forked from bip/bip

This is starting just fine ;)

This commit is contained in:
nohar 2005-04-28 08:30:43 +00:00
parent 665d2ec5af
commit 8da1c833d8
11 changed files with 0 additions and 297 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Package: bip
Version: 0.0-1
Section: net
Priority: optional
Architecture: i386
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1)
Installed-Size: 172
Maintainer: Arnaud Cornet <nohar@t1r.net>
Description: multiuser irc proxy with ssl, conversation replay and more
Bip is a IRC proxy that supports as replaying logged conversation when a client
connects, multiple clients on one irc server connection, SSL support (on both
ends) and has a handy logging directory structure. It is multiuser, and has a
flexible configuration. Some of it's configuration can be changed at runtime
with special irc commands.

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
2fcb2e23f48dd8e205b6e434bb0a1e49 usr/bin/bip
df1d3b30f4ccb839963d39b67fcc83e3 usr/bin/genpwent
816e04d8e35370693904cc3a06107e56 usr/share/bip/bip.conf
48f6c5372dbef10c96f251f313a4c83b usr/share/bip/bip.vim
b35795a23db4c45c95fc897375954a49 usr/share/doc/bip/README
08e6785d9f0333a1f0009c71655a8e6a usr/share/doc/bip/TODO
c9367cfeedf1700a01107616effd5c8e usr/share/doc/bip/AUTHORS
75e57f35e3a9155f3cd215d43dd31380 usr/share/doc/bip/changelog.gz
9416df600764b0209c175026fd2f7702 usr/share/doc/bip/changelog.Debian.gz

debian/bip/usr/bin/bip vendored

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
# bip default config file.
# Thou shoult change thy password
ip = "";
# To connect a client to bip, try the port below, and
# be sure to set the username and password to the values
# specified in the network you want to connect to.
port = 7778;
# If you set this to true, you'll only be able to connect to bip
# with a SSL capable IRC client. Be sure to generate a certificate
# for bip with 'make cert'
client_side_ssl = false;
log_level = 3;
# This is where logs go. Channel and private messages will use that
# configuration value as a prefix, and then log_format to determine
# full log filename.
#log_root = "/var/proxy/logs";
# Log format allows you to make log filenames depend on the log line's
# attributes. Here's a list :
# %u -> user name
# %n -> network name
# %Y -> 4 digit year
# %m -> 2 digit month
# %d -> 2 digit day
# %c -> destination (#chan, privates, ...)
#log_format = "%n/%Y-%m/%c.%d.log";
# Sets the frequency (in seconds) of log syncing (real write to kernel)
#log_sync_interval = 5;
# Makes bip send the log of each channel and privates while
# you were not connected to the proxy upon connection.
#no_backlog = false; # disable backlog
backlog_lines = 10; # number of lines in backlog, 0 means no limit
always_backlog = true; # backlog even lines already backlogged
# Network definition, a name and server info
network {
name = "iiens";
server { host = "irc.iiens.net"; port = 6667; };
network {
name = "freenode";
server { host = "irc.freenode.org"; port = 6667; };
server { host = "brown.freenode.net"; port = 6667; };
server { host = "thunder.stealer.net"; port = 6667; };
# Configuration example with one user who connects to two irc networks
# To use the multi-server feature:
# - define the connections
# - chose and setup a different login for each connection
# on your irc client:
# - Use the multi server feature of your client, the server beeing each time
# the server where bip is running. In your client setup realname or username
# to the value of login in the corresponding connection.
# User structure is grouping information for a given user
user {
# The name in bip of the user
# This is used by bip only
name = "nohar";
# this user's password
password = "233a8d53b55a268d4a84a3acdd5ed57d"; # (md5(md5("tata")))
# A user can have mutiple connections to irc networks.
# define a connection:
connection {
name = "iiens"; # used by bip only
network = "iiens"; # which ircnet to connect to
login = "bipbip"; # used to auth user and to diffenciate
# among multiple connections of a user.
# in your irc client setup username or
# realname to this login value.
# Information sent to the irc server:
nick = "bip`luser";
user = "bipbip";
realname = "coyote";
#password = "serverpassword";
# Some options:
#away_nick = "bip`away";
#follow_nick = true;
#ignore_first_nick = true;
#on_connect_send = "PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY nspassword";
# Autojoined channels:
channel { name = "#bip"; };
connection {
name = "freenode"; # used by bip only
network = "freenode"; # which ircnet to connect to
login = "bipfnode"; # used to auth user and to diffenciate
# among multiple connections of a user.
# in your irc client setup username or
# realname to this login value.
# Information sent to the irc server:
nick = "bip`luser";
user = "bipbip";
realname = "coyote";
#password = "serverpassword";
# Some options:
#away_nick = "bip`away";
#follow_nick = true;
#ignore_first_nick = true;
#on_connect_send = "PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY nspassword";
# Autojoined channels:
channel { name = "#bip"; };

View File

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Bip configuration file
" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004 Arnaud Cornet and Loïc Gomez
" License: This file is part of the bip project. See the file 'COPYING' for
" the exact licensing terms.
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syn case ignore
" Global elements
syn match bipComment contained %\s*#.*$%
syn match bipEndError contained /\(#.*\)\@<![^;{]$/
" Possible values types.
syn region bipString contained start=+"+ end=+"+
syn keyword bipBool contained true false
syn match bipNumeric contained /\d\d*/
syn region bipIP contained start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=bipAddrTk,bipDot
syn region bipNetmask contained start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=bipAddrTk,bipDot,bipSlash,bipMask
syn match bipAddrTk contained #\d\{1,3}#
syn match bipDot contained #\.#
syn match bipSlash contained #/#
syn match bipMask contained #\d\{1,2}#
syn match bipWhite contained +#\@!\s*+
" wrong
" syn match bipWhite contained +^\s*\ze[^#]*+
" Values syntax
syn region bipStringV contained matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\s*=\s*/ end=/\s*;\s*/ contains=bipString
syn region bipBoolV contained matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\s*=\s*/ end=/\s*;\s*/ contains=bipBool
syn region bipNumericV contained matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\s*=\s*/ end=/\s*;\s*/ contains=bipNumeric
syn region bipIPV contained matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\s*=\s*/ end=/\s*;\s*/ contains=bipIP
syn region bipNetmaskV contained matchgroup=Delimiter start=/\s*=\s*/ end=/\s*;\s*/ contains=bipNetmask
syn region bipMain start=/\%^/ end=/\%$/ contains=bipKeyword,bipNetwork,bipUser,bipComment,bipEndError
" Top level elements
syn keyword bipKeyword contained nextgroup=bipBoolV client_side_ssl no_backlog always_backlog
syn keyword bipKeyword contained nextgroup=bipStringV log_root log_format pid_file
syn keyword bipKeyword contained nextgroup=bipNumericV port log_level backlog_lines log_sync_interval
syn keyword bipKeyword contained nextgroup=bipIPV ip
" Network block (level 1)
syn region bipNetwork contained matchgroup=Macro start=/network\s*{\s*/ end=/};/
\ contains=bipNKeyword,bipServer,bipComment,bipEndError,bipWhite
syn keyword bipNKeyword contained nextgroup=bipStringV name
syn keyword bipNKeyword contained nextgroup=bipBoolV ssl
" User block (level 1)
syn region bipUser contained matchgroup=Macro start=/user\s*{\s*/ end=/};/
\ contains=bipUKeyword,bipConnection,bipComment,bipEndError,bipWhite
syn keyword bipUKeyword contained nextgroup=bipStringV nick user realname password username name
" Connection block (level 2)
syn region bipConnection contained matchgroup=Macro start=/connection\s*{\s*/ end=/};/
\ contains=bipCoKeyword,bipChannel,bipComment,bipEndError,bipWhite
syn keyword bipCoKeyword contained nextgroup=bipBoolV ssl follow_nick ignore_first_nick
syn keyword bipCoKeyword contained nextgroup=bipStringV name user network password vhost away_nick on_connect_send
syn keyword bipCoKeyword contained nextgroup=bipNumericV source_port
" Channel elements (lvl 2)
syn region bipChannel contained matchgroup=Macro start=/channel\s*{\s*/ end=/};/
\ contains=bipCKeyword,bipComment,bipEndError,bipWhite
syn keyword bipCKeyword contained nextgroup=bipStringV name key
" Server elements (lvl 2)
syn region bipServer contained matchgroup=Macro start=/server\s*{\s*/ end=/};/
\ contains=bipSKeyword,bipComment,bipEndError,bipWhite
syn keyword bipSKeyword contained nextgroup=bipStringV host
syn keyword bipSKeyword contained nextgroup=bipNumericV port
" Client elements (lvl 2)
syn region bipClient contained matchgroup=Macro start=/client\s*{\s*/ end=/};/
\ contains=bipCLKeyword,bipComment,bipEndError,bipWhite
syn keyword bipCLKeyword contained nextgroup=bipStringV user password
" Synchronization
syn sync match bipSyncNet grouphere bipNetwork /\_.\s*\(network\s*{\)\@=+/
syn sync match bipSyncUser grouphere bipUser /\_.\s*\(user\s*{\)\@=+/
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version < 508
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink bipMain Error
HiLink bipNetwork Error
HiLink bipChannel Error
HiLink bipServer Error
HiLink bipUser Error
" We do not HiLink bipWhite, siec we only want to ignore it.
HiLink bipKeyword Keyword
HiLink bipNKeyword Keyword
HiLink bipUKeyword Keyword
HiLink bipCKeyword Keyword
HiLink bipSKeyword Keyword
HiLink bipCoKeyword Keyword
HiLink bipComment Comment
HiLink bipMatch Include
HiLink bipStringV Error
HiLink bipBoolV Error
HiLink bipNumericV Error
HiLink bipIPV Error
HiLink bipEndError Error
HiLink bipString String
HiLink bipBool Boolean
HiLink bipNumeric Number
HiLink bipIP String
HiLink bipAddrTk String
HiLink bipDot Delimiter
HiLink bipSlash Delimiter
HiLink bipMask Number
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "bip"
" vim: ts=8

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
Arnaud 'nohar' Cornet
Loïc 'Kyoshiro' Gomez
Thanks to jj, YS and lafounie, for hanging around while we were coding.
Crypto shamelessly taken from Christophe 'sexy' Devine.

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
log encryption support
salt this md5

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- SSL certificate verification
- allowed IP filtering
- multi user (user/pass to identify user + realname to id. network)
- keep invites when detached
- DCC proxying ?
- /bip command, for admin (rehash, jump, ...)
- crypt logs
tidy up irc_server/server structures

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.