--Version 2.1 dated 2013-06-21 --CeCILL Copyright (C) 2022-2035 by Jean-Christophe Énée --Initiated by Jean-Chrisotphe Énée --followed by jean-christoph@atlantic-game.com technical team --Web Site = PosPersonnage = {} PosPersonnage.X = 50 PosPersonnage.Y = 400 PosPersonnage.Saute = false PosPersonnage.tir = PosPersonnage.X + 35 PosPersonnage.tirY = PosPersonnage.Y tir = false Pistol = PosPersonnage.tir function Niveau() PositionVert_1 = 0 PositionVert_2 = 800 PositionHoriz = 565 for PositionHoriz = 565, 240, -65 do love.graphics.line(PositionVert_1, PositionHoriz, PositionVert_2 , PositionHoriz) PositionVert_1 = PositionVert_1 + 100 PositionVert_2 = PositionVert_1 + 300 end love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 700, 220, 20, 20) end function Personnage(LaPostition) local x, y = PosPersonnage.X, PosPersonnage.Y -- personnage love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y, 10, 10) love.graphics.line(x + 5, y + 30, x + 5 , y ) love.graphics.line(x - 10, y + 15, x + 20, y + 15) love.graphics.line(x + 5, y + 30, x - 5 , y + 40) love.graphics.line(x + 5, y + 30, x + 15, y + 40) -- pistolet love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + 20, y + 10, 5, 10) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + 20, y + 10, 15, 5) end function love.load() end function love.update(dt) if PosPersonnage.Saute == true then for j = 0, 30 do PosPersonnage.Y = PosPersonnage.Y + 1 end PosPersonnage.Saute = false end if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then for i = 0, 30 do PosPersonnage.Y = PosPersonnage.Y - 1 end PosPersonnage.Saute = true end if love.keyboard.isDown("right") and PosPersonnage.X + 35 < love.graphics.getWidth() then PosPersonnage.X = PosPersonnage.X + 1 end if love.keyboard.isDown("left") and PosPersonnage.X - 10 > 0 then PosPersonnage.X = PosPersonnage.X - 1 end if love.keyboard.isDown("space") then tir = true end if tir == true then Pistol = Pistol + 3 end if Pistol > love.graphics.getWidth() then Pistol = PosPersonnage.tir PosPersonnage.tirY = PosPersonnage.Y tir = false end end function love.draw() Niveau() Personnage(LaPostition) --tir if tir == true then love.graphics.rectangle("fill", Pistol, PosPersonnage.tirY + 10, 2, 2) end end