211 lines
6.7 KiB
Executable File

This script performs a software environment analysis on the outputs
of the workflow to generate tables that can then be plotted by another
import argparse
import csv
import os
import datetime
# All possible package sources, initialized to 0.
# This is required to make the column of the result table deterministic,
# so they can be determined without the header in the CSV file.
pkgsources = {"dpkg":0, "rpm":0, "pacman":0, "pip":0, "conda":0, "git":0, "misc":0}
def sources_stats(input_table, pkgsources):
Analyzes the given package lists table to determine the number of artifacts
using a package manager, Git packages or misc packages.
input_table: str
Table to analyse.
pkgsources: dict
A dictionnary that contains all the possible package sources as keys,
with all keys' value initialized at 0.
Output table of the analysis in the form of a dict with headers as keys.
i = 0
for row in input_table:
# Third column is the package source:
if row[2] not in pkgsources:
pkgsources[row[2]] = 1
pkgsources[row[2]] += 1
return pkgsources
def pkg_changed(table, artifact_name, pkgname, pkgsource):
Analyzes the given package lists table to determine if the given package
changed for the given artifact.
table: str
Table to analyse.
artifact_name: str
Name of the artifact for which we want to analyze package changes.
pkgname: str
The package we want to track changes.
pkgsource: str
Source of the package, in case there is multiple packages with the
same name but different sources.
changed: bool
True if the version number of the package changed over time, False
changed = False
i = 0
pkgver = ""
while i < len(table) and not changed:
row = table[i]
# Artifact name is in the 4th column, package name in the first,
# and package source in the 3rd:
if row[3] == artifact_name and row[0] == pkgname and row[2] == pkgsource:
# If the first version number has not been saved yet:
if pkgver == "":
pkgver = row[1] # Package version is in the 2nd column
elif row[1] != pkgver:
changed = True
i += 1
return changed
def pkgs_changes(input_table, pkgsources):
Analyzes the given package lists table to determine the number of packages
that changed for every package source.
input_table: str
Table to analyse.
pkgsources: dict
A dictionnary that contains all the possible package sources as keys,
with all keys' value initialized at 0.
Output table of the analysis in the form of a dict with headers as keys.
# Key is the artifact name, and value is a list of tuples constituted
# of the package that has been checked and its source for this artifact:
# FIXME: Memory usage?
checked_artifacts = {}
i = 0
for row in input_table:
artifact_name = row[3] # Artifact name is in the 4th column
if artifact_name not in checked_artifacts.keys():
checked_artifacts[artifact_name] = []
pkgname = row[0] # Package name is in the first column
pkgsource = row[2] # Package source is in the 3rd column
if (pkgname, pkgsource) not in checked_artifacts[artifact_name]:
if pkg_changed(input_table, artifact_name, pkgname, pkgsource):
pkgsources[pkgsource] += 1
checked_artifacts[artifact_name].append((pkgname, pkgsource))
return pkgsources
def pkgs_per_container(input_table):
print("ERROR: Not implemented!")
def main():
# Command line arguments parsing:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
prog = "softenv_analysis",
description =
This script performs a software environment analysis on the outputs
of the workflow to generate tables that can then be plotted
by another program.
"-v", "--verbose",
action = "store_true",
help = "Shows more details on what is being done."
"-t", "--analysis-type",
help =
Specify the type of software analysis to run. Depending on the
type of analysis, multiple tables can be generated:
the number of packages per source (a package manager, git or misc)
by using `sources-stats`,
the number of packages that changed over time (0 if only
one file is given, since it will only include the package list
of a single execution) by using `pkg-changes`,
the number of packages per container by specifying `pkgs-per-container`.
choices = ["sources-stats", "pkgs-changes", "pkgs-per-container"],
required = True
"-i", "--input",
action = "append",
help =
The CSV file used as input for the analysis function. Multiple files
can be specified by repeating this argument with different paths.
All the input files must be package lists generated by ECG.
required = True
"-o", "--output",
help =
Path to the output CSV file that will be created by the analysis function.
required = True
args = parser.parse_args()
input_paths = args.input
output_path = args.output
analysis_type = args.analysis_type
# Parsing the input files:
input_table = []
for path in input_paths:
input_file = open(path)
input_table += list(csv.reader(input_file))
# Analyzing the inputs:
if analysis_type == "sources-stats":
output_dict = sources_stats(input_table, pkgsources)
elif analysis_type == "pkgs-changes":
output_dict = pkgs_changes(input_table, pkgsources)
elif analysis_type == "pkgs-per-container":
output_dict = pkgs_per_container(input_table)
# Adding the current time to every row:
now = datetime.datetime.now()
timestamp = str(datetime.datetime.timestamp(now))
output_dict["timestamp"] = timestamp
# Writing analysis to output file:
output_file = open(output_path, "w+")
dict_writer = csv.DictWriter(output_file, fieldnames=output_dict.keys())
# dict_writer.writeheader()
if __name__ == "__main__":