# time-expanseR Convert .WAV in real time into .WAV in time expansion x10 using warbleR R package. ## Installation ### Requirements ```bash apt install -y r-base cmake libcurl4-openssl-dev libfftw3-* ``` ### R packages ```bash R ``` ```R install.packages("warbleR") ``` ### Scripts ```bash git clone http://localhost:3400/Chiro-Canto/time-expanseR.git ``` ```bash chmod +x expanseR.sh chmod +x split_5s.sh chmod +x expansion_x10.R ``` ## Usage ```bash chmod +x expanseR ``` ``` bash expanseR -o /path/to/your/input/directory -i /path/to/your/output/directory ``` You can also use R script in standalone, you will have to specify your folders in the r script.