Dockerized Jekyll


A dynamicaly configurable Jekyll container.
I Needed a static site generator which I could put in container I found Jekyll.
Alas, existing containers available on the net where either too old or too complex for my understanding.
Counting on my modest shell scripting skills, I managed to give life to an abomination working mainly by the mighty will of GNU sed.

How to use it ?

  • Edit ./data/.env to fit your needs.
  • Create ./data/<blog_name>_description.txt, with the wanted website description.
    Be carefull to remove whitespaces at line start. It will not properly indented when put in the _config.yml, fudging up the description format.
  • Build the image via the provided docker-compose.yml file.
  • Run the service.

Jekyll is started by default in "production mode", a.k.a. it will just build static files. If you want your files to be served by jekyll for testing needs, just change JEKYLL_ENV to anything other that production. Variables in .env and the site description are updated at container restart.
Keep in mind that changing your site name (with BLOG_NAME var) will fudge up all reference files (site description, site path etc.).


This software is provided as-is and is the offspring of a humble sysadmin mind, constantly learning new things.
It will be improved the time beeing.

Containairized Jekyll.
Readme 46 KiB
Shell 91.6%
Dockerfile 8.4%