"use strict"; const tool = require("../tools/main"); const config = require("../config/main.js"); const txt = require("../lang/"+config.adminLang+"/subscription"); const txtGeneral = require("../lang/"+config.adminLang+"/general"); module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => { const Subscription = sequelize.define("Subscription", { numberOfDays: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER(6).UNSIGNED, allowNull: false, defaultValue: 0, comment: "The duration in number of days of the subscription", validate: { notNull: { msg: txt.needNumberOfDays }, isInt : { msg: txt.needIntegerNumberOfDays }, min : { args: [0], msg: txt.needMinNumberOfDays } } }, receiptDays: { type: DataTypes.STRING(7), defaultValue: "23456", // revoir pour passer pour un paramètre de configuration ? comment: "Days on which the user has chosen to receive new questionnaires. The same numbers as in Mysql's DAYOFWEEK function.", set(value) { this.setDataValue("receiptDays", tool.trimIfNotNull(value)); }, validate: { len: { args: [1,7], msg: txt.needNotTooLongDaysList }, validDays(value) { let daysNumber="1234567"; let cars=value.split(""), carsOk=""; for (let car of cars) { if(daysNumber.indexOf(car)===-1) throw new Error(txt.needValidDaysList+car); else if(carsOk.indexOf(car)!==-1) throw new Error(txt.needUniqueDaysList+car); carsOk+=car; } } } }, noticeOk: { type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN(1), allowNull: false, defaultValue: false, validate: { notNull: { msg: txt.needKnowIfNoticeOk }, isIn: { args: [[true, false]], msg: txt.needKnowIfNoticeOk+" "+txtGeneral.notValidFormat } } }, }, { } ); Subscription.associate = function(models) { Subscription.belongsTo(models.User, { foreignKey: { name: "UserId", allowNull: false, unique: true }, onDelete: 'CASCADE', onUpdate: 'CASCADE' }), Subscription.hasMany(models.Pause) }; return Subscription; };