2024-07-21 17:32:04 +02:00

51 lines
2.7 KiB

from execo_g5k import oardel, oarsub, OarSubmission, wait_oar_job_start, get_oar_job_nodes, get_oar_job_info
import time
import argparse
def submit_job(cluster, site, maximum_duration_minutes, checkpoint_minutes, is_besteffort, path, script, command, build_status_file, artifact):
reservation_duration = (maximum_duration_minutes + checkpoint_minutes) * 60
checkpoint = checkpoint_minutes * 60
job_type = []
if is_besteffort:
oar_job_id, _site = oarsub([(OarSubmission(f"{{cluster='{cluster}'}}/nodes=1",\
additional_options=f"--checkpoint {checkpoint}",\
command=f"{path}/{script} {path} {build_status_file} {artifact} {command}"), site)])[0]
return oar_job_id
def wait_for_completion(oar_job_id, site, sleep_time):
state = "Running"
while state != "Terminated" and state != "Error":
info = get_oar_job_info(oar_job_id, site)
state = info["state"]
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Wrapper script to submit to OAR from a namespace")
parser.add_argument("--site", required=True, help="Grid'5000 site to submit to")
parser.add_argument("--cluster", required=True, help="Cluster to submit to")
parser.add_argument("--max-duration", required=True, type=int, help="Max Duration in MINUTES of the docker build")
parser.add_argument("--checkpoint", required=True, type=int, help="Duration in MINUTES before the end of the job to do the checkpoint")
parser.add_argument("--besteffort", action='store_false', help="Submit the job as besteffort")
parser.add_argument("--path", required=True, help="Root of the project")
parser.add_argument("--script", required=True, help="Path of the bash script to oarsub relative to the '--path'")
parser.add_argument("--sleep_time", required=False, type=int, default=60, help="Time interval in seconds to check the termination of the job")
parser.add_argument("--build_status_file", required=True, help="File to write the build status to in the case of time exceeding")
parser.add_argument("--artifact", required=True, help="Name of the artifact")
parser.add_argument("command", help="ECG Command")
args = parser.parse_args()
oar_job_id = submit_job(args.cluster, args.site, args.max_duration, args.checkpoint, args.besteffort, args.path, args.script, args.command, args.build_status_file, args.artifact)
wait_oar_job_start(oar_job_id, args.site)
wait_for_completion(oar_job_id, args.site, args.sleep_time)
return 0