* @copyright 2021 © Sylvain Lelièvre * @author Lionel Croquefer * @copyright 2022 © Lionel Croquefer * @license GNU General Public License, version 3 * @link https://deltacms.fr/ * * Delta was created from version of ZwiiCMS * @author Rémi Jean * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2018, Rémi Jean * @author Frédéric Tempez * @copyright Copyright (C) 2018-2021, Frédéric Tempez */ class sitemap extends common { public static $actions = [ 'index' => self::GROUP_VISITOR ]; public static $siteMap = ''; /** * Plan du site */ public function index() { // Lexique include('./core/module/sitemap/lang/'. $this->getData(['config', 'i18n', 'langAdmin']) . '/lex_sitemap.php'); $items = '
    '; // Groupe du client connecté (1, 2, 3, 4) ou non connecté (0) $groupUser = $this->getUser('group') === false ? 0 : $this->getUser('group'); foreach ($this->getHierarchy(null, true, null) as $parentId => $childIds) { // Cas où les pages enfants enfant sont toutes desactivées dans le menu $totalChild = 0; $disableChild = 0; foreach($childIds as $childKey) { $totalChild += 1; if( $this->getData(['page', $childKey, 'disable']) === true ) $disableChild +=1; } // Ne pas afficher les pages désactivées sans sous-page active pour les clients < éditeur if ( $this->getData(['page',$parentId,'disable']) && (empty($childIds) || $disableChild === $totalChild) && $groupUser < 2 ) { continue; } $items .= '
  • '; if ($this->getData(['page', $parentId, 'disable']) === false && $this->getUser('group') >= $this->getData(['page', $parentId, 'group'])) { $pageUrl = ($parentId !== $this->getData(['locale', 'homePageId'])) ? helper::baseUrl() . $parentId : helper::baseUrl(false); $items .= '' .$this->getData(['page', $parentId, 'title']) . ''; } else { // page désactivée if ( $groupUser < 2 ){ $items .= '' .$this->getData(['page', $parentId, 'title']) . ''; } else { $pageUrl = ($parentId !== $this->getData(['locale', 'homePageId'])) ? helper::baseUrl() . $parentId : helper::baseUrl(false); $items .= '' .$this->getData(['page', $parentId, 'title']) . ''; } } // ou articles d'un blog if ($this->getData(['page', $parentId, 'moduleId']) === 'blog' && !empty($this->getData(['module',$parentId, 'posts' ]))) { $items .= '
      '; // Ids des articles par ordre de publication $articleIdsPublishedOns = helper::arrayCollumn($this->getData(['module', $parentId,'posts']), 'publishedOn', 'SORT_DESC'); $articleIdsStates = helper::arrayCollumn($this->getData(['module', $parentId, 'posts']), 'state', 'SORT_DESC'); $articleIds = []; foreach ($articleIdsPublishedOns as $articleId => $articlePublishedOn) { if ($articlePublishedOn <= time() and $articleIdsStates[$articleId]) { $articleIds[] = $articleId; } } foreach ($articleIds as $articleId => $article) { if ($this->getData(['module',$parentId,'posts',$article,'state']) === true) { $items .= '
    • '; $items .= '' . $this->getData(['module',$parentId,'posts',$article,'title']) . ''; $items .= '
    • '; } } $items .= '
    '; } foreach ($childIds as $childId) { // Passer les sous-pages désactivées si client < éditeur if ( $this->getData(['page',$childId,'disable']) === true && $groupUser < 2 ) { continue; } $items .= '
      '; // Sous-page $items .= '
    • '; if ( ($this->getData(['page', $childId, 'disable']) === false && $this->getUser('group') >= $this->getData(['page', $parentId, 'group'])) || ( $this->getData(['page', $childId, 'disable']) === true && $groupUser >= 2)) { $pageUrl = ($childId !== $this->getData(['locale', 'homePageId'])) ? helper::baseUrl() . $childId : helper::baseUrl(false) ; $items .= '' . $this->getData(['page', $childId, 'title']) . ''; } else { // page désactivée $items .= $this->getData(['page', $childId, 'title']); } $items .= '
    • '; // Articles d'une sous-page blog if ($this->getData(['page', $childId, 'moduleId']) === 'blog' && !empty($this->getData(['module', $childId, 'posts' ]))) { $items .= '
        '; // Ids des articles par ordre de publication $articleIdsPublishedOns = helper::arrayCollumn($this->getData(['module', $childId,'posts']), 'publishedOn', 'SORT_DESC'); $articleIdsStates = helper::arrayCollumn($this->getData(['module', $childId, 'posts']), 'state', 'SORT_DESC'); $articleIds = []; foreach ($articleIdsPublishedOns as $articleId => $articlePublishedOn) { if ($articlePublishedOn <= time() and $articleIdsStates[$articleId]) { $articleIds[] = $articleId; } } foreach ($articleIds as $articleId => $article) { if ($this->getData(['module',$childId,'posts',$article,'state']) === true) { $items .= '
      • '; $items .= '' . $this->getData(['module',$childId,'posts',$article,'title']) . ''; $items .= '
      • '; } } $items .= '
      '; } $items .= '
    '; } $items .= '
  • '; } // Fin du grand bloc $items .= '
'; self::$siteMap = $items; // Valeurs en sortie $this->addOutput([ 'title' => $text['core_sitemap']['index'][0], 'view' => 'index' ]); } }