# mapillary_download Simple code to download images in one or several mapillary sequences. The images will be geotagged and oriented. ## How to use ### Setup env variables copy the secret variables files to setup your maipllary dev token, and your panoramax OpenStreetMap token. ```Shell cp secrets_variables_examples.sh secrets_variables.sh editor secrets_variables.sh ``` ### Get ALL the sequences of SEVERAL users To avoid to download everything at once, this is a 2 steps process: - 1/ We set a list of users for which we want to get the list of sequences to download, and get a bash script for each user. Change the list of users in the batch file `batch_get_username.sh`. change the access token with your access token and the sequence ids with the ids of the sequences you want to download ```bash usernames=( "someone_having_nice_pictures" "someone_else" "oh_look_a_these_usernames" ) # use real accounts, it might work better ``` This will give you a few files that the other scripts will use to generate a script to download all sequences of each user. One user, one bash script generated. - 2/ We can launch the download of all the sequences of a user for every user specified in the batch script. ```bash bash script_bash_get_sequences_for_user_SOMEONE.sh ``` **Or all of the generated batch scripts at once.** ```bash bash script_bash_get_sequences_for_user_* ``` Don't worry if you rerun the same user `script_bash_get_sequences_for_user_someone.sh` twice, the pictures will not be downloaded twice. Every run of mapillary_download.py checks that pictures are not existing before willing to download them. ### Get only one sequence with its ID To find a sequence id you can use the batch script, or click on a sequence on the Mapillary website, click on a picture, click on advanced data, and copy the sequence ID. ```Shell python mapillary_download.py "MLY|xxxx|xxxxxxx" --sequence_ids xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx ``` ### Available arguments ```Shell python mapillary_download.py -h usage: mapillary_download.py [-h] [--sequence_ids [SEQUENCE_IDS ...]] [--image_ids [IMAGE_IDS ...]] [--destination DESTINATION] [--image_limit IMAGE_LIMIT] [--overwrite] access_token positional arguments: access_token Your mapillary access token optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --sequence_ids [SEQUENCE_IDS ...] The mapillary sequence id(s) to download --image_ids [IMAGE_IDS ...] The mapillary image id(s) to get their sequence id(s) --destination DESTINATION Path destination for the images --image_limit IMAGE_LIMIT How many images you want to download --overwrite overwrite existing images -v, --version show program's version number and exit ``` ## Sort pictures depending of a bounding box in their Exif GPS Data in a separate folder This is used to restrict zones for national instances of Panoramax to upload to reuse the sequences of multi national users. Edit the bounding boxes in `find_france_photos_and_move.py` and change the destination folder. Running the script will check in the /data folder for every user sequences and move the files being in the bouding boxes in the `destionation` folder path of the script. For this script to read the exif of pictures, you will need the python package `exifread` It was tested with pictures taken with the App Open Camera. ## How to get my Mapillary access token - Go to https://www.mapillary.com/dashboard/developers - Click on "Registrer Application", enter the needed informations, enable the application to "Read" data, then click on register : ![register application](./doc/snapshot_mapillary_register_application.jpg) - When this registration is done, click on "view" in the token column. This is you access token : ![token](./doc/snapshot_mapillary_token.jpg) ## How to get my sequence id (or sequence key) - Go to https://mapillary.com/app - Click on one of the picture of the sequence you want to download - Click on the "image option" button (right panel) - Click on "advanced" then click on the sequence key to copy it in the clipboard ![snapshot](./doc/snapshot_mapillary_sequence.jpg) ## How to install the script with a virtual environnement ```Shell cd ~ git clone https://github.com/Stefal/mapillary_download.git cd mapillary_download python3 -m venv mly_venv source mly_venv/bin/activate python -m pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Then you can run `python mapillary_download "MLY|xxxx|xxxxxxx" --sequence_ids xxxxxxxxxxx` When you're done with the script, simply run `deactivate` to exit the virtual environnement. On windows you can create a virtual environnement too, or use the prebuilt `mapillary_download.exe` available on the release page. ## How to batch the upload to panoramax After having downloaded the sequences of a user you will find them in the folder `data`. go in your `data` folder, and to the user subfolder, and assuming you have already sent pictures with geovisio_cli, you can run this command to send all the sequences of the current folder you're in: ```Shell cd data/some_user for dir in */; do dir=${dir%?} ; geovisio upload --api-url https://panoramax.openstreetmap.fr "$dir" --token=BLAH_BLAH ; done ``` Have fun!