/* -*- mode: js; js-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Monito Gnome-Shell extension Copyright (C) 2021 Benjamin Drieu This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ const { Soup } = imports.gi; const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils; const Lang = imports.lang; const Main = imports.ui.main; const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension(); const Preferences = Me.imports.prefs; const GenericServer = Me.imports.servers.genericserver.GenericServer; class Icinga2API extends GenericServer { constructor ( _server, extension ) { super(_server, extension, 'Icinga2 API'); } refresh ( ) { this.buildURL ( ); this.prepareHttp ( ); } prepareHttp ( ) { super.prepareHttp ( ); let message = Soup.form_request_new_from_hash ( 'GET', this.urlcgi + '/objects/services', { } ); message.request_headers.append ( 'Accept', 'application/json' ); this.authenticateAndSend ( message, this.handlePollMessage ); } recheck ( entry ) { let message = Soup.form_request_new_from_hash ( 'POST', this.urlcgi + '/actions/reschedule-check', { } ); let params = '{ "type": "Service", "filter": "host.name==\\"%s\\" && service.name==\\"%s\\"", "force": true, "pretty": true }' . format ( entry.real_host_name, entry.real_service_display_name ); message.request_body.truncate(); message.request_body.append ( params ); message.request_body.flatten(); message.button = entry.button; message.request_headers.append ( 'Accept', 'application/json' ); this.authenticateAndSend ( message, this.handleCMDMessage ); } recheckAll ( button ) { let message = Soup.form_request_new_from_hash ( 'POST', this.urlcgi + '/actions/reschedule-check', { } ); let params = '{ "type": "Service", "force": true, "pretty": true }'; message.request_body.truncate(); message.request_body.append ( params ); message.request_body.flatten(); message.button = button; message.request_headers.append ( 'Accept', 'application/json' ); this.authenticateAndSend ( message, this.handleCMDMessage ); } handlePollMessage ( _httpSession, message ) { this.monitoLog ( 'handlePollMessage' ); let _data = super.handleMessage ( _httpSession, message ); try { if ( this.error ) this.monitoLog ( 'Parent error ' + this.error ); else { let json = JSON.parse ( _data ); let _statuses = [ 'OK', 'WARNING', 'CRITICAL', 'UNKNOWN', 'PENDING' ]; for ( var entry of json.results ) { this.monitoLog ( JSON.stringify(entry) ); var _attrs = entry.attrs; _attrs [ 'real_host_name' ] = entry.attrs.host_name.repeat ( 1 ); _attrs [ 'status' ] = _statuses [ entry.attrs.state ]; _attrs [ 'service_display_name' ] = entry.attrs.display_name.repeat ( 1 ); _attrs [ 'has_been_acknowledged' ] = parseInt ( entry.attrs.acknowledgement ); _attrs [ 'attempts' ] = '%d/%d'.format ( entry.attrs.check_attempt, entry.attrs.max_check_attempts ); _attrs [ 'status_information' ] = ( entry.attrs.last_check_result ? entry.attrs.last_check_result.output : _statuses[entry.attrs.state] ); _attrs [ 'real_last_state_change' ] = entry.attrs.last_state_change; _attrs [ 'last_state_change' ] = ( entry.attrs.last_state_change ? this.formatDate(parseInt(entry.attrs.last_state_change)) : '' ); _attrs [ 'real_last_check' ] = entry.attrs.last_check; _attrs [ 'last_check' ] = ( entry.attrs.last_check ? this.formatDate(parseInt(entry.attrs.last_check)) : '' ); _attrs [ 'real_next_check' ] = entry.attrs.next_check; _attrs [ 'next_check' ] = ( entry.attrs.next_check ? this.formatDate(parseInt(entry.attrs.next_check)) : '' ); this.status.service_status.push ( _attrs ); } } } catch ( e ) { this.monitoLog ( '> ERROR: ' + e ); this.monitoLog ( '> DATA: ' + _data ); } this.extension.refreshUI ( this ); return ! this.error; } getUrlForService ( service ) { return '%s/monitoring/service/show?host=%s&service=%s'.format ( this._settings.get_string ( 'url' ), encodeURI ( service.real_host_name ), encodeURI ( service.service_display_name ) ); } }