forked from tykayn/mapillary_download
371 lines
12 KiB
371 lines
12 KiB
# coding: utf8
#!/usr/bin/env python
#source is from mapillary_tools :
import os
import sys
import exifread
import datetime
from geo import normalize_bearing
import uuid
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")))
#import jsonfrom
def eval_frac(value):
if value.den == 0:
return -1.0
return float(value.num) / float(value.den)
def format_time(time_string):
Format time string with invalid time elements in hours/minutes/seconds
Format for the timestring needs to be "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"
e.g. 2014_03_31_24_10_11 => 2014_04_01_00_10_11
subseconds = False
data = time_string.split("_")
hours, minutes, seconds = int(data[3]), int(data[4]), int(data[5])
date = datetime.datetime.strptime("_".join(data[:3]), "%Y_%m_%d")
subsec = 0.0
if len(data) == 7:
if float(data[6]) != 0:
subsec = float(data[6]) / 10**len(data[6])
subseconds = True
date_time = date + \
datetime.timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes,
seconds=seconds + subsec)
return date_time, subseconds
def gps_to_decimal(values, reference):
sign = 1 if reference in 'NE' else -1
degrees = eval_frac(values[0])
minutes = eval_frac(values[1])
seconds = eval_frac(values[2])
return sign * (degrees + minutes / 60 + seconds / 3600)
def exif_datetime_fields():
Date time fields in EXIF
return [["EXIF DateTimeOriginal",
"Image DateTimeOriginal",
"EXIF DateTimeDigitized",
"Image DateTimeDigitized",
"EXIF DateTime",
"Image DateTime",
"GPS GPSDate",
"EXIF DateTimeModified"]]
def exif_gps_date_fields():
Date fields in EXIF GPS
return [["GPS GPSDate",
class ExifRead:
EXIF class for reading exif from an image
def __init__(self, filename, details=False):
Initialize EXIF object with FILE as filename or fileobj
self.filename = filename
if type(filename) == str:
with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
self.tags = exifread.process_file(fileobj, details=details)
self.tags = exifread.process_file(filename, details=details)
def _extract_alternative_fields(self, fields, default=None, field_type=float):
Extract a value for a list of ordered fields.
Return the value of the first existed field in the list
for field in fields:
if field in self.tags:
if field_type is float:
value = eval_frac(self.tags[field].values[0])
if field_type is str:
value = str(self.tags[field].values)
if field_type is int:
value = int(self.tags[field].values[0])
return value, field
return default, None
def exif_name(self):
Name of file in the form {lat}_{lon}_{ca}_{datetime}_{filename}_{hash}
mapillary_description = json.loads(self.extract_image_description())
lat = None
lon = None
ca = None
date_time = None
if "MAPLatitude" in mapillary_description:
lat = mapillary_description["MAPLatitude"]
if "MAPLongitude" in mapillary_description:
lon = mapillary_description["MAPLongitude"]
if "MAPCompassHeading" in mapillary_description:
if 'TrueHeading' in mapillary_description["MAPCompassHeading"]:
ca = mapillary_description["MAPCompassHeading"]['TrueHeading']
if "MAPCaptureTime" in mapillary_description:
date_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(
mapillary_description["MAPCaptureTime"], "%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S_%f").strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f")[:-3]
filename = '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(
lat, lon, ca, date_time, uuid.uuid4())
return filename
def extract_image_history(self):
field = ['Image Tag 0x9213']
user_comment, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(field, '{}', str)
return user_comment
def extract_altitude(self):
Extract altitude
fields = ['GPS GPSAltitude', 'EXIF GPS GPSAltitude']
altitude, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(fields, 0, float)
return altitude
def extract_capture_time(self):
Extract capture time from EXIF
return a datetime object
TODO: handle GPS DateTime
time_string = exif_datetime_fields()[0]
capture_time, time_field = self._extract_alternative_fields(
time_string, 0, str)
if time_field in exif_gps_date_fields()[0]:
capture_time = self.extract_gps_time()
return capture_time
if capture_time is 0:
# try interpret the filename
capture_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(os.path.basename(
self.filename)[:-4] + '000', '%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S_%f')
return None
capture_time = capture_time.replace(" ", "_")
capture_time = capture_time.replace(":", "_")
capture_time = capture_time.replace(".", "_")
capture_time = capture_time.replace("-", "_")
capture_time = "_".join(
[ts for ts in capture_time.split("_") if ts.isdigit()])
capture_time, subseconds = format_time(capture_time)
sub_sec = "0"
if not subseconds:
sub_sec = self.extract_subsec()
capture_time = capture_time + \
datetime.timedelta(seconds=float("0." + sub_sec))
return capture_time
def extract_direction(self):
Extract image direction (i.e. compass, heading, bearing)
fields = ['GPS GPSImgDirection',
'EXIF GPS GPSImgDirection',
'GPS GPSTrack',
direction, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(fields)
if direction is not None:
direction = normalize_bearing(direction, check_hex=True)
return direction
def extract_dop(self):
Extract dilution of precision
dop, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(fields)
return dop
def extract_geo(self):
Extract geo-related information from exif
altitude = self.extract_altitude()
dop = self.extract_dop()
lon, lat = self.extract_lon_lat()
d = {}
if lon is not None and lat is not None:
d['latitude'] = lat
d['longitude'] = lon
if altitude is not None:
d['altitude'] = altitude
if dop is not None:
d['dop'] = dop
return d
def extract_gps_time(self):
Extract timestamp from GPS field.
gps_date_field = "GPS GPSDate"
gps_time_field = "GPS GPSTimeStamp"
gps_time = 0
if gps_date_field in self.tags and gps_time_field in self.tags:
date = str(self.tags[gps_date_field].values).split(":")
t = self.tags[gps_time_field]
gps_time = datetime.datetime(
microseconds = datetime.timedelta(
microseconds=int((eval_frac(t.values[2]) % 1) * 1e6))
gps_time += microseconds
return gps_time
def extract_exif(self):
Extract a list of exif infos
width, height = self.extract_image_size()
make, model = self.extract_make(), self.extract_model()
orientation = self.extract_orientation()
geo = self.extract_geo()
capture = self.extract_capture_time()
direction = self.extract_direction()
d = {
'width': width,
'height': height,
'orientation': orientation,
'direction': direction,
'make': make,
'model': model,
'capture_time': capture
d['gps'] = geo
return d
def extract_image_size(self):
Extract image height and width
width, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(
['Image ImageWidth', 'EXIF ExifImageWidth'], -1, int)
height, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(
['Image ImageLength', 'EXIF ExifImageLength'], -1, int)
return width, height
def extract_image_description(self):
Extract image description
description, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(
['Image ImageDescription'], "{}", str)
return description
def extract_lon_lat(self):
if 'GPS GPSLatitude' in self.tags and 'GPS GPSLatitude' in self.tags:
lat = gps_to_decimal(self.tags['GPS GPSLatitude'].values,
self.tags['GPS GPSLatitudeRef'].values)
lon = gps_to_decimal(self.tags['GPS GPSLongitude'].values,
self.tags['GPS GPSLongitudeRef'].values)
elif 'EXIF GPS GPSLatitude' in self.tags and 'EXIF GPS GPSLatitude' in self.tags:
lat = gps_to_decimal(self.tags['EXIF GPS GPSLatitude'].values,
self.tags['EXIF GPS GPSLatitudeRef'].values)
lon = gps_to_decimal(self.tags['EXIF GPS GPSLongitude'].values,
self.tags['EXIF GPS GPSLongitudeRef'].values)
lon, lat = None, None
return lon, lat
def extract_make(self):
Extract camera make
fields = ['EXIF LensMake', 'Image Make']
make, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(
fields, default='none', field_type=str)
return make
def extract_model(self):
Extract camera model
fields = ['EXIF LensModel', 'Image Model']
model, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(
fields, default='none', field_type=str)
return model
def extract_orientation(self):
Extract image orientation
fields = ['Image Orientation']
orientation, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(
fields, default=1, field_type=int)
if orientation not in range(1, 9):
return 1
return orientation
def extract_subsec(self):
Extract microseconds
fields = [
'Image SubSecTimeOriginal',
'EXIF SubSecTimeOriginal',
'Image SubSecTimeDigitized',
'EXIF SubSecTimeDigitized',
'Image SubSecTime',
'EXIF SubSecTime'
sub_sec, _ = self._extract_alternative_fields(
fields, default='', field_type=str)
return sub_sec.strip()
def fields_exist(self, fields):
Check existence of a list fields in exif
for rexif in fields:
vflag = False
for subrexif in rexif:
if subrexif in self.tags:
vflag = True
if not vflag:
print("Missing required EXIF tag: {0} for image {1}".format(
rexif[0], self.filename))
return False
return True
def mapillary_tag_exists(self):
Check existence of required Mapillary tags
description_tag = "Image ImageDescription"
if description_tag not in self.tags:
return False
for requirement in ["MAPSequenceUUID", "MAPSettingsUserKey", "MAPCaptureTime", "MAPLongitude", "MAPLatitude"]:
if requirement not in self.tags[description_tag].values or json.loads(self.tags[description_tag].values)[requirement] in ["", None, " "]:
return False
return True