getData(['config', 'i18n', 'langAdmin']); switch ($val) { case 'fr' : $text[0] = 'Retour'; $text[1] = 'Aide'; $text[2] = 'Enregistrer'; $text[3] = 'Couleurs'; $text[4] = 'Couleur visible en l\'absence d\'une image.
Le curseur horizontal règle le niveau de transparence.'; $text[5] = 'Arrière-plan'; $text[6] = 'Le curseur horizontal règle le niveau de transparence.'; $text[7] = 'Fond icône haut de page'; $text[8] = 'Icône haut de page'; $text[9] = 'Image'; $text[10] = 'Sélectionner une image'; $text[11] = 'Arrière-plan'; $text[12] = 'Répétition'; $text[13] = 'Position'; $text[14] = 'Défilement'; $text[15] = 'Taille'; $repeats = $module::$repeats; $imagePositions = $module::$imagePositions; $attachments = $module::$attachments; $bodySizes = $module::$bodySizes; break; case 'en' : $text[0] = 'Back'; $text[1] = 'Help'; $text[2] = 'Save'; $text[3] = 'Colors'; $text[4] = 'Color visible in the absence of an image.
The horizontal slider adjusts the level of transparency.'; $text[5] = 'Background'; $text[6] = 'The horizontal slider sets the transparency level'; $text[7] = 'Top icon background'; $text[8] = 'Top icon'; $text[9] = 'Image'; $text[10] = 'Select an image'; $text[11] = 'Background'; $text[12] = 'Repeat'; $text[13] = 'Position'; $text[14] = 'Scroll'; $text[15] = 'Size'; $repeats = $module::$repeats_en; $imagePositions = $module::$imagePositions_en; $attachments = $module::$attachments_en; $bodySizes = $module::$bodySizes_en; break; } ?>
'buttonGrey', 'href' => helper::baseUrl() . 'theme', 'ico' => 'left', 'value' => $text[0] ]); ?>
'', 'target' => '_blank', 'ico' => 'help', 'value' => $text[1], 'class' => 'buttonHelp' ]); ?>
$text[2] ]); ?>

'colorPicker', 'help' => $text[4], 'label' => $text[5], 'value' => $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'backgroundColor']) ]); ?>
'colorPicker', 'help' => $text[6], 'label' => $text[7], 'value' => $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'toTopbackgroundColor']) ]); ?>
'colorPicker', 'help' => $text[6], 'label' => $text[8], 'value' => $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'toTopColor']) ]); ?>

getData(['theme', 'body', 'image'])) ? $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'image']) : ""; echo template::file('themeBodyImage', [ 'help' => $text[10], 'label' => $text[11], 'type' => 1, 'value' => $imageFile ]); ?>
$text[12], 'selected' => $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageRepeat']) ]); ?>
$text[13], 'selected' => $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imagePosition']) ]); ?>
$text[14], 'selected' => $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageAttachment']) ]); ?>
$text[15], 'selected' => $this->getData(['theme', 'body', 'imageSize']) ]); ?>