/* * SoundTouch JS audio processing library * Copyright (c) Olli Parviainen * Copyright (c) Ryan Berdeen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ (function(window) { /** * Giving this value for the sequence length sets automatic parameter value * according to tempo setting (recommended) */ let USE_AUTO_SEQUENCE_LEN = 0; /** * Default length of a single processing sequence, in milliseconds. This determines to how * long sequences the original sound is chopped in the time-stretch algorithm. * * The larger this value is, the lesser sequences are used in processing. In principle * a bigger value sounds better when slowing down tempo, but worse when increasing tempo * and vice versa. * * Increasing this value reduces computational burden and vice versa. */ //let DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_MS = 130 let DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_MS = USE_AUTO_SEQUENCE_LEN; /** * Giving this value for the seek window length sets automatic parameter value * according to tempo setting (recommended) */ let USE_AUTO_SEEKWINDOW_LEN = 0; /** * Seeking window default length in milliseconds for algorithm that finds the best possible * overlapping location. This determines from how wide window the algorithm may look for an * optimal joining location when mixing the sound sequences back together. * * The bigger this window setting is, the higher the possibility to find a better mixing * position will become, but at the same time large values may cause a "drifting" artifact * because consequent sequences will be taken at more uneven intervals. * * If there's a disturbing artifact that sounds as if a constant frequency was drifting * around, try reducing this setting. * * Increasing this value increases computational burden and vice versa. */ //let DEFAULT_SEEKWINDOW_MS = 25; let DEFAULT_SEEKWINDOW_MS = USE_AUTO_SEEKWINDOW_LEN; /** * Overlap length in milliseconds. When the chopped sound sequences are mixed back together, * to form a continuous sound stream, this parameter defines over how long period the two * consecutive sequences are let to overlap each other. * * This shouldn't be that critical parameter. If you reduce the DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_MS setting * by a large amount, you might wish to try a smaller value on this. * * Increasing this value increases computational burden and vice versa. */ let DEFAULT_OVERLAP_MS = 8; // Table for the hierarchical mixing position seeking algorithm let _SCAN_OFFSETS = [ [ 124, 186, 248, 310, 372, 434, 496, 558, 620, 682, 744, 806, 868, 930, 992, 1054, 1116, 1178, 1240, 1302, 1364, 1426, 1488, 0 ], [ -100, -75, -50, -25, 25, 50, 75, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ -20, -15, -10, -5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ]; // Adjust tempo param according to tempo, so that variating processing sequence length is used // at varius tempo settings, between the given low...top limits let AUTOSEQ_TEMPO_LOW = 0.5; // auto setting low tempo range (-50%) let AUTOSEQ_TEMPO_TOP = 2.0; // auto setting top tempo range (+100%) // sequence-ms setting values at above low & top tempo let AUTOSEQ_AT_MIN = 125.0; let AUTOSEQ_AT_MAX = 50.0; let AUTOSEQ_K = (AUTOSEQ_AT_MAX - AUTOSEQ_AT_MIN) / (AUTOSEQ_TEMPO_TOP - AUTOSEQ_TEMPO_LOW); let AUTOSEQ_C = AUTOSEQ_AT_MIN - AUTOSEQ_K * AUTOSEQ_TEMPO_LOW; // seek-window-ms setting values at above low & top tempo let AUTOSEEK_AT_MIN = 25.0; let AUTOSEEK_AT_MAX = 15.0; let AUTOSEEK_K = (AUTOSEEK_AT_MAX - AUTOSEEK_AT_MIN) / (AUTOSEQ_TEMPO_TOP - AUTOSEQ_TEMPO_LOW); let AUTOSEEK_C = AUTOSEEK_AT_MIN - AUTOSEEK_K * AUTOSEQ_TEMPO_LOW; function extend(a, b) { for (let i in b) { let g = b.__lookupGetter__(i), s = b.__lookupSetter__(i); if (g || s) { if (g) { a.__defineGetter__(i, g); } if (s) { a.__defineSetter__(i, s); } } else { a[i] = b[i]; } } return a; } function testFloatEqual(a, b) { return (a > b ? a - b : b - a) > 1e-10; } function AbstractFifoSamplePipe(createBuffers) { if (createBuffers) { this.inputBuffer = new FifoSampleBuffer(); this.outputBuffer = new FifoSampleBuffer(); } else { this.inputBuffer = this.outputBuffer = null; } } AbstractFifoSamplePipe.prototype = { get inputBuffer() { return this._inputBuffer; }, set inputBuffer(inputBuffer) { this._inputBuffer = inputBuffer; }, get outputBuffer() { return this._outputBuffer; }, set outputBuffer(outputBuffer) { this._outputBuffer = outputBuffer; }, clear: function() { this._inputBuffer.clear(); this._outputBuffer.clear(); } }; function RateTransposer(createBuffers) { AbstractFifoSamplePipe.call(this, createBuffers); this._reset(); this.rate = 1; } extend(RateTransposer.prototype, AbstractFifoSamplePipe.prototype); extend(RateTransposer.prototype, { set rate(rate) { this._rate = rate; // TODO aa filter }, _reset: function() { this.slopeCount = 0; this.prevSampleL = 0; this.prevSampleR = 0; }, process: function() { // TODO aa filter let numFrames = this._inputBuffer.frameCount; this._outputBuffer.ensureAdditionalCapacity( numFrames / this._rate + 1 ); let numFramesOutput = this._transpose(numFrames); this._inputBuffer.receive(); this._outputBuffer.put(numFramesOutput); }, _transpose: function(numFrames) { if (numFrames === 0) { return 0; // No work. } let src = this._inputBuffer.vector; let srcOffset = this._inputBuffer.startIndex; let dest = this._outputBuffer.vector; let destOffset = this._outputBuffer.endIndex; let used = 0; let i = 0; while (this.slopeCount < 1.0) { dest[destOffset + 2 * i] = (1.0 - this.slopeCount) * this.prevSampleL + this.slopeCount * src[srcOffset]; dest[destOffset + 2 * i + 1] = (1.0 - this.slopeCount) * this.prevSampleR + this.slopeCount * src[srcOffset + 1]; i++; this.slopeCount += this._rate; } this.slopeCount -= 1.0; if (numFrames != 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition out: while (true) { while (this.slopeCount > 1.0) { this.slopeCount -= 1.0; used++; if (used >= numFrames - 1) { break out; } } let srcIndex = srcOffset + 2 * used; dest[destOffset + 2 * i] = (1.0 - this.slopeCount) * src[srcIndex] + this.slopeCount * src[srcIndex + 2]; dest[destOffset + 2 * i + 1] = (1.0 - this.slopeCount) * src[srcIndex + 1] + this.slopeCount * src[srcIndex + 3]; i++; this.slopeCount += this._rate; } } this.prevSampleL = src[srcOffset + 2 * numFrames - 2]; this.prevSampleR = src[srcOffset + 2 * numFrames - 1]; return i; } }); function FifoSampleBuffer() { this._vector = new Float32Array(); this._position = 0; this._frameCount = 0; } FifoSampleBuffer.prototype = { get vector() { return this._vector; }, get position() { return this._position; }, get startIndex() { return this._position * 2; }, get frameCount() { return this._frameCount; }, get endIndex() { return (this._position + this._frameCount) * 2; }, clear: function(frameCount) { this.receive(frameCount); this.rewind(); }, put: function(numFrames) { this._frameCount += numFrames; }, putSamples: function(samples, position, numFrames) { position = position || 0; let sourceOffset = position * 2; if (!(numFrames >= 0)) { numFrames = (samples.length - sourceOffset) / 2; } let numSamples = numFrames * 2; this.ensureCapacity(numFrames + this._frameCount); let destOffset = this.endIndex; this._vector.set( samples.subarray(sourceOffset, sourceOffset + numSamples), destOffset ); this._frameCount += numFrames; }, putBuffer: function(buffer, position, numFrames) { position = position || 0; if (!(numFrames >= 0)) { numFrames = buffer.frameCount - position; } this.putSamples( buffer.vector, buffer.position + position, numFrames ); }, receive: function(numFrames) { if (!(numFrames >= 0) || numFrames > this._frameCount) { numFrames = this._frameCount; } this._frameCount -= numFrames; this._position += numFrames; }, receiveSamples: function(output, numFrames) { let numSamples = numFrames * 2; let sourceOffset = this.startIndex; output.set( this._vector.subarray(sourceOffset, sourceOffset + numSamples) ); this.receive(numFrames); }, extract: function(output, position, numFrames) { let sourceOffset = this.startIndex + position * 2; let numSamples = numFrames * 2; output.set( this._vector.subarray(sourceOffset, sourceOffset + numSamples) ); }, ensureCapacity: function(numFrames) { let minLength = numFrames * 2; if (this._vector.length < minLength) { let newVector = new Float32Array(minLength); newVector.set( this._vector.subarray(this.startIndex, this.endIndex) ); this._vector = newVector; this._position = 0; } else { this.rewind(); } }, ensureAdditionalCapacity: function(numFrames) { this.ensureCapacity(this.frameCount + numFrames); }, rewind: function() { if (this._position > 0) { this._vector.set( this._vector.subarray(this.startIndex, this.endIndex) ); this._position = 0; } } }; function SimpleFilter(sourceSound, pipe) { this._pipe = pipe; this.sourceSound = sourceSound; this.historyBufferSize = 22050; this._sourcePosition = 0; this.outputBufferPosition = 0; this._position = 0; } SimpleFilter.prototype = { get pipe() { return this._pipe; }, get position() { return this._position; }, set position(position) { if (position > this._position) { throw new RangeError( 'New position may not be greater than current position' ); } let newOutputBufferPosition = this.outputBufferPosition - (this._position - position); if (newOutputBufferPosition < 0) { throw new RangeError( 'New position falls outside of history buffer' ); } this.outputBufferPosition = newOutputBufferPosition; this._position = position; }, get sourcePosition() { return this._sourcePosition; }, set sourcePosition(sourcePosition) { this.clear(); this._sourcePosition = sourcePosition; }, get inputBuffer() { return this._pipe.inputBuffer; }, get outputBuffer() { return this._pipe.outputBuffer; }, fillInputBuffer: function(numFrames) { let samples = new Float32Array(numFrames * 2); let numFramesExtracted = this.sourceSound.extract( samples, numFrames, this._sourcePosition ); this._sourcePosition += numFramesExtracted; this.inputBuffer.putSamples(samples, 0, numFramesExtracted); }, fillOutputBuffer: function(numFrames) { while (this.outputBuffer.frameCount < numFrames) { // TODO hardcoded buffer size let numInputFrames = 8192 * 2 - this.inputBuffer.frameCount; this.fillInputBuffer(numInputFrames); if (this.inputBuffer.frameCount < 8192 * 2) { break; // TODO flush pipe } this._pipe.process(); } }, extract: function(target, numFrames) { this.fillOutputBuffer(this.outputBufferPosition + numFrames); let numFramesExtracted = Math.min( numFrames, this.outputBuffer.frameCount - this.outputBufferPosition ); this.outputBuffer.extract( target, this.outputBufferPosition, numFramesExtracted ); let currentFrames = this.outputBufferPosition + numFramesExtracted; this.outputBufferPosition = Math.min( this.historyBufferSize, currentFrames ); this.outputBuffer.receive( Math.max(currentFrames - this.historyBufferSize, 0) ); this._position += numFramesExtracted; return numFramesExtracted; }, handleSampleData: function(e) { this.extract(e.data, 4096); }, clear: function() { // TODO yuck this._pipe.clear(); this.outputBufferPosition = 0; } }; function Stretch(createBuffers, sampleRate) { AbstractFifoSamplePipe.call(this, createBuffers); this.bQuickSeek = true; this.bMidBufferDirty = false; this.pMidBuffer = null; this.overlapLength = 0; this.bAutoSeqSetting = true; this.bAutoSeekSetting = true; this._tempo = 1; this.setParameters( sampleRate, DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_MS, DEFAULT_SEEKWINDOW_MS, DEFAULT_OVERLAP_MS ); } extend(Stretch.prototype, AbstractFifoSamplePipe.prototype); extend(Stretch.prototype, { clear: function() { AbstractFifoSamplePipe.prototype.clear.call(this); this._clearMidBuffer(); }, _clearMidBuffer: function() { if (this.bMidBufferDirty) { this.bMidBufferDirty = false; this.pMidBuffer = null; } }, /** * Sets routine control parameters. These control are certain time constants * defining how the sound is stretched to the desired duration. * * 'sampleRate' = sample rate of the sound * 'sequenceMS' = one processing sequence length in milliseconds (default = 82 ms) * 'seekwindowMS' = seeking window length for scanning the best overlapping * position (default = 28 ms) * 'overlapMS' = overlapping length (default = 12 ms) */ setParameters: function( aSampleRate, aSequenceMS, aSeekWindowMS, aOverlapMS ) { // accept only positive parameter values - if zero or negative, use old values instead if (aSampleRate > 0) { this.sampleRate = aSampleRate; } if (aOverlapMS > 0) { this.overlapMs = aOverlapMS; } if (aSequenceMS > 0) { this.sequenceMs = aSequenceMS; this.bAutoSeqSetting = false; } else { // zero or below, use automatic setting this.bAutoSeqSetting = true; } if (aSeekWindowMS > 0) { this.seekWindowMs = aSeekWindowMS; this.bAutoSeekSetting = false; } else { // zero or below, use automatic setting this.bAutoSeekSetting = true; } this.calcSeqParameters(); this.calculateOverlapLength(this.overlapMs); // set tempo to recalculate 'sampleReq' this.tempo = this._tempo; }, /** * Sets new target tempo. Normal tempo = 'SCALE', smaller values represent slower * tempo, larger faster tempo. */ set tempo(newTempo) { let intskip; this._tempo = newTempo; // Calculate new sequence duration this.calcSeqParameters(); // Calculate ideal skip length (according to tempo value) this.nominalSkip = this._tempo * (this.seekWindowLength - this.overlapLength); this.skipFract = 0; intskip = Math.floor(this.nominalSkip + 0.5); // Calculate how many samples are needed in the 'inputBuffer' to // process another batch of samples this.sampleReq = Math.max(intskip + this.overlapLength, this.seekWindowLength) + this.seekLength; }, get inputChunkSize() { return this.sampleReq; }, get outputChunkSize() { return ( this.overlapLength + Math.max(0, this.seekWindowLength - 2 * this.overlapLength) ); }, /** * Calculates overlapInMsec period length in samples. */ calculateOverlapLength: function(overlapInMsec) { let newOvl; // TODO assert(overlapInMsec >= 0); newOvl = (this.sampleRate * overlapInMsec) / 1000; if (newOvl < 16) { newOvl = 16; } // must be divisible by 8 newOvl -= newOvl % 8; this.overlapLength = newOvl; this.pRefMidBuffer = new Float32Array(this.overlapLength * 2); this.pMidBuffer = new Float32Array(this.overlapLength * 2); }, checkLimits: function(x, mi, ma) { return x < mi ? mi : x > ma ? ma : x; }, /** * Calculates processing sequence length according to tempo setting */ calcSeqParameters: function() { let seq; let seek; if (this.bAutoSeqSetting) { seq = AUTOSEQ_C + AUTOSEQ_K * this._tempo; seq = this.checkLimits(seq, AUTOSEQ_AT_MAX, AUTOSEQ_AT_MIN); this.sequenceMs = Math.floor(seq + 0.5); } if (this.bAutoSeekSetting) { seek = AUTOSEEK_C + AUTOSEEK_K * this._tempo; seek = this.checkLimits(seek, AUTOSEEK_AT_MAX, AUTOSEEK_AT_MIN); this.seekWindowMs = Math.floor(seek + 0.5); } // Update seek window lengths this.seekWindowLength = Math.floor( (this.sampleRate * this.sequenceMs) / 1000 ); this.seekLength = Math.floor( (this.sampleRate * this.seekWindowMs) / 1000 ); }, /** * Enables/disables the quick position seeking algorithm. */ set quickSeek(enable) { this.bQuickSeek = enable; }, /** * Seeks for the optimal overlap-mixing position. */ seekBestOverlapPosition: function() { if (this.bQuickSeek) { return this.seekBestOverlapPositionStereoQuick(); } else { return this.seekBestOverlapPositionStereo(); } }, /** * Seeks for the optimal overlap-mixing position. The 'stereo' version of the * routine * * The best position is determined as the position where the two overlapped * sample sequences are 'most alike', in terms of the highest cross-correlation * value over the overlapping period */ seekBestOverlapPositionStereo: function() { let bestOffs, bestCorr, corr, i; // Slopes the amplitudes of the 'midBuffer' samples. this.precalcCorrReferenceStereo(); bestCorr = Number.MIN_VALUE; bestOffs = 0; // Scans for the best correlation value by testing each possible position // over the permitted range. for (i = 0; i < this.seekLength; i++) { // Calculates correlation value for the mixing position corresponding // to 'i' corr = this.calcCrossCorrStereo(2 * i, this.pRefMidBuffer); // Checks for the highest correlation value. if (corr > bestCorr) { bestCorr = corr; bestOffs = i; } } return bestOffs; }, /** * Seeks for the optimal overlap-mixing position. The 'stereo' version of the * routine * * The best position is determined as the position where the two overlapped * sample sequences are 'most alike', in terms of the highest cross-correlation * value over the overlapping period */ seekBestOverlapPositionStereoQuick: function() { let j, bestOffs, bestCorr, corr, scanCount, corrOffset, tempOffset; // Slopes the amplitude of the 'midBuffer' samples this.precalcCorrReferenceStereo(); bestCorr = Number.MIN_VALUE; bestOffs = 0; corrOffset = 0; tempOffset = 0; // Scans for the best correlation value using four-pass hierarchical search. // // The look-up table 'scans' has hierarchical position adjusting steps. // In first pass the routine searhes for the highest correlation with // relatively coarse steps, then rescans the neighbourhood of the highest // correlation with better resolution and so on. for (scanCount = 0; scanCount < 4; scanCount++) { j = 0; while (_SCAN_OFFSETS[scanCount][j]) { tempOffset = corrOffset + _SCAN_OFFSETS[scanCount][j]; if (tempOffset >= this.seekLength) { break; } // Calculates correlation value for the mixing position corresponding // to 'tempOffset' corr = this.calcCrossCorrStereo( 2 * tempOffset, this.pRefMidBuffer ); // Checks for the highest correlation value if (corr > bestCorr) { bestCorr = corr; bestOffs = tempOffset; } j++; } corrOffset = bestOffs; } return bestOffs; }, /** * Slopes the amplitude of the 'midBuffer' samples so that cross correlation * is faster to calculate */ precalcCorrReferenceStereo: function() { let i, cnt2, temp; for (i = 0; i < this.overlapLength; i++) { temp = i * (this.overlapLength - i); cnt2 = i * 2; this.pRefMidBuffer[cnt2] = this.pMidBuffer[cnt2] * temp; this.pRefMidBuffer[cnt2 + 1] = this.pMidBuffer[cnt2 + 1] * temp; } }, calcCrossCorrStereo: function(mixingPos, compare) { let mixing = this._inputBuffer.vector; mixingPos += this._inputBuffer.startIndex; let corr, i, mixingOffset; corr = 0; for (i = 2; i < 2 * this.overlapLength; i += 2) { mixingOffset = i + mixingPos; corr += mixing[mixingOffset] * compare[i] + mixing[mixingOffset + 1] * compare[i + 1]; } return corr; }, // TODO inline /** * Overlaps samples in 'midBuffer' with the samples in 'pInputBuffer' at position * of 'ovlPos'. */ overlap: function(ovlPos) { this.overlapStereo(2 * ovlPos); }, /** * Overlaps samples in 'midBuffer' with the samples in 'pInput' */ overlapStereo: function(pInputPos) { let pInput = this._inputBuffer.vector; pInputPos += this._inputBuffer.startIndex; let pOutput = this._outputBuffer.vector, pOutputPos = this._outputBuffer.endIndex, i, cnt2, fTemp, fScale, fi, pInputOffset, pOutputOffset; fScale = 1 / this.overlapLength; for (i = 0; i < this.overlapLength; i++) { fTemp = (this.overlapLength - i) * fScale; fi = i * fScale; cnt2 = 2 * i; pInputOffset = cnt2 + pInputPos; pOutputOffset = cnt2 + pOutputPos; pOutput[pOutputOffset + 0] = pInput[pInputOffset + 0] * fi + this.pMidBuffer[cnt2 + 0] * fTemp; pOutput[pOutputOffset + 1] = pInput[pInputOffset + 1] * fi + this.pMidBuffer[cnt2 + 1] * fTemp; } }, process: function() { let ovlSkip, offset, temp, i; if (this.pMidBuffer === null) { // if midBuffer is empty, move the first samples of the input stream // into it if (this._inputBuffer.frameCount < this.overlapLength) { // wait until we've got overlapLength samples return; } this.pMidBuffer = new Float32Array(this.overlapLength * 2); this._inputBuffer.receiveSamples( this.pMidBuffer, this.overlapLength ); } let output; // Process samples as long as there are enough samples in 'inputBuffer' // to form a processing frame. while (this._inputBuffer.frameCount >= this.sampleReq) { // If tempo differs from the normal ('SCALE'), scan for the best overlapping // position offset = this.seekBestOverlapPosition(); // Mix the samples in the 'inputBuffer' at position of 'offset' with the // samples in 'midBuffer' using sliding overlapping // ... first partially overlap with the end of the previous sequence // (that's in 'midBuffer') this._outputBuffer.ensureAdditionalCapacity(this.overlapLength); // FIXME unit? //overlap(uint(offset)); this.overlap(Math.floor(offset)); this._outputBuffer.put(this.overlapLength); // ... then copy sequence samples from 'inputBuffer' to output temp = this.seekWindowLength - 2 * this.overlapLength; // & 0xfffffffe; if (temp > 0) { this._outputBuffer.putBuffer( this._inputBuffer, offset + this.overlapLength, temp ); } // Copies the end of the current sequence from 'inputBuffer' to // 'midBuffer' for being mixed with the beginning of the next // processing sequence and so on //assert(offset + seekWindowLength <= (int)inputBuffer.numSamples()); let start = this.inputBuffer.startIndex + 2 * (offset + this.seekWindowLength - this.overlapLength); this.pMidBuffer.set( this._inputBuffer.vector.subarray( start, start + 2 * this.overlapLength ) ); // Remove the processed samples from the input buffer. Update // the difference between integer & nominal skip step to 'skipFract' // in order to prevent the error from accumulating over time. this.skipFract += this.nominalSkip; // real skip size ovlSkip = Math.floor(this.skipFract); // rounded to integer skip this.skipFract -= ovlSkip; // maintain the fraction part, i.e. real vs. integer skip this._inputBuffer.receive(ovlSkip); } } }); // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57295 extend(Stretch.prototype, { get tempo() { return this._tempo; } }); function SoundTouch(sampleRate) { this.rateTransposer = new RateTransposer(false); this.tdStretch = new Stretch(false, sampleRate); this._inputBuffer = new FifoSampleBuffer(); this._intermediateBuffer = new FifoSampleBuffer(); this._outputBuffer = new FifoSampleBuffer(); this._rate = 0; this._tempo = 0; this.virtualPitch = 1.0; this.virtualRate = 1.0; this.virtualTempo = 1.0; this._calculateEffectiveRateAndTempo(); } SoundTouch.prototype = { clear: function() { this.rateTransposer.clear(); this.tdStretch.clear(); }, get rate() { return this._rate; }, set rate(rate) { this.virtualRate = rate; this._calculateEffectiveRateAndTempo(); }, set rateChange(rateChange) { this.rate = 1.0 + 0.01 * rateChange; }, get tempo() { return this._tempo; }, set tempo(tempo) { this.virtualTempo = tempo; this._calculateEffectiveRateAndTempo(); }, set tempoChange(tempoChange) { this.tempo = 1.0 + 0.01 * tempoChange; }, set pitch(pitch) { this.virtualPitch = pitch; this._calculateEffectiveRateAndTempo(); }, set pitchOctaves(pitchOctaves) { this.pitch = Math.exp(0.69314718056 * pitchOctaves); this._calculateEffectiveRateAndTempo(); }, set pitchSemitones(pitchSemitones) { this.pitchOctaves = pitchSemitones / 12.0; }, get inputBuffer() { return this._inputBuffer; }, get outputBuffer() { return this._outputBuffer; }, _calculateEffectiveRateAndTempo: function() { let previousTempo = this._tempo; let previousRate = this._rate; this._tempo = this.virtualTempo / this.virtualPitch; this._rate = this.virtualRate * this.virtualPitch; if (testFloatEqual(this._tempo, previousTempo)) { this.tdStretch.tempo = this._tempo; } if (testFloatEqual(this._rate, previousRate)) { this.rateTransposer.rate = this._rate; } if (this._rate > 1.0) { if (this._outputBuffer != this.rateTransposer.outputBuffer) { this.tdStretch.inputBuffer = this._inputBuffer; this.tdStretch.outputBuffer = this._intermediateBuffer; this.rateTransposer.inputBuffer = this._intermediateBuffer; this.rateTransposer.outputBuffer = this._outputBuffer; } } else { if (this._outputBuffer != this.tdStretch.outputBuffer) { this.rateTransposer.inputBuffer = this._inputBuffer; this.rateTransposer.outputBuffer = this._intermediateBuffer; this.tdStretch.inputBuffer = this._intermediateBuffer; this.tdStretch.outputBuffer = this._outputBuffer; } } }, process: function() { if (this._rate > 1.0) { this.tdStretch.process(); this.rateTransposer.process(); } else { this.rateTransposer.process(); this.tdStretch.process(); } } }; function WebAudioBufferSource(buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; } WebAudioBufferSource.prototype = { extract: function(target, numFrames, position) { let l = this.buffer.getChannelData(0), r = this.buffer.getChannelData(1); for (let i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) { target[i * 2] = l[i + position]; target[i * 2 + 1] = r[i + position]; } return Math.min(numFrames, l.length - position); } }; function getWebAudioNode(context, filter) { let BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; let node = context.createScriptProcessor(BUFFER_SIZE, 2, 2), samples = new Float32Array(BUFFER_SIZE * 2); node.onaudioprocess = function(e) { let l = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0), r = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1); let framesExtracted = filter.extract(samples, BUFFER_SIZE); if (framesExtracted === 0) { node.disconnect(); // Pause. } for (let i = 0; i < framesExtracted; i++) { l[i] = samples[i * 2]; r[i] = samples[i * 2 + 1]; } }; return node; } window.soundtouch = { RateTransposer: RateTransposer, Stretch: Stretch, SimpleFilter: SimpleFilter, SoundTouch: SoundTouch, WebAudioBufferSource: WebAudioBufferSource, getWebAudioNode: getWebAudioNode }; })(this);