assertSame( array(), parse(null), " Null line" ); $this->assertSame( array(), parse(""), " Empty line" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"", "text"=>" foo"), ), parse(" foo "), " A text surrounded by spaces" ); $this->assertSame( array( array( "mode"=>"", "text"=>" bar" ), ), parse(" bar \n"), " A text with a line feed after" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"", "text"=>"foo"), array("mode"=>"", "text"=>"bar"), ), parse("foo\nbar"), " Two lines of text" ); } public function test_gemtextParser_link(): void { $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"=>", "link"=>"", "text"=>"") ), parse("=>"), "=> A single equal-greaterthan" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"=>", "link"=>"", "text"=>"") ), parse("=>"), "=> A normal link with no text" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"=>", "link"=>"", "text"=>"") ), parse("=>"), "=> A link with spaces between the egal-greaterthan and the link" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"=>", "link"=>"", "text"=>"text of the link") ), parse("=> text of the link "), "=> A link with a text with spaces at the end" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"", "text"=>" => text of the link") ), parse(" => text of the link"), "=> A link with a space before, seen like a text line" ); } public function test_gemtextParser_titles(): void { $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"#", "title"=>"") ), parse("#"), "# Single sharp with no data" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"#", "title"=>"") ), parse("# "), "# A sharp with one space after" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"#", "title"=>"the title") ), parse("# the title"), "# A normal title" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"#", "title"=>"the title") ), parse("# the title"), "# A title with spaces right after the sharp" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"##", "title"=>"Second level title") ), parse("## Second level title"), "## Level two" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"###", "title"=>"Third level title") ), parse("### Third level title"), "### Level three" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"###", "title"=>"# Fourth level title") ), parse("#### Fourth level title"), "### Level fourth" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"###", "title"=>"#") ), parse("####"), "### Level fourth without space" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"###", "title"=>"##") ), parse("#####"), "### Level five without space" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"###", "title"=>"##") ), parse("##### "), "### Level five with spaces and a tabulation at the end" ); } public function test_gemtextParser_lists(): void { $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"*", "texts"=> array("") ) ), parse("*"), "* An item with no data, just the star on a line" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"*", "texts"=> array("") ) ), parse("* "), "* An item with not content but spaces" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"*", "texts"=> array("hello") ) ), parse("* hello"), "* A single item" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"*", "texts"=> array("hello") ) ), parse("*hello"), "* An item with no space right after the star" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"*", "texts"=> array("hello") ) ), parse("* hello"), "* An item with spaces before" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"*", "texts"=> array( "hello", "how", "are you?" ) ) ), parse("* hello\n" . "* how\n" . "*are you?"), "* Several list items" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"*", "texts"=> array( "hello", "how", "are" ) ), array("mode"=>"", "text"=>"you?") ), parse("* hello\n" . "* how\n" . "*are\n" . "you?"), "* Several list items, text then an item" ); } public function test_gemtextParser_preformated(): void { $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"", "texts"=> array( ) ) ), parse("```"), "``` A preformated text with just the block, nothing after" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"alternative text", "texts"=> array( ) ) ), parse("```alternative text"), "``` A preformated text with just the alternative text" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"alternative text", "texts"=> array( ) ) ), parse("``` alternative text "), "``` A preformated text with just the alternative text surrounded by spaces" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"", "texts"=> array(" first line") ) ), parse("``` \n" . " first line "), "``` A preformated text with one line" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"", "texts"=> array( " first line" ) ) ), parse("``` \n" . " first line \n"), "``` A preformated text with one line and a line feed" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"", "texts"=> array( " first line", "second line" ) ) ), parse("``` \n" . " first line \n" . "second line"), "``` A preformated text with two lines separated by one line feed" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"", "texts"=> array( ) ) ), parse("``` \n" . "``` text to ignore"), "``` A preformated text made of two backticks lines one after the other" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"", "texts"=> array( "" ) ) ), parse("``` \n" . " \n" ."``` text to ignore"), "``` A preformated text made of two backticks lines separated by a blank line" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"", "texts"=> array( ) ) ), parse("``` \n" . "``` text to ignore\n"), "``` A preformated text made of two backticks lines followed by a line feed" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"", "texts"=> array( " one line of preformated text" ) ), ), parse("``` \n" . " one line of preformated text \n" . "``` text to ignore"), "``` A preformated text with one line" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"```", "alt"=>"", "texts"=> array( " two lines of", " preformated text" ) ), ), parse("```\n" . " two lines of \n" . " preformated text\n" . "``` text to ignore"), "``` A preformated text with two lines" ); } public function test_gemtextParser_quoted(): void { $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>">", "texts"=> array( "" ) ) ), parse(">"), "> Quotation text with just greaterthan, nothing after" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>">", "texts"=> array( "the quoted text" ) ) ), parse("> the quoted text "), "> Normal quotation text" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>">", "texts"=> array( "the quoted text" ) ) ), parse(">the quoted text "), "> Normal quotation text, no space after the greaterthan" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>">", "texts"=> array( "", "", "" ) ) ), parse("> \n> \n> "), "> Quotation text three times spaces" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>">", "texts"=> array( "A", "B", "C" ) ) ), parse("> A \n>B \n> C "), "> Quotation text three times letters with spaces" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>">", "texts"=> array( "A", "", "C" ) ) ), parse(">A \n>\n> C "), "> One group of three withn an empty one in the middle" ); } public function test_gemtextParser_textdecoration(): void { $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"^^^") ), parse("^^^"), "^^^ Normal text decoration toggle" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"", "text"=>" ^^^ Text decoration toggle with a space before") ), parse(" ^^^ Text decoration toggle with a space before"), "^^^ Text decoration toggle with a space before" ); $this->assertSame( array( array("mode"=>"^^^"), array("mode"=>"^^^") ), parse("^^^ Text decoration toggle without a space before\n" . "^^^"), "^^^ Text decoration toggle without a space before" ); } }