"); } $gt_html = new \htmgem\GemTextTranslate_html(@file_get_contents("index.gmi"), true, "/htmgem"); echo \htmgem\html\getFullHtml($gt_html); exit(); } $documentRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; /** * Provides index.gmi if no page given */ if (!preg_match("/\.gmi$/", $url)) { if ($url[-1] == "/") $url = $url."index.gmi"; else $url = $url."/index.gmi"; } # Removes the headling and trailling slashes, to be sure there's not any. $filePath = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], "/")."/".ltrim($url, "/"); switch(true) { case !realPath($filePath): case strpos($filePath, $documentRoot)!==0: # not in web directory $go404 = true; // Says 404 even if the file exists to not give any information. break; default: $go404 = false; } /* 404 page */ if ($go404) { error_log("HtmGem: 404 $url $filePath"); http_response_code(404); $page404 = \htmgem\html\get404GmiPage("Page not found", $url); $gt_html = new \htmgem\GemTextTranslate_html($page404); echo \htmgem\html\getFullHtml($gt_html); exit(); } # to false only if textDecoration=0 in the URL $gt_htmlextDecoration = "0" != @$_REQUEST['textDecoration']; $fileContents = @file_get_contents($filePath); # Removes the Byte Order Mark $fileContents = preg_replace("/\xEF\xBB\xBF/", "", $fileContents); /* CSS and special style management */ $style = @$_REQUEST['style']; if ("source" == $style) { $basename = basename($filePath); header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$basename"); header("Content-Type: text/plain"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filePath)); echo $fileContents; exit(); } elseif ("pre" == $style) { # Gets the page title: the first occurrence with # at the line start mb_ereg("#\s*([^\n]+)\n", $fileContents, $matches); $page_title = @$matches[1]; $fileContents = htmlspecialchars($fileContents, ENT_HTML5|ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8", true); echo << $page_title
EOL; exit(); } if ($urlRewriting) $baseUrl = null; else $baseUrl = dirname($url); $gt_html = new \htmgem\GemTextTranslate_html($fileContents, $gt_htmlextDecoration, $baseUrl); if ("none" == $style) { $gt_html->addCss(""); } elseif ("/" == @$style[0]) { $gt_html->addCss($style); } elseif (empty($style)) { $parts = pathinfo($filePath); $localCss = $parts["filename"].".css"; $localCssFilePath = $parts["dirname"]."/".$localCss; if (file_exists($localCssFilePath)) { # Warning, using htmhem.php?url=… will make $localCss not found # as the path is relative to htmgem.php and not / ! $gt_html->addCss($localCss); } } else { #TODO: regex check for $style $gt_html->addCss("/htmgem/css/$style.css"); } echo \htmgem\html\getFullHtml($gt_html); ?>