
196 lines
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2022-09-02 08:44:18 +02:00
// Lexique du module Blog en anglais
$text['blog_view']['add'][0] = 'Back';
$text['blog_view']['add'][1] = 'Save as draft';
$text['blog_view']['add'][2] = 'Publish';
$text['blog_view']['add'][3] = 'General information';
$text['blog_view']['add'][4] = 'Title';
$text['blog_view']['add'][5] = 'Optional image. Optimal size of cover image : ';
$text['blog_view']['add'][6] = 'Cover image';
$text['blog_view']['add'][7] = 'Width of image';
$text['blog_view']['add'][8] = 'Position';
$text['blog_view']['add'][9] = 'The text of the article is adapted around the image';
$text['blog_view']['add'][10] = 'Hide image in article';
$text['blog_view']['add'][11] = 'Publication options';
$text['blog_view']['add'][12] = 'Author';
$text['blog_view']['add'][13] = 'The article is not visible until after the scheduled publication date';
$text['blog_view']['add'][14] = 'Date of publication';
$text['blog_view']['add'][15] = 'Edit / Delete';
$text['blog_view']['add'][16] = 'Users in higher groups have unrestricted access to the article';
$text['blog_view']['add'][17] = 'Comments';
$text['blog_view']['add'][18] = 'Close comments';
$text['blog_view']['add'][19] = 'Moderator approval';
$text['blog_view']['add'][20] = 'Choice of maximum number of characters for each comment in the article, including html formatting';
$text['blog_view']['add'][21] = 'Characters per comment';
$text['blog_view']['add'][22] = 'Email notification';
$text['blog_view']['add'][23] = 'Optional image';
$text['blog_view']['comment'][0] = 'Return';
$text['blog_view']['comment'][1] = 'Date';
$text['blog_view']['comment'][2] = 'Content';
$text['blog_view']['comment'][3] = 'Author';
$text['blog_view']['comment'][4] = 'No comments';
$text['blog_view']['config'][0] = 'Back';
$text['blog_view']['config'][1] = 'Article';
$text['blog_view']['config'][2] = 'Save';
$text['blog_view']['config'][3] = 'Module settings';
$text['blog_view']['config'][4] = 'RSS feed link';
$text['blog_view']['config'][5] = 'Label text';
$text['blog_view']['config'][6] = 'Articles per page';
$text['blog_view']['config'][7] = 'Title';
$text['blog_view']['config'][8] = 'Date published';
$text['blog_view']['config'][9] = 'Status';
$text['blog_view']['config'][10] = 'Comments';
$text['blog_view']['config'][11] = 'No article';
$text['blog_view']['config'][12] = 'Version No.';
$text['blog_view']['config'][13] = 'Texts';
$text['blog_view']['config'][14] = "Are you sure you want to delete this article ?";
$text['blog_view']['edit'][0] = 'Back';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][1] = 'Save as draft';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][2] = 'Publish';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][3] = 'General information';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][4] = 'Title';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][5] = 'Optional image. Optimal size of cover image : ';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][6] = 'Cover image';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][7] = 'Width of image';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][8] = 'Position';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][9] = 'The text of the article is adapted around the image';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][10] = 'Hide image in article';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][11] = 'Publication options';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][12] = 'Author';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][13] = 'The article is not visible until after the scheduled publication date';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][14] = 'Date of publication';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][15] = 'Edit / Delete';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][16] = 'Users in higher groups have unrestricted access to the article';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][17] = 'Comments';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][18] = 'Close comments';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][19] = 'Moderator approval';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][20] = 'Choice of the maximum number of characters for each comment in the article, including html formatting.';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][21] = 'Characters per comment';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][22] = 'Email notification';
$text['blog_view']['edit'][23] = 'Editors = editors + administrators<br/> Members = members + editors + administrators';
$text['blog_view']['indext'][0] = 'Read more';
$text['blog_view']['indext'][1] = 'No article';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][0] = 'Back';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][1] = 'Adapt these texts into the language of your visitors';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][2] = 'Save';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][3] = 'No comment yet';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][4] = 'Write a comment';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][5] = 'Name';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][6] = 'Comment with maximum';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][7] = 'characters';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][8] = 'comment';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][9] = 'Comment filed';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][10] = 'Comment submitted pending approval';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][11] = 'This article does not receive comments';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][13] = 'Login';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][15] = 'Edit';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][16] = 'Cancel';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][17] = 'Send';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][18] = 'You have reached the maximum of';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][19] = 'characters left';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][20] = 'You were about to exceed the maximum of ';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][25] = 'Version no.';
$text['blog_view']['texts'][26] ='Read more';
$text['blog_view']['article'][0] = 'en_GB';
$text['blog']['config'][0] = 'Saved changes';
$text['blog']['config'][1] = 'Module configuration';
$text['blog']['config'][2] = ' at ';
$text['blog']['index'][0] = '<br/>A notification has been sent.';
$text['blog']['index'][1] = '<br/> Notification error : ';
$text['blog']['index'][4] = 'New comment submitted';
$text['blog']['index'][5] = 'Hello';
$text['blog']['index'][6] = 'The article ';
$text['blog']['index'][7] = ' has received a new comment';
$text['blog']['index'][8] = 'No comment yet';
$text['blog']['index'][9] = 'Write a comment';
$text['blog']['index'][10] = 'Name';
$text['blog']['index'][11] = 'Comment with maximum';
$text['blog']['index'][12] = 'characters';
$text['blog']['index'][13] = 'Comment';
$text['blog']['index'][14] = 'Comment filed';
$text['blog']['index'][15] = 'Comment submitted pending approval';
$text['blog']['index'][16] = 'This article does not receive comments';
$text['blog']['index'][17] = 'Login';
$text['blog']['index'][18] = 'Edit';
$text['blog']['index'][19] = 'Cancel';
$text['blog']['index'][20] = 'Send';
$text['blog']['index'][21] = 'You have reached the maximum of';
$text['blog']['index'][22] = 'Characters left';
$text['blog']['index'][23] = 'You were about to exceed the maximum of';
$text['blog']['edit'][0] = 'Unauthorised action';
$text['blog']['edit'][1] = 'Changes saved';
$text['blog']['delete'][0] = 'Unauthorised action';
$text['blog']['delete'][1] = 'Article deleted';
$text['blog']['commentApprove'][0] = 'Unauthorised action';
$text['blog']['commentApprove'][1] = 'Comment approved';
$text['blog']['commentApprove'][2] = 'Comment rejected';
$text['blog']['texts'][0] = '';
$text['blog']['texts'][1] = '';
$text['blog']['texts'][2] = 'Texts visible to a visitor';
$text['blog']['add'][0] = 'New article created';
$text['blog']['add'][1] = 'New article';
$text['blog']['add'][2] = 'en_GB';
$text['blog']['add'][3] = 'default';
$text['blog']['comment'][0] = 'Delete all';
$text['blog']['comment'][1] = 'Comment management : ';
$text['blog']['commentDelete'][0] = 'Action not permitted';
$text['blog']['commentDelete'][1] = 'Comment deleted';
$text['blog']['commentDeleteAll'][0] = 'Action not allowed';
$text['blog']['commentDeleteAll'][1] = 'Comments deleted';
$states = [
false => 'Draft',
true => 'Published'
// Nombre d'objets par page
$ItemsList = [
4 => '4 articles',
8 => '8 articles',
12 => '12 articles',
16 => '16 articles',
22 => '22 articles'
$pictureSizes = [
'20' => 'Very small',
'30' => 'Small',
'40' => 'Large',
'50' => 'Very large',
'100' => 'Full width',
$picturePositions = [
'left' => 'Left',
'right' => 'Right',
//Paramètre longueur maximale des commentaires en nb de caractères
$commentLength = [
'500' => '500',
'1000' => '1000',
'2000' => '2000',
'5000' => '5000',
'10000' => '10000'
// Permissions d'un article
if( $param === 'blog' ){
$articleConsent = [
self::EDIT_ALL => 'All groups',
self::EDIT_GROUP => 'Owner\'s group',
self::EDIT_OWNER => 'Owner'
$groupNews = [
self::GROUP_MEMBER => 'Member',
self::GROUP_MODERATOR => 'Editor',
self::GROUP_ADMIN => 'Administrator'
} elseif( $param === 'blog_view' ) {
$articleConsent = [
$module::EDIT_ALL => 'All groups',
$module::EDIT_GROUP => 'Owner\'s group',
$module::EDIT_OWNER => 'Owner'
$groupNews = [
$module::GROUP_MEMBER => 'Member',
$module::GROUP_MODERATOR => 'Editor',
$module::GROUP_ADMIN => 'Administrator'