Here you'l find various presentations done with Revealjs or any new shiny tool I've found.
Currently, small adjustments were made to provide a to the reveal.js submodule all the configuration needed to serve files located in the parent folder.
# Usage
## Writing your slide
- Use the reveal.js `index.html` template located in the submodule.
- You can see your presentation by going to the `index.html` file with ~~Firefox~~ your favorite browser
- Remember to set the correct path to plugins eg. `custom_plugins/my_super_plugin/plugin.js`
## Gitlab CI/CD
A sample `.gitlab-ci.yml` is provided, currently (and quite dirtily FTM) providing a way to:
- Generate a PDF from `index.html` via [decktape]( (containerized)
- Generate a Powerpoint (.pptx) file via [linuxserver/libreoffice]( (containerized)