getData(['config', 'i18n', 'langAdmin']); switch ($val) { case 'fr' : $text[0] = 'Paramètres'; $text[1] = 'Type de proxy'; $text[2] = 'Adresse du proxy'; $text[3] = 'Port du proxy'; $text[4] = 'SMTP'; $text[5] = 'Activer SMTP'; $text[6] = 'Paramètres à utiliser lorsque votre hébergeur ne propose pas la fonctionnalité d\'envoi de mail.'; $text[7] = 'Adresse SMTP'; $text[8] = 'Port SMTP'; $text[9] = 'Authentification'; $text[10] = 'Nom utilisateur'; $text[11] = 'Mot de passe'; $text[12] = 'Sécurité'; $SMTPauth = $module::$SMTPauth; $SMTPEnc = $module::$SMTPEnc; break; case 'en' : $text[0] = 'Settings'; $text[1] = 'Proxy type'; $text[2] = 'Proxy address'; $text[3] = 'Proxy port'; $text[4] = 'SMTP'; $text[5] = 'Enable SMTP'; $text[6] = 'Settings to be used when your webhost does not offer mail sending functionality'; $text[7] = 'SMTP address'; $text[8] = 'SMTP port'; $text[9] = 'Authentication'; $text[10] = 'User name'; $text[11] = 'Password'; $text[12] = 'Security'; $SMTPauth = $module::$SMTPauth_en; $SMTPEnc = $module::$SMTPEnc_en; break; } ?>

$text[1], 'selected' => $this->getData(['config', 'proxyType']) ]); ?>
$text[2], 'placeholder' => '', 'value' => $this->getData(['config', 'proxyUrl']) ]); ?>
$text[3], 'placeholder' => '6060', 'value' => $this->getData(['config', 'proxyPort']) ]); ?>

$this->getData(['config', 'smtp','enable']), 'help' => $text[6] ]); ?>
$text[7], 'placeholder' => '', 'value' => $this->getData(['config', 'smtp','host']) ]); ?>
$text[8], 'placeholder' => '589', 'value' => $this->getData(['config', 'smtp','port']) ]); ?>
$text[9], 'selected' => $this->getData(['config', 'smtp','auth']) ]); ?>
$text[10], 'value' => $this->getData(['config', 'smtp','username' ]) ]); ?>
$text[11], 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'value' => $this->getData(['config', 'smtp','username' ]) ? helper::decrypt ($this->getData(['config', 'smtp','username' ]),$this->getData(['config','smtp','password'])) : '' ]); ?>
$text[12], 'selected' => $this->getData(['config', 'smtp','secure']) ]); ?>