First steps into Type Systems
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# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
synopsis: "A short synopsis"
description: "A longer description"
maintainer: ["Maintainer Name"]
authors: ["Author Name"]
license: "LICENSE"
tags: ["topics" "to describe" "your" "project"]
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(public_name PTS)
(name main)
(libraries PTS))
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let () = print_endline "Hello, World!"
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(lang dune 3.16)
(name PTS)
(generate_opam_files true)
(github username/reponame))
(authors "Author Name")
(maintainers "Maintainer Name")
(license LICENSE)
(documentation https://url/to/documentation)
(name PTS)
(synopsis "A short synopsis")
(description "A longer description")
(depends ocaml dune)
(topics "to describe" your project)))
; See the complete stanza docs at
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open Bindlib
let ( let* ) m f = Option.bind m f
let ( let+ ) m f = f m
let ( let$ ) m f = match m with None -> f () | Some x -> Some x
type ('a, 'b) eq = Eq : ('a, 'a) eq
module type ReflexiveType = sig
type 'a t
val equal : 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a, 'b) eq option
module type Parameters = sig
module Sort : ReflexiveType
type 'a sort = 'a Sort.t
type ('a, 'b) axiom
val is_valid_axiom : 'a sort -> 'b sort -> ('a, 'b) axiom option
type ('a, 'b, 'c) rule
val is_valid_rule : 'a sort -> 'b sort -> 'c sort -> ('a, 'b, 'c) rule option
module Make (Parameters : Parameters) = struct
include Parameters
type term =
| Sort : 'n sort -> term
| Variable : term var -> term
| Application : application -> term
| Function : abstraction -> term
| Product : abstraction -> term
and application =
{ func : term ; parameter : term }
and abstraction =
{ binder : (term, term) binder ; parameter_typ : term }
let rec equal (l : term) (r : term) =
match l, r with
| Sort l, Sort r -> Option.is_some (Sort.equal l r)
| Variable l, Variable r -> eq_vars l r
| Application l, Application r ->
equal l.parameter r.parameter
&& equal l.func r.func
| Function l, Function r ->
equal l.parameter_typ r.parameter_typ
&& eq_binder equal l.binder r.binder
| Product l, Function r ->
equal l.parameter_typ r.parameter_typ
&& eq_binder equal l.binder r.binder
| _, _ -> false
let rec beta_reduction = function
| Sort s -> Sort s
| Variable x -> Variable x
| Application { func = Function f ; parameter } -> subst f.binder parameter
| Application app ->
let func = beta_reduction app.func in
let parameter = beta_reduction app.parameter in
Application { func ; parameter }
| Function f ->
let parameter_typ = beta_reduction f.parameter_typ in
let binder = binder_compose f.binder beta_reduction in
Function { binder ; parameter_typ }
| Product p ->
let parameter_typ = beta_reduction p.parameter_typ in
let binder = binder_compose p.binder beta_reduction in
Product { binder ; parameter_typ }
module Context = Map.Make (struct
type t = term var
let compare = compare_vars
type context = term Context.t
type judgment = { context : context ; term : term ; typ : term }
type universe = Universe : _ sort -> universe
type checked = Checked
let rec check universe { context ; term ; typ } =
let typ = beta_reduction typ in
let* Universe _ = universe context typ in
let judgment = { context ; term ; typ } in
let$ () = axiom universe judgment in
let$ () = product universe judgment in
let$ () = abstraction universe judgment in
let$ () = application universe judgment in
weakening universe judgment
and axiom _ { context ; term ; typ } =
match term, typ with
| Sort s1, Sort s2 when Context.is_empty context ->
let+ _ = is_valid_axiom s1 s2 in
| _, _ -> None
and start universe { context ; term ; typ } =
match term, typ with
| Variable x, a ->
let* a' = Context.find_opt x context in
let* () = if equal a a' then Some () else None in
let context = Context.remove x context in
let+ Universe _ = universe context a in
| _, _ -> None
and weakening universe { context ; term ; typ } =
let* x, b = Context.choose_opt context in
let* Universe _ = universe context b in
let context = Context.remove x context in
check universe { context ; term ; typ }
and product universe { context ; term ; typ } =
match term, typ with
| Product p, Sort s3 ->
let* Universe s1 = universe context p.parameter_typ in
let x, b = unbind p.binder in
let context = Context.add x p.parameter_typ context in
let* Universe s2 = universe context b in
let+ _ = is_valid_rule s1 s2 s3 in
| _, _ -> None
and application universe { context ; term ; typ } =
match term, typ with
| Application { func ; parameter }, app_typ ->
let* product = match func with Product p -> Some p | _ -> None in
let result_typ = subst product.binder parameter in
let* () = if equal app_typ result_typ then Some () else None in
let term = parameter and typ = product.parameter_typ in
check universe { context ; term ; typ }
| _, _ -> None
and abstraction universe { context ; term ; typ } =
match term, typ with
| Function f, Product p ->
let x, m = unbind f.binder in
let b = subst p.binder (Variable x) in
let* Universe _ = universe context (Product p) in
let context = Context.add x f.parameter_typ context in
check universe { context ; term = m ; typ = b }
| _, _ -> None
module Inductive_Constructions_Parameters = struct
type zero = |
type 'n succ = |
type 'n nat = Zero : zero nat | Succ : 'n nat -> 'n succ nat
let rec eq : type a b. a nat -> b nat -> (a, b) eq option = fun l r ->
match l, r with
| Zero , Zero -> Some Eq
| Zero , Succ _ -> None
| Succ _, Zero -> None
| Succ l, Succ r ->
match eq l r with
| Some Eq -> Some Eq
| None -> None
type ('a, 'b) leq =
| LTZero : (zero, 'a) leq
| LTSucc : ('a, 'b) leq -> ('a succ, 'b succ) leq
let rec leq : type a b. a nat -> b nat -> (a, b) leq option = fun l r ->
match l, r with
| Zero , Zero -> Some LTZero
| Zero , Succ _ -> Some LTZero
| Succ _, Zero -> None
| Succ l, Succ r -> let+ prf = leq l r in LTSucc prf
type set = |
type prop = |
type 'n typ = |
type 's sort =
| Set : set sort
| Prop : prop sort
| Type : 'n nat -> 'n typ sort
type ('a, 'b) axiom =
| Set_is_Type_0 : (set , zero typ) axiom
| Prop_is_Type_0 : (prop, zero typ) axiom
| Type_Start : (zero typ, zero succ typ) axiom
| Type_Incr : ('a typ, 'b typ) axiom -> ('a succ typ, 'b succ typ) axiom
type ('a, 'b, 'c) rule =
| Prop_Prop : (prop, prop, prop) rule
| Set_Prop : (set , prop, prop) rule
| Prop_Set : (prop, set , set ) rule
| Set_Set : (set , set , set ) rule
| Type_Prop : ('n typ, prop, prop) rule
| Type_Right : ('l, 'r) leq -> ('l typ, 'r typ, 'r typ) rule
| Type_Left : ('r, 'l) leq -> ('l typ, 'r typ, 'l typ) rule
type ('a, 'b) is_valid_axiom =
'a sort -> 'b sort -> ('a, 'b) axiom option
let rec is_valid_axiom : type a b. (a, b) is_valid_axiom = fun l r ->
match l, r with
| Set , Type Zero -> Some Set_is_Type_0
| Prop, Type Zero -> Some Prop_is_Type_0
| Type Zero, Type Succ Zero -> Some Type_Start
| Type Succ l, Type Succ r ->
let+ prf = is_valid_axiom (Type l) (Type r) in
Type_Incr prf
| _, _ -> None
type ('a, 'b,' c) is_valid_rule =
'a sort -> 'b sort -> 'c sort -> ('a, 'b, 'c) rule option
let rec is_valid_rule : type a b c. (a, b, c) is_valid_rule = fun a b c ->
match a, b, c with
| Prop, Prop, Prop -> Some Prop_Prop
| Set , Prop, Prop -> Some Set_Prop
| Prop, Set , Set -> Some Prop_Set
| Set , Set , Set -> Some Set_Set
| Type _, Prop, Prop -> Some Type_Prop
| Type a, Type b, Type c ->
begin match leq a b, eq b c, leq b a, eq a c with
| Some leq, Some Eq, _, _ -> Some (Type_Right leq)
| _, _, Some geq, Some Eq -> Some (Type_Left geq)
| _, _, _, _ -> None
| _, _, _ -> None
type ('a, 'b) eq_sort = 'a sort -> 'b sort -> ('a, 'b) eq option
let equal : type a b. (a, b) eq_sort = fun l r ->
match l, r with
| Set, Set -> Some Eq
| Prop, Prop -> Some Eq
| Type l, Type r ->
begin match eq l r with
| Some Eq -> Some Eq
| None -> None
| _, _ -> None
module Sort = struct
type 'a t = 'a sort
let equal = equal
module Inductive_Constructions = Make (Inductive_Constructions_Parameters)
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