getData(['config', 'i18n', 'langBase']); if( $this->getInput('DELTA_I18N_SITE') !== '' && $this->getInput('DELTA_I18N_SITE') !== null && $this->getInput('DELTA_I18N_SITE') !== 'base') $lang = $this->getInput('DELTA_I18N_SITE'); if( $this->getData(['config', 'social', 'headFacebook' ]) === true) { echo ''; } else { echo ''; } ?> showMetaTitle(); if( $this->getData(['config', 'social', 'headFacebook' ]) === true) $this->showMetaPropertyFacebook(); ?> showFavicon(); $this->showVendor(); $this->showStyle(); echo PHP_EOL; ?> getData(['page', $this->getUrl(0), 'moduleId']) === 'blog' OR $this->getData(['page', $this->getUrl(0), 'moduleId']) === 'news' ) AND $this->getData(['module', $this->getUrl(0), 'config', 'feeds']) === TRUE ): ?> getUser('group') > self::GROUP_MEMBER): ?> showBar(); ?> showNotification(); ?> getData(['theme', 'menu', 'burgerLogo']); if( $this->getData(['theme','menu','burgerContent']) === 'logo' && file_exists( $fileLogo) && $this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'burgerLogo']) !== '' ){ $fontsize = $this->getData(['theme', 'text', 'fontSize']); $pospx = strpos($fontsize, 'px'); $fontsize = (int) substr( $fontsize, 0, $pospx); $height = $this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'height']); $pospx = strpos($height, 'px'); $height = (int) substr( $height, 0, $pospx); $heightLogo = 2*($height + $fontsize) - 4; $arrayImage = getimagesize( $fileLogo ); $heightImage = $arrayImage[1]; $widthImage = $arrayImage[0]; if( $heightImage !== 0 && $heightImage !== null){ $widthLogo = (int) ($widthImage * ( ($heightLogo - 1) / $heightImage)); } else { $widthLogo = 30; } } ?>
getData(['theme', 'menu', 'position']) === 'body-first' || $this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'position']) === 'top' ): ?> getData(['theme', 'menu', 'position']) === 'top' AND $this->getData(['theme', 'menu', 'fixed']) === true AND $this->getUser('password') === $this->getInput('DELTA_USER_PASSWORD') AND $this->getUser('group') > self::GROUP_MEMBER) { echo '
showCookies(); ?> showScript();?>