70 lines
2.1 KiB
70 lines
2.1 KiB
var cmap = require('.'),
img = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('img')),
canvas = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('canvas')),
c = canvas.getContext('2d'),
n = 48,
colormaps = [
'jet', 'hsv','hot','cool','spring','summer','autumn','winter','bone',
'viridis', 'inferno', 'magma', 'plasma', 'warm', 'cool', 'rainbow-soft',
'bathymetry', 'cdom', 'chlorophyll', 'density', 'freesurface-blue', 'freesurface-red', 'oxygen', 'par', 'phase', 'salinity', 'temperature', 'turbidity', 'velocity-blue', 'velocity-green',
img.width = 480;
img.onload = run;
img.src = './night.jpg'
function drawColorMaps (colormap, name, height) {
* Build up the color ranges and add text
for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
c.fillStyle = colormap[j]; // start ind at index 0
c.fillRect(j*10, height, 10, 40);
c.fillStyle = '#262626';
c.font = '16px Helvetica';
c.fillText( name, n*10 + 10, height + 26);
function run() {
var height, colormap;
c.canvas.height = colormaps.length * 40 + img.height;
c.canvas.width = 648;
for (var i = 0; i < colormaps.length; i++) {
height = i*40;
colormap = cmap({
colormap: colormaps[i],
nshades: n,
format: 'rgbaString'
drawColorMaps(colormap, colormaps[i], height);
* Now lets try some alpha maps overtop an image!
var ilast = i;
c.drawImage(img, 0, i*40, 480, 240);
// remove background img
for (var i = 0; i < colormaps.length; i++) {
height = (ilast + i)*40;
colormap = cmap({
colormap: colormaps[i],
nshades: n,
format: 'rgbaString',
alpha: [0, 1]
drawColorMaps(colormap, colormaps[i] + ' with transparency', height);