obj.worldPosition.x, obj.worldPosition.y, obj.worldPosition.z+0.8]
-# cast.worldScale=[0.01,0.01,0.01]
-# cast.setVisible(True)
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_process']=True
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_list'].append([60, "cast", obj.name, cast.name, "slow", 60])
-# # Rayon
-# # FIXME : ne marche plus (zoom et pan)
-# # if obj['cat']=="Test":
-# # if target.name in scene.objects:
-# # scene.objects['Terrain']['draw2d_process']=True
-# # scene.objects['Terrain']['draw2d_list'].append([5, "ray", [obj.worldPosition.x, obj.worldPosition.y, obj.worldPosition.z+0.8], target.name, angle3, ray_yellow,5]) # Suivi du minion
-# # Dégats : pas d'animation à 10
-# if scene.objects['Terrain']['speed'] >= 4:
-# target['hp'] = target['hp'] - obj['damage']
-# if target['hp']<=0:
-# target['dead']=True
-# # Cast (buff and debuff)
-# if obj['cat']=="Mage tower":
-# for target_i in sensor.hitObjectList:
-# target_i['buff'].append([obj['cast'], obj['cast_duration']])
-# ###############################################################################
-# # Carte
-# ###############################################################################
-# ##
-# # Texte de carte
-# ##
-# def ct_map_text_wave(wave):
-# scene.objects['Points-Map-text']['Text']=("Wave " + str(wave))
-# scene.objects['Points-Map-text'].setVisible(True,False)
-# scene.objects['Points-Map-text'].color = color_text_yellow
-# scene.objects['Points-Map-text']['timer']=0
-# scene.objects['Points-Map-text']['anim']=True
-# ##
-# # Texte de carte
-# ##
-# def ct_map_text(text):
-# scene.objects['Points-Map-text']['Text']=text
-# scene.objects['Points-Map-text'].setVisible(True,False)
-# ##
-# # Fin
-# ##
-# def ct_map_end(x,y):
-# scene.objects['Map_end'].worldPosition=[x,y,0.2]
-# scene.objects['Map_end'].worldScale=[0.25,0.25,0.25]
-# ##
-# # Minion arrivé à la fin
-# ##
-# def scn_map_end_near(cont):
-# obj = cont.owner
-# sensor = obj.sensors['Near']
-# if sensor.positive :
-# for obj_i in sensor.hitObjectList :
-# sound_play(sndbuff_life)
-# if scene.objects['Points']['lifes']>0:
-# scene.objects['Points']['lifes']= scene.objects['Points']['lifes']-obj_i['lifes_damage']
-# scene.objects['Points']['minions_run'] -=1
-# for obj_i in sensor.hitObjectList :
-# obj_i.setVisible(False)
-# obj_i.suspendPhysics (True)
-# # obj_i.endObject()
-# ##
-# # Drapeau de fin
-# ##
-# def ct_map_endflag(x,y):
-# endflag= scene.addObject("Map_endflag", scene.objects['Terrain'])
-# endflag.worldPosition=[x,y,0.3]
-# endflag.worldScale=[0.3,0.3,0.3]
-# if round(x) == x :
-# if round(y) == y :
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_noncontruct'].append([x,y])
-# else:
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_noncontruct'].append([x,math.floor(y)])
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_noncontruct'].append([x,math.ceil(y)])
-# else:
-# if round(y) == y :
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_noncontruct'].append([math.floor(x),y])
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_noncontruct'].append([math.ceil(x),y])
-# else:
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_noncontruct'].append([math.floor(x),math.floor(y)])
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_noncontruct'].append([math.floor(x),math.ceil(y)])
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_noncontruct'].append([math.ceil(x),math.floor(y)])
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['scene_tile_noncontruct'].append([math.ceil(x),math.ceil(y)])
-# ###############################################################################
-# # Affichage
-# ###############################################################################
-# ##
-# # Texte du panel d'information
-# ##
-# def ct_print (text):
-# # text_info (texte)
-# if text=="":
-# scene.objects['Info-1-text'].setVisible(False,False)
-# scene.objects['Info-2-text'].setVisible(False,False)
-# else:
-# lines_txt=text.split("\n", 6)
-# for i in range (len(lines_txt),6):
-# lines_txt.append("")
-# scene.objects['Info-1-text'].setVisible(True,False)
-# scene.objects['Info-2-text'].setVisible(True,False)
-# scene.objects['Info-1-text']['Text']=lines_txt[0]+"\n"+lines_txt[1]+"\n"+lines_txt[2]
-# scene.objects['Info-2-text']['Text']=lines_txt[3]+"\n"+lines_txt[4]+"\n"+lines_txt[5]
-# ###############################################################################
-# # Dessin 3d
-# ###############################################################################
-# def scn_draw3d(cont):
-# obj = cont.owner
-# if obj.sensors['Draw3d'].positive==False:
-# return
-# if len(scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_list'])==0:
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_process']=False
-# return
-# # Dépilage des draws à executer
-# for draw_cmd in scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_list']:
-# # Archer (tir de flêche)
-# # scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_list'].append([20, "arrow", obj.name, bullet.name, target.name, "normal", 20])
-# if draw_cmd[1]=="arrow":
-# if draw_cmd[4] in scene.objects:
-# tower= scene.objects[draw_cmd[2]]
-# bullet = scene.objects[draw_cmd[3]]
-# target = scene.objects[draw_cmd[4]]
-# x0 = tower.worldPosition.x
-# y0 = tower.worldPosition.y
-# # z0 = tower.worldPosition.z+0.8 # ajustement +0.8
-# z0 = tower.worldPosition.z+1 # ajustement +1
-# x1 = target.worldPosition.x
-# y1 = target.worldPosition.y
-# z1 = target.worldPosition.z+0.5 # ajustement +0.5
-# if x1>x0:
-# angle_z =math.atan((y1-y0)/(x1-x0))+math.pi/2
-# else:
-# angle_z =math.pi+math.atan((y1-y0)/(x1-x0))+math.pi/2
-# angle_y =math.atan((z1-z0)/(math.sqrt((x1-x0)**2+(y1-y0)**2)))
-# step_x=(x1-x0)/draw_cmd[6]
-# step_y=(y1-y0)/draw_cmd[6]
-# step_z=(z1-z0)/draw_cmd[6]
-# step = draw_cmd[6]-draw_cmd[0]
-# bullet.worldPosition=[x0+step_x*step, y0+step_y*step, z0+step_z*step]
-# bullet.worldOrientation=[0, angle_y, angle_z]
-# draw_cmd[0] = draw_cmd[0]-scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']
-# # Dégats
-# if draw_cmd[0]<=0:
-# bullet['activated']=False
-# bullet.setVisible(False)
-# target['hp'] = target['hp'] - tower['damage']
-# if target['hp']<=0: # Mort
-# target['dead']=True
-# # Mage (cast)
-# # scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_list'].append([60, "cast", obj.name, cast.name, "slow", 60])
-# if draw_cmd[1]=="cast":
-# cast = scene.objects[draw_cmd[3]]
-# step = draw_cmd[5]-draw_cmd[0]
-# cast.worldScale=[0.05*step,0.05*step,0.05*step]
-# # cast.worldScale=[0.75*step,0.75*step,0.75*step]
-# draw_cmd[0] = draw_cmd[0]-scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']
-# # Fin
-# if draw_cmd[0]<=0:
-# cast.setVisible(False)
-# # Suppression des draws finis
-# i=0
-# for draw_cmd in scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_list']:
-# if draw_cmd[0]<=0:
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_list'].pop(i)
-# else:
-# i=i+1
-# if len(scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_list'])==0:
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw3d_process']=False
-# ###############################################################################
-# # Dessin 2d (bge.render.drawLine)
-# ###############################################################################
-# def circle (center, radius, color):
-# ang = 0.0
-# # ang_step = 0.1
-# ang_step = 0.2
-# while ang< 2 * math.pi:
-# x0 = center[0]+float(radius*math.cos(ang))
-# y0 = center[1]+float(radius*math.sin(ang))
-# x1 = center[0]+float(radius*math.cos(ang+ang_step))
-# y1 = center[1]+float(radius*math.sin(ang+ang_step))
-# bge.render.drawLine([x0,y0,center[2]],[x1,y1,center[2]],color)
-# ang += ang_step
-# ##
-# # Affiche les draws 2d en cours
-# #
-# # Type de draw 2d:
-# # arrow : [5, "arrow", [obj.worldPosition.x, obj.worldPosition.y, obj.worldPosition.z+0.8],target.name, angle3, ray_yellow,5]
-# # cast : [30, "cast", [obj.worldPosition.x, obj.worldPosition.y, obj.worldPosition.z+0.8], ray_blue,30]
-# # ray : [5, "ray", [obj.worldPosition.x, obj.worldPosition.y, obj.worldPosition.z+0.8],[target.worldPosition.x, target.worldPosition.y, target.worldPosition.z], angle3, ray_yellow,5]
-# ##
-# def scn_draw2d(cont):
-# obj = cont.owner
-# if obj.sensors['Draw2d'].positive==False:
-# return
-# if len(scene.objects['Terrain']['draw2d_list'])==0:
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw2d_process']=False
-# return
-# # Dépilage des draws à executer
-# for draw_cmd in scene.objects['Terrain']['draw2d_list']:
-# # Archer (tir de flêche)
-# if draw_cmd[1]=="arrow":
-# if draw_cmd[3] in scene.objects:
-# # x0 = draw_cmd[2][0]+0.25*(math.cos(draw_cmd[4]))
-# # y0 = draw_cmd[2][1]+0.25*(math.sin(draw_cmd[4]))
-# x0 = draw_cmd[2][0]
-# y0 = draw_cmd[2][1]
-# z0 = draw_cmd[2][2]
-# x1 = scene.objects[draw_cmd[3]].worldPosition.x
-# y1 = scene.objects[draw_cmd[3]].worldPosition.y
-# z1 = scene.objects[draw_cmd[3]].worldPosition.z-0.1 # ajustement -0.1
-# distance = math.sqrt((x1-x0)**2+(y1-y0)**2+(z1-z0)**2)
-# distance_xy = math.sqrt((x1-x0)**2+(y1-y0)**2)
-# distance_z = z1-z0
-# angle_z =math.atan((z1-z0)/(distance_xy))
-# angle_xy =math.atan((y1-y0)/(x1-x0))
-# step=distance_xy/(2+draw_cmd[6])
-# step_z=distance_z/(2+draw_cmd[6])
-# if x1>x0:
-# angle2=angle_xy
-# else:
-# angle2=math.pi+angle_xy
-# x2=x0+(((6-draw_cmd[0])*step)*(math.cos(angle2)))
-# y2=y0+(((6-draw_cmd[0])*step)*(math.sin(angle2)))
-# z2=z0-(((6-draw_cmd[0])*step_z)*(math.sin(angle_z)))
-# x3=x0+(((6-draw_cmd[0])*step+step)*(math.cos(angle2)))
-# y3=y0+(((6-draw_cmd[0])*step+step)*(math.sin(angle2)))
-# z3=z0-(((6-draw_cmd[0])*step_z+step_z)*(math.sin(angle_z)))
-# bge.render.drawLine([x2,y2, z2], [x3,y3,z3], draw_cmd[5])
-# draw_cmd[0] = draw_cmd[0]-scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']
-# # if scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']<1:
-# # draw_cmd[0] = draw_cmd[0]-scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']
-# # else:
-# # draw_cmd[0] = draw_cmd[0]-1
-# # bge.render.drawLine([draw_cmd[2][0]+((6-draw_cmd[0])*0.25)*(math.cos(draw_cmd[4])), draw_cmd[2][1]+((6-draw_cmd[0])*0.25)*(math.sin(draw_cmd[4])),draw_cmd[2][2]],
-# # [draw_cmd[2][0]+((6-draw_cmd[0])*0.25+0.25)*(math.cos(draw_cmd[4])), draw_cmd[2][1]+((6-draw_cmd[0])*0.25+0.25)*(math.sin(draw_cmd[4])),draw_cmd[2][2]],
-# # draw_cmd[5])
-# # Mage (cast)
-# # FIXME : Problème
-# if draw_cmd[1]=="cast": # Mage (cast)
-# circle(draw_cmd[2], 3.1-draw_cmd[0]*0.1, draw_cmd[3])
-# circle(draw_cmd[2], 3-draw_cmd[0]*0.1, draw_cmd[3])
-# circle(draw_cmd[2], 2.9-draw_cmd[0]*0.1, draw_cmd[3])
-# draw_cmd[0] = draw_cmd[0]-scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']
-# # if scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']<=2:
-# # draw_cmd[0] = draw_cmd[0]-scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']
-# # if scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']==4:
-# # draw_cmd[0] = draw_cmd[0]-draw_cmd[4]/2
-# # circle(draw_cmd[2], 3, draw_cmd[3]) # simple
-# # radius=[3,3,2.5,2.5,2,2,1.5,1.5,1,1,1] # basé sur un tableau
-# # circle(draw_cmd[2], radius[draw_cmd[0]], draw_cmd[3])
-# # Rayon
-# if draw_cmd[1]=="ray":
-# if draw_cmd[3] in scene.objects:
-# x0 = draw_cmd[2][0]+0.25*(math.cos(draw_cmd[4]))
-# y0 = draw_cmd[2][1]+0.25*(math.sin(draw_cmd[4]))
-# x1 = scene.objects[draw_cmd[3]].worldPosition.x
-# y1 = scene.objects[draw_cmd[3]].worldPosition.y
-# z1 = scene.objects[draw_cmd[3]].worldPosition.z
-# bge.render.drawLine([x0,y0, draw_cmd[2][2]], [x1,y1,z1], draw_cmd[5]) # suivi minion
-# # bge.render.drawLine([draw_cmd[2][0]+0.25*(math.cos(draw_cmd[4])), draw_cmd[2][1]+0.25*(math.sin(draw_cmd[4])), draw_cmd[2][2]], draw_cmd[3], draw_cmd[5]) # décalage minion
-# # bge.render.drawLine(draw_cmd[2], draw_cmd[3], draw_cmd[5]) # simple
-# draw_cmd[0] = draw_cmd[0]-scene.objects['Terrain']['speed']
-# # Suppression des draws finis
-# i=0
-# for draw_cmd in scene.objects['Terrain']['draw2d_list']:
-# if draw_cmd[0]<=0:
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw2d_list'].pop(i)
-# else:
-# i=i+1
-# if len(scene.objects['Terrain']['draw2d_list'])==0:
-# scene.objects['Terrain']['draw2d_process']=False
+def rp_tempo (duration):
+ # time.sleep(duration*(1/scene.objects['Commands']['speed']))
+ scene.objects['Commands']['time']=0
+ while scene.objects['Commands']['time']