/* -*- mode: js; js-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Monito Gnome-Shell extension Copyright (C) 2021 Benjamin Drieu This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* exported init */ const GETTEXT_DOMAIN = 'monito'; let _httpSession; let _status; let _ok_text; const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Lang = imports.lang; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Mainloop = imports.mainloop; const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu; const PopupMenu = imports.ui.popupMenu; const Gettext = imports.gettext.domain(GETTEXT_DOMAIN); const _ = Gettext.gettext; const { GObject, St, Clutter, Gio } = imports.gi; const SETTINGS_SCHEMA = "org.gnome.shell.extensions.monito"; const SETTINGS_SCHEMA_ACCOUNT = "org.gnome.shell.extensions.monito.account"; const SETTINGS_SCHEMA_ACCOUNT_PATH = "/org/gnome/shell/extensions/monito/account"; const Convenience = Me.imports.convenience; const GenericServer = Me.imports.servers.genericserver.GenericServer; const Icinga = Me.imports.servers.icinga.Icinga; const Icinga2 = Me.imports.servers.icinga2.Icinga2; const Preferences = Me.imports.prefs; let settings = Convenience.getSettings(SETTINGS_SCHEMA); let account_settings = [ ]; const column_definitions = { status: { label: _('Status'), width: 50, expand: false, }, host_name: { label: _('Host name'), width: 300, expand: false, }, service_display_name: { label: _('Service'), width: 300, expand: false, }, last_check: { label: _('Last check'), width: 200, expand: false, type: 'date' }, attempts: { label: _('Attempts'), width: 50, expand: false, }, status_information: { label: _('Information'), width: 600, expand: true, }, actions: { label: 'Actions', width: 100, expand: true, special: 'actions' }, }; const Indicator = GObject.registerClass( class Indicator extends PanelMenu.Button { _init(server) { super._init(0.0, _('Monito Checker')); this.server = server; this.initStatus ( ); this.namesBoxes = { }; this.warningBoxes = { }; this.criticalBoxes = { }; this.unknownBoxes = { }; this.sortIcons = { }; account_settings [ server ] = Preferences.getAccountSettings ( this.server ); this.account_settings = account_settings [ server ]; let type = this.account_settings.get_string ( "type" ); if ( type == 'Icinga' ) this.serverLogic = new Icinga ( this.server ); else if ( type == 'Icinga2' ) this.serverLogic = new Icinga2 ( this.server ); this.initUI ( ); } initUI ( ) { let box = new St.BoxLayout ( { } ); this.add_child(box); monitoLog ( '> Server ' + this.server ); let serverBox = new St.BoxLayout ( { style_class: 'monito-serverbox' } ); box.add_child(serverBox); let name_box = new St.BoxLayout( { style_class: 'monito-namebox' } ); this.namesBoxes [ this.server ] = new St.Label ( { text: this.account_settings.get_string ( 'name' ) } ); name_box.add_child ( this.namesBoxes [ this.server ] ); serverBox.add_child(name_box); this.account_settings.bind ( 'name', this.namesBoxes [ this.server ], 'text', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.GET ); this.namesBoxes [ this.server ].connect ( 'button-press-event', Lang.bind ( this, function ( ) { this.setMenu ( this.menu ); } ) ); let warning_box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'monito-warning-box monito-box' }); warning_box.set_style ( 'background-color: %s; color: %s'.format ( this.account_settings.get_string ( 'warning-color' ), this.account_settings.get_string ( 'warning-fg' ) ) ); this.account_settings.connect("changed::warning-color", Lang.bind ( { widget: warning_box }, setColor ) ); this.account_settings.connect("changed::warning-fg", Lang.bind ( { widget: warning_box }, setColor ) ); this.warningBoxes [ this.server ] = new St.Label({ text: String(_status['WARNING']) }) warning_box.add_child ( this.warningBoxes [ this.server ] ); serverBox.add_child(warning_box); let critical_box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'monito-critical-box monito-box' }); critical_box.set_style ( 'background-color: %s; color: %s'.format ( this.account_settings.get_string ( 'critical-color' ), this.account_settings.get_string ( 'critical-fg' ) ) ); this.account_settings.connect("changed::critical-color", Lang.bind ( { widget: critical_box }, setColor ) ); this.account_settings.connect("changed::critical-fg", Lang.bind ( { widget: critical_box }, setColor ) ); this.criticalBoxes [ this.server ] = new St.Label({ text: String(_status['CRITICAL']) }) critical_box.add_child ( this.criticalBoxes [ this.server ] ); serverBox.add_child(critical_box); box.add_child(PopupMenu.arrowIcon(St.Side.BOTTOM)); this.menu_new = new PopupMenu.PopupMenu(this, Clutter.ActorAlign.START, St.Side.TOP, 0); // Menu this._buttonMenu = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem({ reactive: false, style_class: 'monito-menu-button-container', }); this.menu.addMenuItem(this._buttonMenu); let _path = Me.path + '/img/monito.png'; let _icon = new St.Icon({ gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(_path), }); let _iconBin = new St.Bin(); _iconBin.child = _icon; this._buttonMenu.actor.add_actor(_iconBin); this._mainLabel = new St.Label ( { style_class: 'monito-title', text: 'Monito Checker', x_expand: true } ); this._buttonMenu.actor.add_actor(this._mainLabel); this._prefsButton = this._createButton ( 'preferences-system-symbolic', 'Preferences', this._onPreferencesActivate ); this._buttonMenu.actor.add_child (this._prefsButton); this._updateButton = this._createButton ( 'emblem-synchronizing-symbolic', 'Reload', this.updateStatus ); // Implement this this._buttonMenu.actor.add_child (this._updateButton ); this._reloadButton = this._createButton ( 'view-refresh-symbolic', 'Reload', this.updateStatus ); this._buttonMenu.actor.add_child (this._reloadButton ); let _intermediate = new PopupMenu.PopupBaseMenuItem ( { style_class: 'monito-services', reactive: false }); this.menu.addMenuItem(_intermediate); this._box = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'monito-services', vertical: true, x_expand: true }); _intermediate.actor.add_actor(this._box); this.menu_orig = this.menu; this.updateStatus ( ); this.setupTimeout ( ); } cancelTimeout ( ) { if (this.timeout) Mainloop.source_remove(this.timeout); } setupTimeout ( ) { monitoLog ( 'Setting up timeout of ' + settings.get_int ( "poll-delay" ) + ' secs' ); this.cancelTimeout ( ); this.timeout = Mainloop.timeout_add ( settings.get_int ( "poll-delay" ) * 1000, Lang.bind(this, this.updateStatus ) ); } initStatus ( ) { _status = { 'OK': 0, 'WARNING': 0, 'CRITICAL': 0, 'UNKNOWN': 0 }; } updateStatus ( ) { this.serverLogic.refresh ( this ); this.setupTimeout ( ); } createHeaderBin ( colName ) { let col = column_definitions [ colName ]; let _box = new St.BoxLayout ( { vertical: false, x_expand: true } ); _box.add_child ( new St.Label ( { text: col.label, x_expand: true, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.START } ) ); let _iconBin = new St.Bin ( { x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.END }); _box.add_child ( _iconBin ); let _iconName = ''; let _sortOrder = Preferences.getSortOrder ( this.server ); if ( _sortOrder.indexOf ( colName + '+' ) >= 0 ) _iconName = 'view-sort-descending-symbolic'; else if ( _sortOrder.indexOf ( colName + '-' ) >= 0 ) _iconName = 'view-sort-ascending-symbolic'; this.sortIcons [ colName ] = new St.Icon ( { style_class: 'monito-button-icon', icon_name: _iconName, icon_size: 16, } ); _iconBin.child = this.sortIcons [ colName ]; let _button = new St.Button ( { x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.START, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, width: col.width, reactive: true, can_focus: true, track_hover: true, accessible_name: col.label, style_class: 'button', } ); _button.column = colName; _button.add_actor ( _box ); _button.connect ( 'clicked', Lang.bind ( this, this._onSortColumnClick ) ); let _bin = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'monito-service', width: col.width, x_expand: col.expand, child: _button, }); return _bin; } createBin ( status, text, col ) { let _child; if ( ! col [ 'special' ] ) _child = new St.Label({ style_class: 'monito-label', text: text, }); else if ( col.special == 'actions' ) { _child = new St.BoxLayout ( { x_expand: true, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.FILL, vertical: false } ); let _button = new St.Button ( { style_class: 'button small-button', x_expand: true, x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.END, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, can_focus: true, } ); _button.service = text; _button.connect ( 'clicked', Lang.bind ( this, this._onRecheckButtonClick ) ); _button.child = new St.Icon ( { icon_name: 'view-refresh-symbolic', icon_size: 16, width: 16, height: 16, } ); _child.add_child ( _button ); } let _bin = new St.Bin({ style_class: 'monito-service-' + status, track_hover: true, width: col.width, x_expand: col.expand, child: _child, }); return _bin; } refreshUI ( ) { this.initStatus ( ); this._box.remove_all_children(); if ( this.serverLogic.error || ! this.serverLogic.status ) { this._box.add_child ( new St.Label ( { style_class: 'monito-network-error', text: this.serverLogic.error } ) ); this.warningBoxes[this.server].set_text ( '…' ); this.criticalBoxes[this.server].set_text ( '…' ); return; } let headerBox = new St.BoxLayout({ hover: true, x_expand: true }); this._box.add_child(headerBox); let _columns = Preferences.getColumns ( this.server ); for ( let _col of _columns ) headerBox.add_child ( this.createHeaderBin ( _col ) ); headerBox.add_child ( this.createHeaderBin ( 'actions' ) ); let scrollBox = new St.ScrollView ( { hscrollbar_policy: St.PolicyType.NEVER, enable_mouse_scrolling: true, } ); this._box.add_child(scrollBox); let tableBox = new St.BoxLayout({ hover: true, vertical: true, x_expand: true, }); scrollBox.add_actor(tableBox); for ( let entry of this.serverLogic.getProcessedStatus ( ) ) { _status [ entry.status ] ++; if ( entry.status != 'OK' ) { let infoBox = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: 'monito-service-line monito-service-line-' + entry.status, track_hover: true, x_expand: true, }); tableBox.add_child(infoBox); let _columns = Preferences.getColumns ( this.server ); for ( let _col of _columns ) { infoBox.add_child ( this.createBin ( entry.status, entry [ _col ], column_definitions [ _col ] ) ); } infoBox.add_child ( this.createBin ( entry.status, entry, column_definitions [ 'actions' ] ) ); } } this.warningBoxes[this.server].set_text ( String(_status.WARNING) ); this.criticalBoxes[this.server].set_text ( String(_status.CRITICAL) ); return; } _onPreferencesActivate ( ) { this.menu.actor.hide(); if (typeof ExtensionUtils.openPrefs === 'function') { ExtensionUtils.openPrefs(); } else { Util.spawn([ "gnome-shell-extension-prefs", Me.uuid ]); } return 0; } _onSortColumnClick ( button ) { monitoLog ( 'column >> ' + button.column ); let _sortOrder = Preferences.getSortOrder ( this.server ); let _columns = Preferences.getColumns ( this.server ); let _indexPlus = _sortOrder.indexOf ( button.column + '+' ); let _indexMinus = _sortOrder.indexOf ( button.column + '-' ); if ( _indexPlus >= 0 ) _sortOrder [ _indexPlus ] = button.column + '-'; else if ( _indexMinus >= 0 ) _sortOrder.splice ( _indexMinus, 1 ); else _sortOrder.unshift ( button.column + '+' ); Preferences.setSortOrder ( this.server, _sortOrder ); this.refreshUI ( ); } _onRecheckButtonClick ( e ) { monitoLog ( JSON.stringify ( e.service ) ); this.serverLogic.recheck ( e.service ); } _createButton ( icon, text, callback ) { let button = new St.Button({ x_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.END, y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER, reactive: true, can_focus: true, track_hover: true, accessible_name: text, style_class: 'button big-button', }); button.child = new St.Icon({ style_class: 'monito-button-icon', icon_name: icon, icon_size: 24, width: 24, height: 24, }); button.connect('clicked', Lang.bind(this, callback ) ); return button; } }); class Extension { constructor(uuid) { this._uuid = uuid; settings.connect("changed::servers", Lang.bind ( this, function(stgs, key) { this.disable ( ); this.enable ( ); } ) ); ExtensionUtils.initTranslations(GETTEXT_DOMAIN); } enable() { this._indicators = { }; for ( let _server of Preferences.getServersList() ) { this._indicators [ _server ] = new Indicator(_server); Main.panel.addToStatusArea ( '%s-%d'.format ( this._uuid, _server), this._indicators [ _server ] ); } } disable() { for ( var i of Object.keys(this._indicators) ) { this._indicators[i].cancelTimeout(); this._indicators[i].destroy(); } this._indicators = { }; } } function init(meta) { return new Extension(meta.uuid); } function monitoLog ( msg ) { log ( 'Monito: ' + msg ); } function setColor (stgs, key) { // monitoLog ( '> %s color %s'.format ( key, stgs.get_string(key) ) ); // monitoLog ( '> style %s'.format ( style ) ); let style = this.widget.get_style ( ); if ( key.match ( /-fg$/ ) ) this.widget.set_style ( style + ';color: ' + stgs.get_string(key) ); else this.widget.set_style ( style + ';background-color: ' + stgs.get_string(key) ); }