$name = Read-host "Nouveau nom d'hôte?" Rename-computer $name Install-WindowsFeature Routing netsh inter show inter Set-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet` \Services\Tcpip\Parameters' -Name 'IPEnableRouter' -Value '0x00000001' Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private # IP address or DnsHostName of your Dhcp Server $dhcpServer = '' # Name of the network adapter to enable DHCP on $Inter1 = Read-Host "First interface name" $Inter2 = Read-Host "Second interface name" $routerNetAdapterName1 = '$Inter1' $routerNetAdapterName1 = '$Inter2' $dhcpAddress = [Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($dhcpServer) if(!$dhcpAddress){ Write-Warning "Unable to identify IP address of [$dhcpServer]" break }else{ $dhcpServerIP = $dhcpAddress.AddressList[0] } $netshDhcpRelay=@" pushd routing ip relay install set global loglevel=ERROR add dhcpserver $($dhcpServerIP.IPAddressToString) add interface name="$routerNetAdapterName1" set interface name="$routerNetAdapterName1" relaymode=enable maxhop=6 minsecs=6 add interface name="$routerNetAdapterName2" set interface name="$routerNetAdapterName2" relaymode=enable maxhop=6 minsecs=6 popd "@ $netshDhcpRelayPath="$ENV:TEMP\netshDhcpRelay" # Create netsh script file New-Item -Path $netshDhcpRelayPath ` -Type File ` -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null # Populate contents of the script Set-Content -Path $netshDhcpRelayPath ` -Value $netshDhcpRelay.Split("`r`n") ` -Encoding ASCII # run it netsh -f $netshDhcpRelayPath