# Bootstrap script to init Hyper-v echo "Shamefully made by Alexandre Simao. Pardon-me dear M. Stallman" echo "GPLv3" ### Define variables $base_cli = Read-Host "CLI base disk name with extension?" $base_srv = Read-Host "SRV base disk name with extension?" $base_vhd_path = "${vhd_path}Base\" $scripts_path = Read-host "Scripts path with trailling slash?" $source_cli_name = Read-Host "CLI source disk name with extension?" $source_path = Read-host "Actual source path with trailling slash?" $source_srv_name = Read-Host "SRV source disk name with extension?" $vhd_path = Read-host "VHD path with trailling slash?" $vm_path = Read-Host "VM path with trailling slash?" ### Store them as ENV vars $env:BASE_CLI_NAME = ${base_cli} $env:BASE_SRV_NAME = ${base_srv} $env:BASE_VHD_PATH = ${base_vhd_path} $env:FULL_PATH = ${full_path} $env:SCRIPTS_PATH = ${scripts_path} $env:SOURCE_CLI_NAME = ${source_cli_name} $env:SOURCE_PATH = ${source_path} $env:SOURCE_SRV_NAME = ${source_srv_name} $env:VM_PATH = ${vm_path} $env:VHD_PATH = ${vhd_path} ### Let the fuckery begins! md ${vhd_path} md ${vhdpath}\Base md ${vm_path} Move-Item ${source_path} ${vhd_path} New-VHD -ParentPath ${vhd_path}\source\${base_srv_name}.vhdx -Path ${vhd_path}\Base\${base_srv_name}.vhdx -Differencing New-VHD -ParentPath ${vhd_path}\source\${source_cli_name}.vhdx -Path ${vhd_path}\${base_cli_name}.vhdx -Differencing ### Create VMNetworks New-VMSwitch -name Arc-CLI -SwitchType Private New-VMSwitch -name Arc-SRV -SwitchType Private New-VMSwitch -name Bou-LAN -SwitchType Private New-VMSwitch -name WAN -SwitchType Private New-VMSwitch -name Aston -NetAdapterName Ethernet -AllowManagementOS $true